
hǎi wáng xīng
  • Neptune
海王星 [hǎi wáng xīng]
  • [Neptune] 太阳系九大行星中的第八颗,发现较晚,公转周期为 1648 年,肉眼看不见,表面温度近-200C,其大气主要由氢、甲烷组成,有两颗卫星

海王星[hǎi wáng xīng]
  1. 海王星是离太阳最远的行星。

    Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun .

  2. 据《科学》杂志报道,这颗神秘的X行星的运行轨道远在海王星之外。

    Science magazine reports that the mysterious " Planet X " moves in a distant orbit beyond Neptune .

  3. 系外行星特征卫星将研究的许多行星体积都大于我们的地球,但小于海王星,这个大小居中的体积在我们的星系中似乎占主导地位。

    Many of the planets to be studied by Cheops , are bigger than our Earth , but smaller than Neptune1 , an in-between size that seems dominant2 in our galaxy3 .

  4. 用RBF计算了太阳系中木星、土星、天王星、海王星和土卫六的大气密度随高度的分布。

    The atmospheric number density distributions of Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , Neptune and Titan upon height are evaluated in this paper .

  5. 今年的8月24日是NASA最伟大一次壮举的25周年纪念:这就是探测器,旅行者2号飞船首次飞越海王星。

    August 24th marks the 25th anniversary of one of NASA 's greatest achievements : the first flyby of Neptune .

  6. 亚洲经济活动放缓的另一个迹象是,新加坡东方海王星轮船公司(neptuneorientlines)已经削减了关键贸易航线的运力,其中包括通往欧洲的航线。

    In another sign of slowing economic activity in Asia , Singapore-based Neptune Orient Lines is cutting capacity on key trading routes , including those to Europe .

  7. 部分原因是由于它的宝蓝色真皮(路易威登把这种颜色誉为海王星(Neptune);此外还推出了它的黑色款)。

    Part of this was because of its bright blue leather ( the brand calls this colour Neptune ; it also comes in black ) .

  8. 在太阳系最外层的Kuiper带中,有许多天体处于海王星3:2平运动共振中。

    In Kuiper belt of the outer solar system , many objects have the 3:2 mean motion resonance with Neptune .

  9. 2005年1月,他发现了一颗大小相当于冥王星的天体,位于海王星以外的充满冰结碎块的柯伊伯带(KuiperBelt)。它如今命名为阋神星(Eris)。

    In January 2005 , he discovered a Pluto-size object , now known as Eris , in the Kuiper belt , the ring of icy debris beyond Neptune .

  10. 因怀疑它们的轨道是被海王星引力散射所致,故命名为散射Kuiper带天体。

    Because their orbits are doubted to be scattered by the Neptune , so they are called scattered Kuiper belt objects .

  11. 海王星有许多的卫星,至少有13个!

    Neptune has many moons , it has at least 13 !

  12. 为什么?我们可以晚点儿在‘海王星’见面。

    Why ? We can meet you Iater at the neptuna .

  13. 55Cancri系中类海王星行星的轨道稳定性

    Orbit Stability of the Quasi-Neptune Planet in the 55 Cancri System

  14. 海王星原来是个有生气、多风暴的世界。

    Neptune turned out to be a dynamic , stormy world .

  15. 它是水星,火星,海王星还是土星?

    Is it Mercury , Mars , Neptune or Saturn ?

  16. 亚当斯和勒威耶两人都因发现了海王星而名垂青史。

    Both Adams and Leverrier are honored for discovering Neptune .

  17. 木星与海王星的合相显示出富创意的想象力。

    The conjunction of Jupiter with Neptune shows creative imagination .

  18. 然而不幸的是,冥王星的轨道很特殊,与海王星是相交的。

    Unfortunately , it has a special orbit which overlaps with Neptune 's.

  19. 在这些拍卖网站或是在海王星镇附近运出了。

    On any of these auction sites and shipped anywhere near neptune .

  20. 是地球,水星、土星抑或是海王星?

    Is it Earth , Mercury , Neptune or Saturn ?

  21. 而旅行者2号飞船曾经同海王星进行了一次亲密接触。

    You can thank the Voyager 2 spacecraft for the close encounter .

  22. 旅行者2号还发现海王星赤道以南有巨大的风暴。

    Voyager Two also found a giant storm south of Neptune 's equator .

  23. 海王星之突出重围玩家有1-8网的选择!

    Neptune 's network Win1-8 players have the choice !

  24. 火星跟海王星的合相为你的个性赋予了强烈的通灵磁性。

    The conjunction of Mars and Neptune gives the personality strong psychic magnetism .

  25. 海王星引力能够足以解释天王星的运动吗?

    Was Neptune 's gravity strong enough to explain the motion of Uranus ?

  26. 新月会与掌管艺术的海王星相会。

    That new moon will conjoin Neptune , the planet of the arts .

  27. 海王星是太阳系中距离太阳最远的行星。

    Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun .

  28. 她在艺术课上遇见他,跟随他来到海王星镇。

    She met him in an art class and followed him to neptune .

  29. 金星跟海王星之间形成的三分相暗示着十分浪漫的天性。

    The trine formed between Venus and Neptune denotes a highly romantic nature .

  30. 因为木星在海王星附近,你不知不觉间提高了自己的期望值。

    You might unknowingly inflate your expectations due to Jupiter 's proximity to Neptune .