
diàn yǐnɡ xué
  • cinematics
  1. 秦丽娜:导演,编剧,电影学硕士。

    Lina Qin : director , screenwriter , Master in film producing .

  2. 谈电影学的重要分支&电影心理学

    With Reference to a Important Branch of Movie Study ── the Movie Psychology

  3. 2005年中国电影学研究报告

    Research Notes on China Film Studies in 2005

  4. 我从美国电影学来的。

    I learned it all from American movies !

  5. 以上就是本期的《看电影学英语》。

    And that 's English at the movies .

  6. 从电影学实践研究到银幕影像剧作

    From Research on Film Practice to Screenwriting

  7. 电影学景观概念的论争与实践价值

    Arguments on the Concept of " Spectacle " in Film Studies and Its Practical Value

  8. 欢迎来到《看电影学英语》节目,我们会在这里讲解你在电影中听到的美式英语。

    Welcome to English @ the Movies where you learn American English heard at the movies .

  9. 我呢,是看电影学的。

    I learned it from movies .

  10. 通过看电影学英语是一件很有趣的事。如果你是个电影迷,那么你一定会被网站丰富的内容所吸引。

    If you are a fan of movies , you must be thrilled to see so many wonderful movies here , although in clips .

  11. 《看电影学英语》将带你一览这些电影,看看这些千金们是怎么像中国谚语所说的那样“麻雀变凤凰”的。

    Screen Talk gonna take you through these movies and see how these people turn from Phoenixes to Sparrows as the Chinese like to say .

  12. 看电影学英语是学习口语的好方法,但是千万不要拿电影当教材。

    It 's a good method to learning oral English by watching movies or listening to songs , but there is one notice of caution & movies should never be taken for textbooks .

  13. 所以我要去电影学院学�

    That 's why I 'm going off to film school .

  14. 我喜欢阅读、看电影和学外语。

    I love reading , seeing movies , and learning foreign languages .

  15. 电影类型学视野下的中国式西部片界说

    On " Chinese-Style Western Film " from the Perspective of Cinematic Typology

  16. 看电影?学英语?全凭你随心所欲!

    Watch movie ? Learn english ? Do it at your pleasure !

  17. 这话是从电影里学来的吧?

    Did you get that out of a movie ?

  18. 通过看电视、电影等学新单词。

    Look up new words in a dictionary .

  19. 我在电影里学过。

    I 've learnt the accent watching movies .

  20. 从潜系统模型的建立来看电影符号学的研究基点

    Film Semiotic Based on An Underlying System

  21. 我认为我可以通过英语电影来来学英语,因为我喜欢看电影。

    I think I can study English by watching English movies because I like watching English movies .

  22. 而在电影叙事学的研究领域里,空间问题也是决定性的。

    And in the research realm of movies narrative , the problem of space is also decisive .

  23. 他们通过流行歌曲来学习英语。通过视频游戏来学日语,通过爱情电影来学韩语。

    They learn their English through pop songs , Japanese through video games and Korean through romantic films .

  24. 而在电影叙事学中叙事空间和空间叙事各自的侧重点各不相同。

    The narrative in the film " Narrative Space " and " narrative space " their focus varies .

  25. 电影叙事学的理论框架内,对画外音的功能作了比较全面深入的分析。

    Analyze the function of voice over comprehensive and deeply , in the framework of the film narrative .

  26. 电影色彩学是光影和色彩的造型艺术,是研究和探讨电影艺术的重要的领域。

    Movies have studied color is light and color plastic art , is studied and discussed the important areas of cinema .

  27. 无论从电影类型学的角度还是民族电影独立性的角度,戏曲艺术片对于中国电影都具有非常重大的意义。

    The dramatic movie is of great importance to China movie seen from the angles of both genre and the national movie .

  28. 试图总结出张艺谋在叙事方面的优长与缺失,并希冀自己的工作会为电影叙事学的分析和研究提供一个生动的案例。

    My work is trying to get a conclusion of the narrative of Zhang Yi-Mou 's creation in the field of film in order to provide a vivid case of the narration analysis .

  29. 电影符号学方法研究电影语言及意义建构;文化阅读方法考察其深层文化结构与权利机制。

    In decoding such cinematic discourse , the semiotic approach examines the process of the meaning construction while the cultural approach interrogates what is the cinematic meaning constructed in the deep structure of culture .

  30. 本文从“叙事分析”入手,兼以电影文化学、市场学对文本的查验,分析张扬电影商业成功背后的叙事模式。

    By using the methods both culture criticism and business studies , I start this thesis from narration , and analyze the narrative mode behind Zhang Yang ′ s business success in the box office .