
  • 网络Pop Dance;Fashionable dance
  1. 每种文化都有自己的流行舞蹈和流行风格。

    Every culture has its dance crazes and its pop idioms .

  2. 2.repetitiveadj.重复的,反复的迪斯科音乐特点是强烈重复基本旋律的一种流行舞蹈音乐。

    Popular dance music characterized by strong repetitive bass rhythms .

  3. 而二十世纪三十年代,它则是一种流行舞蹈和歌曲的名称。

    It also was the name of a popular dance and hit song in the1930s .

  4. 以后,纽约的一个夜总会被命名为“大苹果”,另外的一种流行舞蹈也被叫做“大苹果”,但除了爵士音乐家和一些艺员以外,没有人用这个词来称呼纽约市。

    Later a nightclub in New York was named the Big Apple and a popular dance was also called The Big Apple .

  5. 事实上,她有点像所有流行舞蹈,像拉丁,肚皮舞之类的综合。

    In fact , Zumba is kind of like a combination of all the popular dances , like Latin dances , belly dances .

  6. 韩国流行音乐舞蹈着——选新服�

    KPop Dancer - Picking Out New Outfits

  7. 人们常常雇佣一些韩国流行音乐舞蹈演员在世界的一些活动或者聚会上进行表演。

    People often hire KPop dancers to perform at events and parties all over the world .

  8. 二十世纪二十年代流行的舞蹈音乐形式;同新奥尔良爵士乐相似但是由更大的乐队演奏。

    A style of dance music popular in the 1920s ; similar to New Orleans jazz but played by large bands .

  9. 印度孟买,超过2600名的妇女参与这个当地的传统舞蹈,这是印度喀拉拉地区最流行的舞蹈。

    Over 2,600 women in Mumbai participated in this traditional dance , a popular folk dance in the Kerala region of India .

  10. 肚皮舞也被称为“东方舞”,今天的肚皮舞是一种在世界各地表演的流行的舞蹈形式,它还是保持健美和健康的一种锻炼形式。

    Also known as " oriental dance ", today belly dance is a popular dance form around the world for performances , and keeping fit and healthy .

  11. 世界最流行的运动舞蹈Zumba,开始登陆中国。

    The world 's highest sports dancing , Zumba , is making its way into China .

  12. 在美国,方步舞在很久以前便成为了一种最流行的民间舞蹈形式。

    In the United States the most popular form of folk dancing since the earliest days has been square-dancing .

  13. 两脚踏地出声做为节奏,边歌边舞,是中国古代很流行的一种舞蹈形式,民间有、宫廷也有。

    Singing and dancing with the rhythm of foot treading is a type of ancient Chinese dance , which was very popular both in court and rural areas .