
xì jù
  • drama;play;theatre;stage;script
戏剧 [xì jù]
  • [drama;play] 旧时专指戏曲,后用为戏曲、话剧、歌剧、舞剧等的总称

  • 希腊戏剧

戏剧[xì jù]
  1. 她和一些在戏剧学校认识的附庸风雅的朋友常混在一起。

    She hangs out with the arty types she met at drama school .

  2. 我在大学学的是英语和戏剧。

    I studied English and Drama at college .

  3. 地方戏剧社准备下月演出《哈姆雷特》。

    The local dramatic society is doing ' Hamlet ' next month .

  4. 这部戏剧凸显了父女之间的关系。

    The play foregrounds the relationship between father and daughter .

  5. 现在越来越多的戏剧配上了手语。

    An increasing number of plays are now being signed .

  6. 他基本上是个戏剧人。

    He was essentially a man of the theatre .

  7. 这次戏剧演出的音响和灯光效果极佳。

    The play had excellent sound and lighting effects .

  8. 全国性报纸都对这部戏剧作了评论。

    The play was reviewed in the national newspapers .

  9. 评论家们指出这部戏剧缺乏创意。

    Critics remarked that the play was not original .

  10. 我喜欢音乐、戏剧和电影。

    I like music , theatre and cinema .

  11. 那位批评家对这部戏剧的评论不过是在发泄怒气。

    The critic 's review of the play was just a paragraph of bile .

  12. 导演把莎士比亚的戏剧从16世纪的威尼斯改成当代的英国。

    The director transposes Shakespeare 's play from 16th century Venice to present-day England .

  13. 这并不是一出太滑稽的戏剧。

    It is not a wildly funny play .

  14. 他们将以上演《卡门》来展开新的戏剧季。

    They will open the new season with a performance of ' Carmen ' .

  15. 我认为这部戏剧只是平庸之作。

    I thought the play was only mediocre .

  16. 我对这部戏剧了解得不够,说不出什么意见。

    I didn 't see enough of the play to form an opinion about it .

  17. 我想从事戏剧工作。

    I want to work in theatre .

  18. 她是在开始学习戏剧课程时才真正不再害羞。

    It was when she started drama classes that she really came out of herself .

  19. 已选定六个剧团参加今年的戏剧节。

    Six theatre companies have been selected to take part in this year 's festival .

  20. 每一名参加者都得用哑剧动作表现出一部电影、戏剧或一本书的标题。

    Each player has to mime the title of a movie , play or book .

  21. 我从来没有写过戏剧,不过我要尝试一下。

    I 've never produced a play before but I 'll have a shot at it .

  22. 在莎士比亚所有的戏剧中,《哈姆雷特》最难概括。

    ' Hamlet ' is the least amenable of all Shakespeare 's plays to being summarized .

  23. 说大多数同学从未完整读过一部莎士比亚戏剧一点也不夸张。

    It 's no exaggeration to say that most students have never read a complete Shakespeare play .

  24. 他短暂涉猎过戏剧之后便把全部精力投入到他的主要兴趣——诗歌中去了。

    After a brief excursion into drama , he concentrated on his main interest , which was poetry .

  25. 玛奇不想让自己的女儿从事戏剧表演。

    Madge did not want to put her daughter on the stage

  26. 他的戏剧被禁演,这促使他下定决心就审查制度的问题下笔。

    The banning of his play decided him to write about censorship

  27. 你可以转行从事影视戏剧业。

    You can move up to work in films and the theatre

  28. 身为作曲家的他证明了自己在创作大型戏剧方面驾轻就熟。

    As a composer he proved himself adept at large dramatic forms

  29. 他去看一场戏剧的预演了。

    He had gone to see the preview of a play .

  30. 他推出了众多图书、戏剧和电视连续剧作品。

    He has produced umpteen books , plays and television series .