
dà qì wū rǎn wù
  • atmospheric pollutant;air contaminant
  1. 目的根据大气污染物在空间分布不均匀的特点,利用地理信息系统(GIS)空间分析方法,探索优化利用点源数据的新途径。

    Objective Basing on the non proportional spatial distribution of air contaminant , using spatial analysis methods of Geographic Information System ( GIS ) to find out the new way to deal with point based data .

  2. 抚顺市大气污染物对降水pH值的影响及预测分析

    Research on Effect of Air Pollutant on pH of Precipitation and Forecast

  3. 城区大气污染物&NOX浓度预测预报模式研究

    Forecast Pattern of Concentration of Air Pollutant & NO_X in Urban Wuhan

  4. 给出了采用P值法和最佳实用技术法制订石油炼制工业大气污染物排放标准的基本原则、取值方法和结果。

    P-method and the optimum practicable technology for establishing the emission standards of air pollutants from petroleum refining industry are given .

  5. 氮氧化物(NOx)是一种主要的大气污染物。

    Nitrogen oxide ( NOx ) is a significant air pollutant .

  6. 本文所讨论的大气污染物混浊因子TR,可以较客观地反映福州空气污染的年变化。

    TR-the turbidity factor of atmospheric pollutant-discussed in this paper , reflected objectively annual variation of air pollution over Fuzhou City .

  7. 其中,重型柴油机NOx(氮氧化物)排放已经成为大气污染物中氮氧化物的主要来源之一。

    Among them , NO_x ( nitrogen oxide ) emissionof the heavy-duty diesel has become a major source of air pollutants .

  8. 杭州市心脑血管疾病与气溶胶等大气污染物之间关系的Poisson回归分析

    The Association of Atmospheric Pollutants Such as Aerosol with Cardio-cerebro-vascular Diseases in Hangzhou City Using Poisson Regression Analysis

  9. 结果表明:城市群的主要大气污染物是TSP、PM10和SO2;

    The results show : the predominant air pollutants are TSP and SO_2 ;

  10. 大气污染物致突变研究中的Breakpoint回归

    Breakpoint Regression in Research of Airborne Particulate Genotoxicity

  11. 研究证明使用GIS空间分析技术可以很好的揭示出西北高原典型盆地地貌型城市大气污染物空间扩散与分布的特征。

    The study proved that spatial analyzing technology can be nice to display dispersed and distributed characteristic of pollutants in the city located in plateau of typical basin landform .

  12. 氮氧化物(NOx)作为我国主要大气污染物之一,严重地影响了人类的生态环境。

    As one of the main atmospheric pollutants , the nitrogen oxide ( NOx ) affecting human ecological environment seriously .

  13. 二氧化硫(SO2)作为一种常见的大气污染物,对于生物有很大的危害作用。

    Sulfur dioxide ( SO2 ) as a common air pollutant , is great harmful effect to the living beings .

  14. 北京冬季大气污染物的DOAS监测与分析

    Monitoring and Analysis of Air Pollutants Using DOAS in Winter of Beijing

  15. 根据点污染源的微风扩散模式,利用VISUALBASIC编制了发烟剂大气污染物的浓度预测软件,用于计算污染物在下风向不同距离处的落地浓度,并对计算结果进行简单的评价分析。

    Based on fine breeze model , atmosphere pollution prediction software is developed with Visual Basic to calculate the ground concentrations of smokes atmosphere pollutants at different downwind distances , and assess their impact upon the environment .

  16. FGD系统取消GGH对大气污染物扩散的影响研究

    Study on the Effect of Atmospheric Pollutants Dispersion for Uninstalling GGH from FGD System

  17. 通过实验,确定了大气污染物SO2连续采样系统中洗气用浓硫酸的有效使用期。

    We define effective lifetime of concentraed sulfuric acid used for washing off air in SO2 continuous sampling system of air pollution .

  18. 挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)是仅次于颗粒污染物的一大类大气污染物。

    Volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) are major organic pollutants which are only fewer than the particle pollutant .

  19. 挥发性有机污染物(VOCs)是一种重要的大气污染物,对挥发性有机污染物的治理是近年来研究的热点。

    Volatile organic compounds are very important air pollutants and the removal of VOCs has become a hot topic in the recent years .

  20. 加强NOx两大主要来源火电、移动源的排放控制可有效减少我国NOx的污染。当前,我国已对火电厂大气污染物排放标准实施修订,并开展了移动源NOx排放控制的研究工作。

    It can effectively reduce the NOx pollution in China to strengthen the control of NOx emission from its two main sources : Motor vehicles and power plants .

  21. 针对实际工作中,燃气轮机发电厂NOx排放情况,就燃气轮机发电厂执行大气污染物排放标准问题进行了讨论。

    In accordance with circumstances of NOx discharge in gas turbine power plant , as for the gas turbine power plant execute standard of atmospherical pollutant discharge to discussing .

  22. 煤粉燃烧过程中释放的NOx是主要大气污染物之一,对环境、气候和人类健康带来严重影响。

    NOx emission from the coal burning is one of the major pollutant sources for atmosphere , and it is a threat to environment , climate and human health .

  23. 在熏烟条件下,FGD系统取消GGH装置对大气污染物扩散有较大影响。

    Under the conditions of fumigation , FGD system canceling the GGH device brings about important effect on atmospheric pollutant dispersion .

  24. 火电厂在我国所占的比重非常大,其燃煤产生的NOx是大气污染物NOx的主要来源。

    The number of power plants in China is big . The pollutant NOx emission which comes from coal combustion in power plants is a major source of air pollutant NOx .

  25. 油品消耗过程中产生的二氧化硫(SO2)是主要的大气污染物之一,也是形成酸雨的前驱物之一。

    A large amount of sulfur dioxide ( SO2 ) , which is one major air pollutants and the precursors of acid rain , are generated in the fuel oil consumption process .

  26. 氮氧化物NOx是一种大气污染物,可以造成酸雨,光化学烟雾,破坏同温层的臭氧层和对人体产生危害等。

    Nitrogen oxides plays important roles in destruction of environment , causing acid rain , photochemical smog , ground level ozone pollution and so on , as well as damage to human health .

  27. 涂膜石英晶体微天平(QuartzCrystalMicrobalance,QCM)传感器由于灵敏度高和选择性好已成为工业有毒气体和环境大气污染物等在线监测应用方面的一个重要研究方向。

    With high sensitivity and selectivity , coated quartz crystal microbalance ( QCM ) sensors have become an important research direction for online monitoring the industrial toxic gases and environmental air pollutants .

  28. 国家标准GB/T3840-91中城市大气污染物总量控制A-P值法的应用

    Application of A-P value method for control of total quantity emission of urban atmospheric pollution in gb / t 3840-91

  29. 本文以上海为例,应用LEAP模型,研究了在确保交通需求增长的前提下,发展不同的交通出行方式对能源需求和大气污染物排放的影响。

    The paper , taking Shanghai as an example , applies LEAP model to investigate the impact of travel modal split shift on the energy demand and air pollutant emissions as economy and transport demand grow annually .

  30. 研究结果表明,实施低碳发展不仅可有效缓解能源供应压力,明显遏止本地大气污染物排放,改善环境空气质量,而且可减缓CO2排放增长速度。

    The results show that the implementation of low carbon development not only depressurize the pressure of energy supply , reduce the emission of local air pollution obviously , and improve the local air quality , but also mitigate CO2 emission .