
hǎi àn pínɡ yuán
  • coastal plain
  1. 福州盆地与长乐海岸平原;

    Fuzhou Basin and Coastal Plain of Changle County ;

  2. 经过一天的旅程,他们来到一片海岸平原,平原的尽头消失在一片蓝色的雾霭中。

    A day 's journey brought them to the coastal plain , which stretched away to a distant haze .

  3. 对岩石记录中三角洲和海岸平原的判别

    The distinction between deltas and coastal plains in the rock record

  4. 侏罗系白垩系发育多套扇三角洲、流河道以及三角洲前缘砂体,是较好的储集砂体。一般地说,砂岩体似为河流沉积,可能是海岸平原上的分流。

    In general , the sandstone body have been deposited by a river , possibly a distributary flowing on a coastal plain .

  5. 盆地的主要烃源岩为渐新世&中中新世湖相泥岩以及下海岸平原沉积。

    The main hydrocarbon source rocks for the basins consist of lacustrine mud and lower coastal plain sediments from Oligocene to Middle Miocene .

  6. 这座梨形岛大多是平铺的海岸平原,而山地仅仅分布在岛上的南方中部。

    The pear-shaped island consists mostly of flat-to-rolling coastal plains , with mountains rising only in the south central part of the island .

  7. 研究区晚古生代含煤岩系主要形成于陆表海&海岸平原环境中。

    In the research area , the coal series in late Palaeozoic era were mainly formed from epeiric sea - coastal plain environment .

  8. 这就是海岸平原,它提供了或说它本身就是,离开埃及或者下埃及的主要通道。

    It is the coastal plain , and that provides , or that is the main highway out of Egypt or down to Egypt .

  9. Ⅱ型层序中陆架边缘体系域不发育,主要的沉积体系以浅水碳酸岩台地和海岸平原为特征。

    In the type ⅱ sequences , the SMST are not well-developed , and the main deposit systems are the shallow water carbonate deposit and the sea margin plain deposit .

  10. 晚始新世&渐新世时该盆地基本上为东陆西海,位于西部的坳陷为海相沉积,其它地区多为陆相或海岸平原相沉积。

    Basically , from the late Eocene to the Oligocene , the depositional environment of this basin was continental in the east and marine in the west . As a result , marine sediments filled in the western depression and limnic and coastal plain sediments deposited in the other places .

  11. 大多数人居住在海岸附近的平原和幼发拉底河(EuphratesRiver)山谷中,以及海岸山地和沙漠间的肥沃带。

    Most people live in the Euphrates River valley and along the coastal plain , a fertile strip between the coastal mountains and the desert .

  12. 美国南部海岸边的平原,包括维吉尼亚州、北卡罗来纳州、南卡罗来纳州和乔治亚州等州的东部。

    The coastal plain of the South : eastern parts of Virginia and North Carolina and South Carolina and Georgia .

  13. 海岸地貌以及滨海平原区古河道、古湖沼洼地是影响海水入侵的重要地貌因素;古河道带上,海水以层状入侵和越流入侵为主;

    Paleochannels and coastal landforms were the main geomorphic types that affected seawater intrusions .