
ài qín hǎi
  • Aegean Sea
爱琴海[ài qín hǎi]
  1. 品都斯山脉构成了流向爱琴海和爱奥尼亚海的河流的分水岭。

    The Pindus mountains form the watershed between rivers flowing to the Aegean Sea and to the Ionian sea .

  2. 人们都叫它“爱琴海”。

    The people call it " the Aegean Sea " .

  3. 我很想到爱琴海去潜水。

    I 'd love to go diving in the Aegean .

  4. 与希腊隔爱琴海相望的土耳其,今年第二季度GDP增长达到了8.8%。

    Across the Aegean in Turkey , GDP grew by 8.8 % in the second quarter .

  5. 这座古庙是为海神波塞冬(Poseidon)而建,被爱琴海环绕,有少见的灵性力量。

    The ancient temple dedicated to Poseidon , the God of the sea , is surrounded by the Aegean Sea and has a rare spiritual energy .

  6. 橄榄,暗暗地香。白色鸟归来,这懒惰的下午,身体是一支Blues,和着喧闹的爱琴海摇摆,和摇摆。感觉在雅典!

    Olives give out the attractive sweet smell and the white bird returns , in this afternoon the body is a BLUES , dancing with the lively Aegean Sea , dancing and dancing just like dancing in Athens .

  7. 爱琴海是希腊最宝贵的财富之一。

    The Aegean is one of Greece 's most precious possessions .

  8. 爱琴海沿岸是克里特和希腊早期文明的摇篮。

    Crete Island is the cradleland of the ancient Aegean culture .

  9. 爱琴海虽然很美,但是路途很远。

    The Aegean sea although very beautiful , but way too far .

  10. 西方文化发源于爱琴海地区。

    Western culture has its root in the area of the Aegean Sea .

  11. 由爱琴海群岛上的利姆诺斯岛发现的红褐土烧制成的。

    Made from the reddish-brown clay found on the Aegean island of Lemnos .

  12. 她乘坐克莉丝蒂娜到爱琴海旅游。

    Where she embarked on a cruise of the Aegean aboard the christina .

  13. 如果特洛伊被攻占,我将拥有爱琴海。

    If Troy falls , I control the aegean .

  14. 站在奥林匹亚山上,眺望碧蓝的爱琴海;

    At Olympia Hill , Overlooks the Aegean blue ;

  15. 我们已预订到了爱琴海的驾船度假旅游。

    We have booked to go on a sailing holiday in the Aegean .

  16. 想靠近我们,你会看见,关于爱琴海的一切都那么。

    Like close to us , you will see everything about Aegean is .

  17. 王后一个人悄悄走向海边,迎接着爱琴海的浪涛,蹈水自尽了。

    The Queen went to the beach and jumped into the Aegean Sea .

  18. 最后船在爱琴海中的一个岛外触礁之后沉没。

    It eventually sank after striking rocks off an island in the Aegean Sea .

  19. 被赫五力打死,落在了爱琴海的一座小岛上。

    finally defeated . The crab fell onto an island in the Aegean Sea .

  20. 为什么不来爱琴海呢?

    Why doesn 't come the Aegean Sea ?

  21. 公元前1000年之前的几个世纪里,他们与爱琴海城市、岛屿一起延续下来。

    They had come down among the Aegean cities and islands some centuries before1000bc .

  22. 我们随小船队漫游了爱琴海。

    We go flotilla cruise in the aegean .

  23. 他们在5月航游了爱琴海。

    They spend may cruise in the aegean .

  24. 爱琴海诸文明一词有时也指公元前7000年至约公元前3000年在此区的新石器时代文明。

    The term also sometimes refers to Neolithic civilizations in the same region c.7000-3000 BC .

  25. 我梦想着美丽的爱琴海将见证我们同样美丽的爱情;

    I dream the beautiful Aegean sea will be in witness of my beauty love .

  26. 爱琴海岛屿和周边国家的史前文明。

    The prehistoric civilization on the islands in the Aegean Sea and the surrounding countries .

  27. 美丽蔚蓝的爱琴海见证了这所大学的飞速发展。

    The beautiful blue Aegean Sea is a witness to the rapid development of this university .

  28. 希腊和土耳其之间的关于这个小岛争夺战在爱琴海地区继续白热化。

    Separate rows between Greece and Turkey over tiny islets in the Aegean continue to fester .

  29. 利用这些元素再搭配上时尚的剪裁,让整个设计看起来充满了爱琴海浪漫、纯粹的气息。

    Fashion draping with these elements makes this collection full of Aegean romantic and pure feeling .

  30. 新鲜整鱼在爱琴海海盐烤地壳在这里是一个专业。

    Fresh whole Aegean Sea fish baked in a sea salt crust is a specialty around here .