
tiān fù
  • father;Heavenly Father;our heavenly Father
天父 [tiān fù]
  • (1) [Heavenly Father;our heavenly Father]∶视为始祖的男性代表或阳性本源的天国的神

  • (2) [the emperor]∶天子

  • (3) [father]∶对父亲的尊称

  • (4) [God]∶太平天国以天父称上帝

  1. 要十分清楚,按照上帝在圣经中的教导,你们彼此之间要保守住誓言,并要竭力行出天父上帝的旨意。上帝会祝福你们的婚因,赐福你们婚姻圆满,并且平平安安的建立家室。Prayer(会众祷告)

    Be well assured that if these vows are kept as God 's Word demands , and you endeavor to do the will of your heavenly Father , God will bless your marriage , will grant you fulfillment in it , and will establish your home in peace

  2. 我们与天父有一种特别的关系。

    We have a special relationship with our Heavenly Father .

  3. 天父,宽恕我们吧。

    Father , forgive us .

  4. 把你另外一只手张开,想象这只手代表天父。

    But now open your other hand out wide . Imagine your OTHER hand is God the Father .

  5. 没人可以永远活下去;从天父的灯塔中永恒散播出来的光辉的仁慈&P·P·布利斯。

    No one can live forever ; brightly beams our Father 's mercy from his lighthouse evermore - P.P.Bliss .

  6. 那么仁慈的天父,你就让我保持原样吧。

    Then leave me , merciful father , as I am .

  7. 啊,通过耶稣,接近天父。

    O come to the Father , through Jesus the Son .

  8. 天父救我,在你身边给我保留一个位置!

    Father help me save me a place by your side !

  9. “是你的天父把你送来的!”海丝特·白兰回答说。

    " Thy Heavenly Father sent thee !" answered Hester Prynne .

  10. 况且我们得救也是为了荣耀天父。

    In fact , our salvation is also for His glory .

  11. 因为天父是“公正的”,人家都这样告诉你。

    For the Lord is " just ," you are told .

  12. 天父,请接纳这个人到你的王国。

    Holy father , please receive this man to your kingdom .

  13. 要安静,要知道你的天父

    " Be still and know " thy Father knoweth best

  14. 我们的天父,我要转向你。

    Our Father in heaven , I turn to you .

  15. 你告诉天父,你这是在行善。

    You tell God the father it was a kindness you done .

  16. 所有的事物都按着神天父般的眷护而发生。

    All things happen according to God 's fatherly providence .

  17. 弟兄们所驱逐的人得重见天父。

    He whom his brothers have rejected finds his Father once more .

  18. 他,天父,遣他的儿子为我们而死去。

    He the father , sent his son to die for us .

  19. 我没有了天父给我喜乐的应许。

    I didn 't have the joy my father promises .

  20. 这样,就可以作你们天父的儿子。

    45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven .

  21. 天父与他的天使军团站立在一个针眼的环形路里。

    Stood in the circuit of a needle 's eye .

  22. 从上帝我们的天父那里,一个祝福天使降临了。

    From God our heavenly Father a blessed angel came .

  23. 开你的眼睛必看见天父的脸;

    Thine opened eye shall see thy Father 's face ;

  24. 耶稣并没有祷告说,天父,为我报仇。

    Jesus did not pray , Father , avenge me .

  25. 神是我们的天父,我们是他的儿女。

    God is our heavenly Father , and we are His children .

  26. 你知道你对天父上帝来说有多麽特别吗?

    Do you know how special you are to god ?

  27. 天父愿我们在他里面的信心增长。

    The Father wants to grow our faith in Him .

  28. 所以你们要完全,像你们的天父完全一样。

    Be perfect , therefore , as your heavenly Father is perfect .

  29. 我们必须学像天父,知道如何去爱众人。

    From my Father in heaven I must learn how to love .

  30. 然而我们天父要求的,不仅如此而已。

    But our father wants to be much more .