
  • 网络dramatic structure
  1. 为一部莎士比亚戏剧结构论写的绪论

    The prolegomenon to a work on Shakespeare 's dramatic structure

  2. 从戏剧结构看《牡丹亭》杜宝形象的复杂性

    The Complexity of Du Bao 's Image in Peony Pavilion from the Perspective of Dramatic Structure

  3. 以及对传统东方戏剧结构的沿革和发展,对传统东方戏剧语言的继承和创新。通过这些方面的阐释和论证来探索东方近现代戏剧民族化和现代化的道路和途径。

    His inheritance and recreation of the traditional dramatic structures and the dramatic language .

  4. 金圣叹与李渔戏剧结构论比较

    A Comparison on the Thought of Drama Structure between Jin Shengtan 's and Lee Yu 's

  5. 戏剧性冲突不仅是戏剧结构的原则,同时也是抒情诗结构的原则。

    Dramatic tension is a forming principle not only for drama , but also for poetry .

  6. 本章从戏剧结构设计出发,探讨了公案戏故事结构的特点。

    From the dramatic design of this chapter discusses the characteristics of detective drama story structure .

  7. 第二章解读《波西米亚人》的戏剧结构与音乐语言。

    Chapter II is an interpretation of the dramatic structure and the music language of the opera .

  8. 在古典主义时期,三一律被正式提出,虽然这是在戏剧结构上的一种编剧技巧,但正是因为时间和空间的约束,戏剧情境在无意中已经变成了对于情节和人物的重要限制。

    But confined by space and time , play situation has become critical restrictions on plots and characters .

  9. 完全独出心裁的戏剧结构很少见。这是完全的木结构,没有一颗钉子。

    Few plots of plays are entirely original . It is a complete wooden structure without a single nail .

  10. 本文主要从戏剧结构、音乐语言及两者的结合入手,对这部歌剧的最后一场进行音乐学分析。

    From the drama structure , music language and combination both of them , the article made the musicological analyze to the last scene of the work .

  11. 为完整戏剧结构,姚远还借用电影手法扩大舞台时空,使戏剧冲突更集中、主题更鲜明。

    To complete dramatic structure , Yao Yuan also borrowed film techniques to expand the stage time and space , so that the dramatic conflict more focused , more distinctive theme .

  12. 第三部分通过对剧中主要人物及其他们主导动机的研究,分析了全剧的戏剧结构,揭示了全剧中音乐与戏剧的关系。

    In the third part , due to the research of main characters and their leading motivation , which generalize the outlines of dramatic structure , and the play reveals the relationship between music and drama .

  13. 此外,小说也遵循着戏剧结构的组织模式,并运用悬念、危机或矛盾冲突的设置、误会、巧合、对照等戏剧表现手法,让整个故事精彩纷呈,扣人心弦。

    In addition , the novel is also following the play structure organization pattern , and using is anxious , play expression means and so on crisis or contradictory conflict establishment , misunderstanding , coincidence , comparison , lets the entire story be colorful , exciting .

  14. 中国国家大剧院戏剧厅结构抗震分析

    Anti-earthquake analysis for the structure of drama hall in Chinese National Grand Theatre

  15. 九十年代中国的新写实电影虚拟性和写实性&中西戏剧舞台结构原则比较

    Imagination and Imitation & Comparison of Stage Structure between Chinese Drama and Western Dram

  16. 你们思考一下这部小说,它有戏剧的结构。

    If you think about this novel , it has the structures of drama .

  17. 虚拟性和写实性&中西戏剧舞台结构原则比较试论写实油画的当代性

    Imagination and Imitation & Comparison of Stage Structure between Chinese Drama and Western Dram The Reality of Realistic Oil Painting

  18. 作者运用戏剧的结构和技巧使小说更凝炼,同时又用小说的叙事特点来扩大剧本的容量,为剧本争取更多的读者。

    By this new form , Steinbeck intended to use the structure and some techniques of the play to make the novel more compressed , and to use the narrative features of the novel to augment the play and bring the play more readers .

  19. 时间和空间:戏剧的原型结构

    Time and Space : The Original Structure of Drama

  20. 各戏剧元素之结构关系

    The Structural Relations of the Elements of Drama

  21. 第四代电影冲破传统戏剧式电影结构的束缚,积极寻找新的电影表达手段和叙事技巧,完成了中国电影从传统向现代的转变。

    The 4th generation had broken the bondage of the traditional drama structure , aspiring after new narrative expressions and techniques . Consequently , they accomplished the transformation of Chinese Film from traditional to modern .

  22. 论文分两个部分。首先论述戏剧的时间结构,并进而区分了悲剧的时间和喜剧的时间,从戏剧的节奏来说明戏剧的结构,具体以中国古典戏曲和中西现代戏剧为例来进行分析。

    The first , We discuss time struction of drama that differentiated to time of tragedy and comedy , and analyse dramatic struction with dramatic rhythm , for example , chinese classic drama , Chinese modern drama and European modern drama .

  23. 这实际上是将诗歌的组织技巧引入到戏剧的叙事结构中来,甚至把它上升为主导结构,使剧作的丰富意蕴得到细腻而又充分的表现。

    Here , we can say it actually introduces the organized skill of poetry to the narrative structure of drama and even upgrade it to the leading structure , and thus the rich connotation of the dramatic work can be elaborately and fully revealed .

  24. 戏剧场面是戏剧结构的基本单位。

    Stage spectacle is the basic unit of drama structure .

  25. 戏剧的形式与结构服从于主题与内容的需要。

    Thus the form and structure of the drama is subject to the requirements of the theme and the content .

  26. 另外,戏文三种作为早期南戏,已经具备了后世戏剧创作的基本结构模式和塑造人物的方法。

    In addition , the three plays as one of the representatives of Southern Plays , consists of basic structure patterns and methods of creating a play and modeling a character .

  27. 本文的研究对象是没有抛弃文本的后现代主义戏剧作品,从结构、时空、语言这三个方面,分析后现代主义戏剧特点。

    This study did not abandon the text object is postmodern dramatic works . From this structure , space , language , these three areas , mining characteristics of postmodern theater .

  28. 托马斯·哈代是英国最杰出的乡土小说家。其小说《还乡》笔触细腻生动,具有深刻的思想内容,以及戏剧化的情节结构,是作者深刻思想内容与创作艺术的结晶。

    Thomas Hardy is an outstanding British regional novelist , and The Return of the Native is one of his major novels , which has profound ideological contents and dramatic plot .

  29. 本文运用布莱西特戏剧的间离理论,从戏剧结构和情节上探讨了莎士比亚戏剧中的间离手段和效果。

    From dramatic structure , language and plots , this paper explores the methods and the technique of Verfremdungs in Shakespeares plays in the light of Brecht s Verfremdungs .

  30. 戏剧本质论主要体现在关于戏剧结构、戏剧性、戏剧表演体系等具体论述中。

    Theory of drama inbeing is mostly embodied discussing drama configuration , histrionic and performing system .