
ài ěr lán
  • Ireland
爱尔兰[ài ěr lán]
  1. 这种情形可与爱尔兰的相比。

    You can draw comparisons with the situation in Ireland .

  2. 她的祖父母是在饥荒时期从爱尔兰迁移过来的。

    Her grandparents came over from Ireland during the famine .

  3. 许多爱尔兰人在饥荒时期迁徙到美国。

    Many Irish people went over to America during the famine .

  4. 爱尔兰队的防守坚如盘石。

    The Irish team were solid as a rock in defence .

  5. 他们正忙着与爱尔兰政府谈判。

    They are engaged in talks with the Irish government .

  6. 爱尔兰自由邦成立于1922年。

    The Irish Free State came into being in 1922 .

  7. 三个星期之后,他们登上了爱尔兰的海岸。

    After three weeks they made landfall on the coast of Ireland .

  8. 他们在爱尔兰沿海钻井采油。

    They 're drilling for oil off the Irish coast .

  9. 爱尔兰驯马师让好几匹马参加比赛。

    Irish trainers have entered several horses in the race .

  10. 爱尔兰决定就离婚问题进行全民投票。

    Ireland decided to hold a referendum on divorce .

  11. 我肯定他把他的爱尔兰口音故意说得很重。

    I 'm sure he exaggerates his Irish accent .

  12. 凯里位于爱尔兰的最西端。

    Kerry is in the extreme west of Ireland .

  13. 他的祖先从爱尔兰来到美国。

    His ancestors had come to America from Ireland .

  14. 她当时正和家人在爱尔兰度假。

    She was holidaying with her family in Ireland .

  15. 她是目前爱尔兰音乐界最受欢迎的人物之一。

    She is currently one of the biggest draws on the Irish music scene .

  16. 我们花了一个夏天漫游爱尔兰。

    We spent the summer rambling in Ireland .

  17. 在20世纪90年代爱尔兰是西欧经济发展最快的国家之一。

    Ireland was one of the fastest-growing economies in Western Europe in the 1990s .

  18. 士兵过去都要在北爱尔兰服役六个月。

    The soldiers all used to do a six-month tour of duty in Northern Ireland .

  19. 他属于奥康纳家族,是爱尔兰最后一位君王的嫡系后裔。

    He was an O'Conor and a direct descendant of the last High King of Ireland .

  20. 这本书充满了萧伯纳独特的爱尔兰式幽默与嘲讽。

    This book is suffused with Shaw 's characteristic wry Irish humour

  21. 我意识到英国人如果对爱尔兰问题加以泛化的话会招惹麻烦。

    I realise that an Englishman who generalises about Ireland invites trouble

  22. 爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。

    The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power .

  23. 布莱尔希望将任何关于爱尔兰共和军制造的酒馆爆炸事件的新证据都公之于众。

    Blair wants any new evidence on IRA pub bombs made public

  24. 这部电影未在北爱尔兰政治问题上选择站边。

    The film takes no position on the politics of Northern Ireland

  25. 他爸爸带他踏上了去爱尔兰的情感之旅。

    His father took him on a sentimental pilgrimage to Ireland .

  26. 这些事件表明北爱尔兰的和平仍然很脆弱。

    These incidents suggest the peace in Northern Ireland is still brittle

  27. 我们去了威尔士和爱尔兰旅游。那里真是人间仙境。

    We went touring in Wales and Ireland . It was heaven

  28. 沿着爱尔兰的乡间小路漫步是多么惬意。

    It 's so restful to meander along Irish country roads .

  29. 这两座建筑物体现了爱尔兰建筑风格的极致多变。

    These two buildings typify the rich extremes of Irish architecture .

  30. 那个节目将包括英格兰与爱尔兰比赛的实况报道。

    That programme will include live commentary on the England-Ireland game .