
  • 网络opera;dramatic art
  1. 以一求多&中国戏曲艺术形式美创造规律管窥

    An Exploration of Form Beauty Law of Chinese Traditional Opera Art

  2. 中国的戏曲艺术历史悠久、源远流长。

    Chinese opera art has a long history back to ancient times .

  3. 戏曲艺术的代言体有独白与对话两种最基本的表现形式。

    Dialogue and monologue are two forms of expression in drama .

  4. 论关汉卿对发展中国民族戏曲艺术的杰出贡献

    On Guan Han-qing 's Remarkable Contribution to the Chinese National Opera Art

  5. 新媒体传播对中国传统戏曲艺术的影响

    The Effect of the Spread of New Media on Chinese Traditional opera

  6. 论中国古典戏曲艺术对古典小说的渗透与影响

    Influence and Infiltration of Chinese Classical Operas on Classical Novels

  7. 戏曲艺术同样如此。

    And the same as the traditional opera art .

  8. 其实归结来看,各地的戏曲艺术实则是相通的。

    In fact , all the opera is similar throughout the opera art .

  9. 从舞台到银幕&十七年戏曲艺术片对三大矛盾的处理

    From Stage to Screen & Dealing Three Principle Contradictions

  10. 明清时期山西移民对戏曲艺术的影响

    Shanxi Immigrations ' Influence on Opera Arts During the Ming and Qing Dynasty

  11. 论《红楼梦》中的戏曲艺术

    Study on the Drama Art of the Narration Thought of The Red Chamber Dream

  12. 欢迎有志于戏曲艺术传承与发扬的广大学子到我系学习!

    Welcome interested in art heritage and develop the students to learn my department !

  13. 张岱与戏曲艺术述论

    Zhang Dai and His Reviews of Theatrical Art

  14. 第四章二人戏曲艺术特点分析。

    Chapter Four analyzes the artistic characteristics of the opera works of the two masters .

  15. 河南曲剧是一门综合性戏曲艺术。

    Henan Opera is a comprehensive art .

  16. 以弘扬和发展中国各地优秀戏曲艺术,满足戏迷审美要求为宗旨的专业频道。

    A professional channel that promotes excellent traditional Chinese opera arts and is aesthetically satisfying .

  17. 《红楼梦》叙事思维里存有许多戏曲艺术因子。

    The narration thought of The Red Chamber Dream contains many factors of drama art .

  18. 浅谈社旗山陕会馆的戏曲艺术

    Theatrical Art of Shanshan Assembly Hall

  19. 来自关外的满族贵族统治者在接受汉族文化的同时也接受了戏曲艺术。

    The Manchu Nobility from customs accepted Han culture in the same time accepted the opera art .

  20. 德国戏剧大师布莱希特在创作中十分注重借鉴吸收中国戏曲艺术的营养成分。

    German drama master Brarite intends to make a referential use of the advantages of Chinese drama .

  21. 接受·扬弃·创造&《窦娥冤》与《金锁记》戏曲艺术经验传承比较研究

    Accept , Sublation , Creation & and , a Comparative Research of Inheritance Experience of Traditional Opera

  22. 戏曲艺术借助动画手法,呈现适应时代发展的新艺术形式。

    Beijing opera art use animation 's technique make new art style to fit development of times .

  23. 戏曲艺术中的装饰现象

    Decorative Phenomena in Traditional Opera

  24. 女伶还在音乐声腔、表演技巧和心理体验等方面拓展了戏曲艺术的表现力。

    Actresses broadened the expressive power of drama in aspects such as singing , acting and psychological rendition .

  25. 本文认为,吴祖光的话剧创作与中国传统戏曲艺术对他的影响密不可分。

    The paper believes that Wu 's modern drama creation is related to traditional Chinese opera art closely .

  26. 他在长期的探索中,逐渐形成了对于中国戏曲艺术具有本质性认识的“剧诗说”。

    For years , he has evolved his " Drama-Poetry Theory " intrinsic to the Chinese traditional opera .

  27. 它的局限在于忽视了男旦在中国传统戏曲艺术中的特殊审美价值。

    Its limitation is because he ignored the NanDan 's special aesthetic value in the Chinese traditional opera art .

  28. 李渔是唯一一个自觉地站在戏曲艺术本体的高度去关注戏曲艺术实践的理论家。

    Li Yu is the only one with conscious art practice theory at the height of opera art noumenon .

  29. 而京剧作为一门古老的戏曲艺术,有着悠久的历史,孕育着丰富的宝藏。

    The Peking Opera as an ancient art , has a long history , and carries a wealth of treasures .

  30. 中国传统戏剧在表演时具有虚拟性的特点,这就使戏曲艺术具有写意性的内在特征。

    Chinese traditional dramas are characteristic of " suppositionality " in performance which represents the imaginative expression of dramatic arts .