
  • 网络Plankton;Marine plankton
  1. 本研究第一部分介绍了一种制备海洋浮游生物PCR模板DNA的方法&碱煮法。

    Firstly in this study , we introduced an effective method - alkaline-heating , for preparing PCR template DNA from marine plankton .

  2. 海洋浮游生物研究的现状

    A review of the present state of Marine Plankton Research

  3. 甾烷C29/(C27+C28+C29)值为0.5左右,与海洋浮游生物来源的有机质生烃相区别。

    The sterane ratio of C29 / C27 + C28 + C29 is about 0.5 , which differs from that of the hydrocarbons related to oceanic planktons .

  4. 北海海洋浮游生物生态数学模型

    Summary on mathematical models of ecology of marine planktons in North Sea

  5. 分析技术在海洋浮游生物铁载体研究中的应用

    Applications of Analytical Technology in Studying Siderophore From Marine Phytoplankton

  6. 海洋浮游生物粒径谱分析技术

    Method of analysis of size spectra of marine plankton by flow-imaging techniques

  7. 还有一个项目涉及采集产光的海洋浮游生物双鞭毛藻来生产夜间发光的液体。

    Another project involves harvesting light-producing marine plankton called dinoflagellates to produce a liquid that glows at night .

  8. 海洋浮游生物是非常小的有机生物,漂浮在海面上,很少或不具备移动能力。

    Plankton are small organisms , plant or animal , that drift in the sea with little or no locomotive ability .

  9. 萨芬娜说,全世界范围内,人们吸入的氧气有50%来自细小的海洋浮游生物。

    Worldwide , Safina said , about half of the oxygen we breathe in is from microscopic plankton that live in the ocean .

  10. 海洋浮游生物的探测对于目前研究全球气候变化和全球海洋生态环境变化具有重要的意义。

    Detection of marine plankton is of great significance for the present study of global climate change and the global marine ecological environment change .

  11. 赤潮也称红潮,通常是指由于一些海洋浮游生物在水体中过度繁殖或聚集而使海水变色的现象。

    So-called red tide is an ecologic phenomenon that seawater turns red , brown , or yellow , when oceanic plankton overly propagate or congregate .

  12. 智能手机应用程序的广泛使用使得公民们可以进行监控空气水源质量及追踪海洋浮游生物数量。

    A wide range of smartphone apps could allow citizens to do everything from monitoring air and water quality to tracking ocean plankton populations from space .

  13. 它们是海洋浮游生物中的重要组成部分,在维持海洋生态系统的稳定,推动海洋生态系统的物质循环和能量流动方面起着十分重要的作用。

    They are important portions of plankton and play an crucial role in the maintaining of stability of ecosystem in the ocean and the carbon flow and energy flow .

  14. 海洋浮游生物在整个海洋生态结构组成中起着重要的作用,其生物多样性和生物量对整个海洋生态系统的结构和功能产生重大影响。

    Marine plankton plays an important role in the whole marine ecosystem . The biological diversity and biomass of plankton have a significant impact on the entire marine ecosystem structure and function .

  15. 各类生物标志化合物组成和分布指示了沉积有机质主要起源于海洋浮游生物和细菌,其次为陆源高等植物,而气溶胶输入可能是后者来源的途径之一;

    The compositions and distributions of various biomarker compounds indicate that the organic matter in the sediments is principally from marine plankton and bacteria and secondly from land-higher plants which one of their input way probably is aeolian transport .

  16. 本文针对当前浮游生物图像分析研究中所存在的不足,总结原有的研究工作,提出了海洋浮游生物活体的图像采集、处理、信息提取、自动识别方法;

    Moreover , reports on the identification of zoo plankton images are still an open area in plankton image analysis . This paper developed the techniques for image acquisition , image processing , information extraction and automatic identification of marine plankton .

  17. 以上结果揭示:异养区域的群落呼吸并不是完全由本地初级生产力决定,有机碳在空间上的输送对海洋浮游生物群落新陈代谢的影响可能极为重要。

    Therefore , community respiration was not entirely determined by the local primary productivity in the sampled areas . Our results suggested that the spatial transport of organic carbon could play an important role in affecting the metabolic state of the plankton community . 2 .

  18. 海洋中浮游生物的实际元素组成中C/H、C/O比值显著高于Redfield给出的浮游生物元素组成中的比例。

    And the actual ratios of C / H and C / O in the elemental composition of marine plankton are significantly greater than those given by Redfield .

  19. 一位科学家曾经估计,世界上的草类每年生产大约490亿吨有用的碳水化合物,而海洋里的浮游生物每年生产的碳水化合物多于此数的两倍。

    One scientist has estimated that while grasses of the world produce about 49 billion tons of valuable carbohydrates each year , the seas plankton generates more than twice as much .

  20. 他说,普查已经记录了20多万种形态各异的海洋生物包括浮游生物、小鱼类和鲨鱼类生物,但另外100多万种复杂的海洋生物仍有待发现。

    He said the Census has identified more than 200 thousand different named marine species - from plankton to minnows to sharks . He said that there are still more than a million forms of complex ocean life yet to be discovered .

  21. 海洋水体中的浮游生物的数量与分布在生源要素生物地球化学循环(如C循环、N循环)及全球气候研究具有非常重要的意义。

    The number and distribution of marine plankton in ocean water bodies have very important significance in the research of the biogenic elements in the biogeochemical cycles ( such as C cycle , N cycles ) and research of global climate .

  22. 如果这种激增发生在海洋深处,这些浮游生物就能通过光合作用吸收大量的碳元素,而这些碳元素将会犹豫被海神DavyJone放进了他的储物柜一样,在海底封存几百年。

    If this were to happen in the deep sea , the carbon absorbed by the plankton through photosynthesis would descend to Davy Jones 's locker for several hundred years .

  23. 这是海洋磷光,是浮游生物与水相互作用造成的。

    This is phosphorescence of the sea , caused by plankton interacting in the water .

  24. 1998年5、8和10月分别对渤海近岸水域进行了综合调查,调查的内容包括海洋生物资源、浮游生物、叶绿素以及水文化学要素。(3)组织开展比较系统全面的渔业调查;

    Three comprehensive surveys were carried out in inshore waters of the Bohai Sea in May , Aug. and Oct. , 1998 , respectively . ( 3 ) conducting comprehensive surveys systematically ;