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  1. 1125年,辽朝天祚帝被捕,辽朝灭亡。

    In 1125 , the Liao Emperor Tianzuo was captured and his dynasty collapsed .

  2. 1101年,也就是宋徽宗继承皇位的一年后,天祚帝在辽朝登基。

    In 1101 , one year after Emperor Huizong ascended the Song-dynasty throne , Emperor Tianzuo succeeded to the Liao throne .

  3. 在1112年的一次宴会上,辽朝的天祚皇帝命令女真各部的首领为他跳舞,

    When during a banquet in 1112 , Emperor Tianzuo of Liao ordered the chieftains of the Nuzhen tribes to dance for him ,

  4. 金兵在几年的时间里,占领了包括东京辽阳府在内的大部分辽国土地,保大五年(1125),辽天祚帝被金军俘虏,辽国自此灭亡。

    In several years , Jin seized most of Liao 's territory including Uaoyangfu in Dongjing . In the 5th year of Baoda ( 1125 ) , Emperor Tianzuo was captured by the Jin army , which brought the Liao Dynasty to an end .

  5. 公元1120年,金与宋签定“海上之盟”共同对辽,公元1125年,辽天祚帝被俘,金国完全控制了北方。

    In 1120 , Jin made an agreement with the Northern Song to form a joint attack on the Liao . And in 1125 , the Emperor Tianzuo of the Liao was captured and the north part of China was under the control of the Jin .