
  • 网络theatricality;candid theatricality
  1. 哈罗德·品特是闻名世界的戏剧家,他独特的戏剧风格使他荣获了2005年度诺贝尔文学奖。

    Harold Pinter is a world well-known playwright , whose unique theatricality makes him carry off the Nobel Prize on Literature in 2005 .

  2. 两种都带有夸张的戏剧风格,听起来总叫人不敢全信。

    Now , as then , however , the style smacked of theatrical exaggeration and was not entirely persuasive .

  3. (音乐;关于歌手或歌声)具有力量、表现力、戏剧性、戏剧风格特征的。

    ( music ; of a singer or singing voice ) marked by power and expressiveness and a histrionic or theatrical style .

  4. 作为美国第一流的剧作家,他对于美国现代戏剧风格的建立,有过不少贡献。

    As America 's foremost playwright , he did a great deal to establish the modes of the modern theatre in the United States .

  5. 英国当代剧作家汤姆·斯托帕德因其独特的戏剧风格从开始就是报界和戏剧评论界评论的焦点。

    The contemporary British playwright Tom Stoppard has already been the focus of the critics in the field of theatre for the special style of his works .

  6. 戏剧:风格的重新发现

    Theatre : The Rediscovery of Style

  7. 他的散文译作不仅忠实地传递了原文的思想内容,还巧妙地再现了原文的风格特征和美学价值。第七章是关于王佐良戏剧翻译风格的研究。

    His prose translations not only faithfully transfer the original content or ideas , but also felicitously reproduce the stylistic features and aesthetic value pertaining to the original .

  8. 相较之下,中国影片《北京遇上西雅图》则极具好莱坞戏剧的风格。

    By contrast , the Chinese movie Finding Mr. Right - the title in Mandarin translates as Beijing Meets Seattle - is very Hollywood in its dramatic arc .

  9. 受同时代现实主义剧作家,尤其是易卜生的影响,萧伯纳开创了一种新戏剧的风格,它把有重大意义的题材和新颖而又成熟的技巧结合在一起。

    Influenced by other realistic dramatists at his age , especially Henrik Ibsen , Shaw creates a new drama which combines significant social issues with his original and mature dramatic skills .

  10. 剧中的某些唱段是从表面上模仿传统中国戏剧的风格,比如怪异的高音,但是表演者并没有受限于那种风格,而是采用更松散、姿态更流畅、更自然的方式,这更符合西方观众的口味。

    The singing sometimes superficially resembles the style of traditional Chinese opera , with its eerie pitches , but the performers eschew a regimented style of performance for a looser , more physically fluid and natural approach that 's more accessible to Western audiences .

  11. (指戏剧或戏剧风格)朴实无华的,严肃的

    ( of a play or theatrical style ) of the ordinary type ; serious

  12. 《大自然的报复》是泰戈尔第一部成功的剧作,一定程度上代表了泰戈尔戏剧的叙事风格。

    Revenge of Nature is Tagore first successful play , represents the narration style of Tagore 's play to a certain extent .

  13. 奥尼尔并不是直接接受的德国的表现主义理论,他戏剧中的表现主义风格的形成是多种因素影响的结果。

    Not having been accessible to expressionism in Germany , O'Neill , influenced by various factors , formed his style in his drama creation .

  14. 笔者通过分析田汉戏剧批评中所表现出来的浪漫主义特征,现实主义品格和异化的现实主义原则,进一步探寻田汉戏剧批评风格转化的线索,即文艺和政治之间的疏远关系对于戏剧批评的影响。

    From analyzing the romantic feature , realistic character and realistic principle , the author wants to explore the clue of the style transformation of Tian Han drama criticism , which is the influence on drama criticism from the indifferent relationship of literature and politics .