
  • 网络Literature of Theatre Film & Television
  1. 这位21岁的西南大学戏剧影视文学专业学生刚刚完成了一部纪录片的拍摄,该片讲述了春节期间住在火车站的的流浪者群体的生活。

    The 21-year-old film and television drama literature major at Southwest University had just finished shooting a documentary about homeless people who live at the station during Spring Festival .

  2. 与高晶相比,来自中国劳动关系学院戏剧影视文学专业21岁的李美娟似乎更幸运。

    Compared to Gao , Li Meijuan , 21 , a drama , film and literature student at the China Institute of Industrial Relations , seems to have had more luck .

  3. 山东艺术学院戏剧影视文学专业大四学生、23岁的陈思(音译)在自己的账单上打上了“无法直视”的标签。

    Chen Si , 23 , a senior in Literature of Film and TV at Shandong University of Arts , put a stamp " Can 't bear to look at it " on her statement .

  4. 与高晶相比,来自中国劳动关系学院戏剧影视文学专业21岁的李美娟似乎更幸运。她实习时可以住在宿舍,减少了住宿开支。

    Compared to Gao , Li Meijuan , 21 , a drama , film and literature student at the China Institute of Industrial Relations , seems to have had more luck . Li still lives in her dormitory , meaning her rent is under control .

  5. 在现代,广义的散文包括除去诗歌、小说、戏剧、影视文学之外的一切记叙性、议论性、抒情性的文体,这样,就有了叙事散文和议论散文和抒情散文的分类。

    In modern time , the prose in broad sense includes all narrating 、 discussing and lyric style except poetry 、 novel 、 theater 、 movie and television literature .