
  1. 她轻轻拍了拍莫娜,小心翼翼地,生怕弄乱她的戏服。

    She patted Mona , taking care not to disturb her costume .

  2. 即使从远处看,他的狐狸戏服也很抢眼。

    Even from a distance the effect of his fox costume was stunning

  3. 上了妆穿着戏服的演员在后台走来走去。

    The performers , in costume and make-up , were walking up and down backstage

  4. 他们发现,圣何塞的西门购物中心(WestgateShoppingCenter)正在招募大学生,要他们穿上戏服逗小孩子玩。

    They discovered that the Westgate Shopping Center in San Jose was seeking college students who could dress up in costumes and amuse the kids .

  5. 这则广告展现了某人想要为一群穿着戏服的孩子们拍照,他使用iPhone的全景拍摄功能捕捉下了所有人。

    The ad shows a man trying to take a picture of a group of kids in costumes , using the iPhones Panorama functionality to capture the whole group .

  6. 伦敦市长BorisJohnson为庆祝春节到来,在唐人街穿起一身龙戏服。

    Mayor of London Boris Johnson wears a Chinese dragon costume at a photocallin Chinatown to promote the capital 's Chinese New Year celebrations .

  7. 你们好,Dana,Maisy。这是你们的戏服,准时做好了。

    Jordana , Maisy , here are the costumes , right on time .

  8. T.S.,你快回来,你答应帮我做万圣节戏服的快回来,宝贝!

    T.S. , you have to come home ' cause you said you 'll make my Halloween costume . Com'on baby !

  9. 过去30多年里,杜梅尼克·多尔奇(DomenicoDolce)和斯蒂芬诺·加班纳(StefanoGabbana)为麦当娜(Madonna)提供服装,为巴兹·鲁赫曼(BazLuhrmann)的电影设计戏服,并且从近年来商业史上最复杂的逃税案件诉讼中逃脱。

    Over the last 30 years , Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana have dressed Madonna , designed costumes for Baz Luhrmann movies and fended off one of the most convoluted tax evasion cases in recent business history .

  10. 至于随着故事的进行,男主角得穿上18世纪的戏服,特别是他的T恤的问题,Mison说到:它早就被洗过了。很干净。

    As for wearing the same 18th-century clothes well into the run of the show , especially his shirt , Mison says , It 's been washed .

  11. 我不是看着他的有趣戏服。

    I 'm not looking at him wearing a funny suit .

  12. 一对舞台姐妹穿着戏服演了一出哑剧。

    A pair of stage sisters did a pantomime in costume .

  13. 想象他们站在你的面前,穿着万圣节的派对戏服。

    Imagine them standing before you wearing a Halloween party mask .

  14. 你知道,就是跳舞加上戏服。

    You know , with the dancing and the costumes .

  15. 面部化妆和戏服的颜色也有特定的含义。

    And the color of facial makeup and costumes also gives meanings .

  16. 戏服部门帮我弄到这些漂亮的海军制服。

    The costume department set me up with these great navy whites .

  17. 我将不得不改变整套戏服。

    I 'm gonna have to alter the entire costume .

  18. 抱歉真的有热狗戏服

    I 'm sorry . There 's an actual hot dog suit ?

  19. 我爷爷替一位知名演员穿戏服。

    My grandfather was a dresser for a famous actor .

  20. 但穿着热狗戏服会非常暖和

    but it can get mighty sticky inside that hot dog suit .

  21. 不,我拿去戏服店还了。

    No , I had to return it to the costume place .

  22. 除了蟒、帔、褶、靠四大类服装外的所有戏服。

    Clothing other than those of the other four categories .

  23. 在万圣节那天买红心皇后戏服的人

    Who bought that queen of hearts costume on Halloween .

  24. 他欢呼道。一群穿着猴子戏服的杂技演员在他周围表演复杂的杂技。

    He exults as gymnasts in monkey suits perform elaborate acrobatics around him .

  25. 罗拉:哦,那里,他们好像有供拍照用的戏服呢。

    Laura : Oh , there , they have costumes for photo shooting .

  26. 光是穿上猫女那标志性的戏服就绝非易事。

    Even just getting into Catwoman 's trademark outfit was no mean feat .

  27. 他滑稽的脸和傻乎乎的戏服惹得观众捧腹大笑。

    With funny faces and silly costumes , he made the audience laugh .

  28. 所以场景戏服都要带你走进那个世界。

    So the sets and the costumes are what take you into that world .

  29. 用旧衣服改制成一件戏服。

    To improvise a costume from old clothes .

  30. 歌舞伎演员身穿传统戏服,除了表演之外还要唱歌。

    The kabuki actors wear traditional costumes , and sing in addition to acting .