
  • 网络Religious system;religious institution;religious organization
  1. 自然力量或现象被神话的一种宗教制度。

    A system of religion that deifies and worships natural forces and phenomena .

  2. (用于某些宗教制度)赤脚或只穿便鞋。

    ( used of certain religious orders ) barefoot or wearing only sandals .

  3. 国教,法定宗教制度对阿坝州宗教法制建设的调查与思考

    Investigation and Reflections upon the Building of Religious Legal System in Aba Autonomous Prefecture

  4. 新时期统一战线宗教制度的发展阶段及内涵

    The Development Stage and Connotation of the Religion System under the United Front of the New Period

  5. 抗击宗教制度的强音&评《无名的裘德》中对宗教制度的批判用以加强判断或评论的语气

    A Strong Voice to Oppose to Religious System & On Criticism of Religion in Jude the Obscure ; used to emphasize a judgement or comment

  6. 中亚地区在历史上没有形成发达完善的宗教社会制度,宗教传播受到游牧社会特殊性的制约。

    Historically , well-developed religious regime did not take shape in Central Asian region , religious propagation was constrained by the particularity of nomadic society .

  7. 他认为道德、法律、宗教等制度性文化皆来源于集体意识,并对加强社会团结发挥着一定的功能。

    He thought the institutional culture , including moral , law , religion etc , all had stemmed from collective consciousness and gave some play to social solidarity .

  8. 而随着社会的发展与进步,人类社会创造并分化出更高层次的非物质文化形式:艺术、宗教与制度。

    With the development and progress of the society , the human society creates and splits up more high-level nonmaterial culture forms : art , religion and system .

  9. 赣傩自秦汉以来两千多年的时间里,依附于宗教宗法制度,融入血缘文化,获得了传承与发展的动力和条件,至今不绝。

    In more than two thousand years since Qing and Han Dynasties , Luo , together with the patriarchal clan system , merges into the consanguinity culture and gains the motivation and conditions for the heritage and the development .

  10. 评马克斯·韦伯社会学中分析近代资本主义起源的两个视角&宗教伦理与制度安排

    An Initial Study of Weber 's Analysis of the Origin of Modern Capitalism Based on Two Sociological Aspects

  11. 上帝家庭在太平天国起义酝酿时期和开国初期,曾经作为重要的宗教、政治制度构件发挥过积极作用。

    God Family took active effect as an important religion and political ingredient part in the beginning of Taiping 's history .

  12. 奥运会还是和平的聚会。204个国家和地区奥委会相聚于此,跨越了民族、性别、宗教以及政治制度的界限。

    They are about the peaceful gathering of 204 National Olympic Committees-regardless of ethnic origin , gender , religions or political system .

  13. 测试和问卷的内容均涉及到英语国家的历史、习俗、地理、文学、宗教、政治制度等方面的文化背景知识。

    The test and the questionnaire cover culture background knowledge of history , custom , geography , literature , religion and political system in English-speaking countries .

  14. 可能有一些比其他任何基于种族、语言、宗教、政治制度等更大的亲和力,但没有诸如“朋友”。

    There maybe groupings of greater affinity than others based on race , language , religion , political systems , etc but no such things as " friends " .

  15. 风俗习惯。文学宗教。社会制度以及价值观等文化现象有一个比较全面的了解。

    The students have a more comprehensive understanding of the western history , geography , customs , religion , literature , social system and values and other cultural phenomena .

  16. 在农业社会中人类面临的自然风险和暴力风险,在长期实践中建立起了宗教和科学制度与理念防范客观意义上的风险,也形成了自上而下的中央集权式的公共决策模式。

    The humanity facing natural risk and violence risk in the agricultural society , it established religious and the scientific system and in the idea guard objective significance risk in the long-term practice , also has formed centralization public decision-making pattern from top to down .

  17. 影响管制的因素包括,如经济发展水平、宗教信仰、社会制度和地理环境等。

    Main factors are economy development level , religion , social system and geography environment .

  18. 宗教思想与礼乐制度都是研究郊祀乐歌不可或缺的方面,《郊祀歌》中反映出的郊祀礼乐与儒家传统礼乐多有抵牾。

    Both religious ideas and etiquette system are essential to the study of ode to outskirts sacrifice .

  19. 此外,秧歌还与乡村宗族关系、宗教信仰、等级制度、节令娱乐有着密不可分的渊源和纽结。

    Moreover , Yangge also inseparably relates to village agnation , religion , grade and feast amusement .

  20. 但封建宗法性却使宗教沦为封建制度的卫道士,却并非都结善果。

    But it also made religions the guardian of feudalism , and in that sense , it was not all positive .

  21. 结合三部作品内容,全面展现奈保尔对印度的宗教信仰、种姓制度、社会生活、甘地主义、民众思想、民族意识等方面的具体描写。

    The contents are including the describe for Indian religion faith , caste system , social life , Gandhism , national consciousness and so on .

  22. 国际社会应当本着开放包容的精神,尊重不同历史文化、宗教信仰、社会制度的国家自主选择可持续发展道路。

    The international community should be open and inclusive and respect the independent choice of path of sustainable development made by countries with different histories , cultures , religious beliefs and social systems .

  23. 英语谚语的产生与发展以英国民族的发展为立足点,反映了其自然环境、生活习惯、宗教信仰、社会制度和价值观念。

    English proverbs have been developing with the development of British nation , reflecting the nation 's living environment , customs and conventions , religious belief , social system and its view of value .

  24. 当今世界,人类生活在不同文化、种族、肤色、宗教和不同社会制度所组成的世界里,各国人民形成了你中有我、我中有你的命运共同体。

    Today , we live in a world with different cultures , ethnic groups , skin colors , religions and social systems , and the people of various countries have become members of an intimate community of shared destiny .

  25. 由于地理环境、区域位置、生活方式、宗教信仰、社会制度的不同,孕育了不同的传统文化及民族性格,从而形成了中西方不同特点、风格的传统体育。

    Because of the differences in geographical conditions , regional positions , life styles , religious beliefs , social systems , different cultures and national characterstics , thus emerged the traditional P. E. with different charateristics and stlyes between China and the West .

  26. 结果表明现代文化、交通条件、宗教文化、社区制度、人口数量、区位条件、社区文化、个人文化素质、人口流动和经济收入等是城市化影响回族社区变迁的主要因子。

    As the results show that modern culture , traffic conditions , religion , culture , community system , population , location , community culture , personal education , population movements and economic income are the main factors of how the urbanization change Hui Community .

  27. 作为一种宗教文学,这些祭祀诗深刻地反映了商周时代宗教思想、礼仪制度和审美观念的状况。

    As one sort of religious literature , these poems reflect the religious thought , etiquette system and aesthetic standards of that period .

  28. 宗教立法是一个实践问题,在中国,它的实质内容是构建宗教的保障制度,在立法中必须坚持原则。

    The religious legislation is a practice question in our country , its essence content is to structure the religious guarantee system , adhering to principles in legislating .

  29. 本文既把中国近世宗教伦理作为晋商个体行为范式的规制,也从市场道德规范角度把宗教伦理作为企业制度变迁和交易成本的有机要素。

    This article takes the Chinese religion ethics at modern times as the rules and regulations to Jin business individual behavior model , also takes the religious ethics as the enterprise system vicissitude and the organic essential factors of transaction cost from the market morals standard angle .

  30. 宗教团体财产问题既是政治问题,更是法律问题,应坚持法治原则,重构宗教团体财产制度。

    Not only the religious group property question is the political issue , but also is the legal matter , we should persist the government by law to restructure the system of religious group property .