• play;sport;make fun of;joke
  • drama;play;show
  • 玩耍:游~。儿~。嬉~。~豫(嬉游逸乐)。二龙~珠。

  • 嘲弄,开玩笑:~言。~弄。~谑(用诙谐有趣的话开玩笑)。

  • 演员在舞台上化装表演故事的艺术:~剧。~文。~码(戏曲演出的节目)。~剧性。

  • 指具体剧种:京~。黄梅~。皮影~。木偶~。马~。

  • 〔於(wū)~〕同“呜呼”。


(玩耍; 游戏) play; sport:

  • 二龙戏珠

    two dragons playing with a pearl;

  • 嬉戏

    sport; have fun


(开玩笑; 嘲弄) make fun of; joke:

  • 戏言

    say sth. for fun; joke


(戏剧; 杂技) drama; play; show:

  • 京戏

    Beijing opera;

  • 马戏

    circus show [performance];

  • 演戏

    put on play; act in a play; playacting;

  • 去看戏

    go to the theatre;

  • 好戏还在后头呢。

    The really interesting part of the show is yet to come.

  • 这场戏演得很精彩。

    It was a wonderful performance.

  • 这出戏两点钟开始演出。

    The play begins at 2.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 戏志才

    Xi Zhicai

  1. 剧评人对这出戏的评价毁誉参半。

    The play was given a mixed reception by the critics .

  2. 这出戏被批得一无是处,很快就收场了。

    The play got terrible reviews and quickly died a death .

  3. 这出戏在伦敦剧院连续上演,打破了演出纪录。

    The show had a record-breaking run in the London theatre .

  4. 我们仅拍摄了两个镜头就把这部分戏拍好了。

    We managed to get it right in just two takes .

  5. 她难得上剧院看场戏——即便不能说从来不去。

    She seldom , if ever , goes to the theatre .

  6. 这出戏于1999年在伯明翰轮演剧场首次公演。

    The play was premiered at the Birmingham Rep in 1999 .

  7. 这出戏讽刺了新中产阶级的装模作样。

    The play mocks the pretensions of the new middle class .

  8. 此剧删减了两场戏。

    The play was shortened by the omission of two scenes .

  9. 这家航空公司被指责将乘客安全当儿戏。

    The airline was accused of playing Russian roulette with passenger safety .

  10. 电影开头的一场戏发生在纽约一套公寓里。

    The movie opens with a scene in a New York apartment .

  11. 这出戏头一晚就彻底演砸了。

    The play 's first night was a total disaster .

  12. 那部电影的最终版本把这场戏删掉了。

    This scene was cut from the final version of the movie .

  13. 这部戏是她施展才华的理想机会。

    The play is an ideal vehicle for her talents .

  14. 埃米莉亚在这出戏中是良知的代言人。

    Emilia is the voice of conscience in the play .

  15. 她在大学时演过很多戏。

    She did a lot of acting when she was at college .

  16. 她当时兴致高,所以一定喜欢那出戏。

    Her good mood predisposed her to enjoy the play .

  17. 这部戏重回百老汇时我看了。

    I saw the play on its return to Broadway .

  18. 这出戏的剧情简直就是胡编滥造。

    The play 's plot stretches credulity to the limit .

  19. 目前正在英美两国挑选这部戏的演员。

    The play is being cast in both the US and Britain .

  20. 应广大观众要求,这出戏将加演一周。

    By popular demand , the play will run for another week .

  21. 她的表演给这出戏增添了生气和趣味。

    Her acting added warmth and colour to the production .

  22. 这部戏没有小说的那种政治寓意。

    The play does not have the political undertones of the novel .

  23. 有一场戏中舞台上的人有50多个。

    There were more than 50 people on stage in one scene .

  24. 这出戏把闹剧和悲剧交织为一体。

    The play was a cross between a farce and a tragedy .

  25. 她慷慨激昂地朗诵了这出戏中著名的开场白。

    She declaimed the famous opening speech of the play .

  26. 这出戏的服装和灯光都很朴实。

    The costumes and lighting in the play were restrained .

  27. 这出戏受到了剧评人无情的抨击。

    The play received a mauling from the critics .

  28. 人生的戏该落幕了。

    It 's time to face the final curtain .

  29. 她对那出戏提出了一种新的见解。

    She put a new slant on the play .

  30. 你多长时间看一次戏?

    How often do you go to the theatre ?