
  • 网络skit;sketch
  1. 作为大众文化的戏剧小品

    Opusculum as a Popular Culture A Textual Research on Drama

  2. 在人大校园戏剧小品比赛及各种综合晚会中创作并出演小品若干。

    She created and participated in many comedian competitions .

  3. 而主流文化则使戏剧小品走上了正面歌颂、政治宣传的道路。

    Contrastively , the artery culture leads its way to tribute and political propaganda .

  4. 谈我国当代戏剧小品的现代走向

    On the Modern Tendency of the Development of Contemporary Short and Simple Drama in China

  5. 而精英知识分子文化、主流文化对当代戏剧小品的影响和作用又有所不同。

    On the other hand , the elite culture and the artery culture impose different hands on opusculum .

  6. 在本章中,作者将以此为切入口,分析多元文化格局中的戏剧小品在三种文化的共同作用之下所呈现出的社会生存状态。

    Part two starts with the topic to analysis the existing state of opusculum in the multi-cultural situation .