
  • 网络Patriarch
  1. 民众大声欢呼,用蜡烛从宗主教那里点燃迎接圣火,据说这是从耶酥埋葬地取来的圣火。

    People cheered and held up candles to light from the flames in great Patriarch a Jerusalem brought from what 's believed to be Jesus 's crept .

  2. 事实上,本勃格的画作描绘的乃是1925年在耶路撒冷亚美尼亚人区一座12世纪教堂里艺术家亲身经历的场景:主教将香膏涂抹在耶路撒冷宗主教(PatriarchofJerusalem)的脚上。

    In fact , Bomberg'spainting captures an actual scene the artist witnessed first-hand in a12th-Century church in the Armenian quarter of Jerusalem in 1925 : the Bishopanointing the feet of the Patriarch of Jerusalem .

  3. 大部分信徒是巴勒斯坦人,拉丁礼宗主教福阿德。特沃尔对他们的苦难表示声援。

    Most of the worshippers were Palestinians , and Latin Patriarch Fouad Twal expressed solidarity with their suffering .