
  • 网络jupiter;jove
  1. 后来,他们的贪婪让朱庇特十分生气,便把他们变成了现在的蚂蚁。

    At last their covetousness2 made Jupiter so angry that he changed them into ants .

  2. 赫拉克勒斯被众神接纳为神以后,朱庇特为他设宴庆贺。宴会上,赫拉克勒斯热情友好地向众神一一问好,唯独财神普罗托斯除外。

    When Hercules was received among the gods and was entertained at a banquet by Jupiter , he responded courteously1 to the greetings of all with the exception of Plutus , the god of wealth .

  3. 木星命名为罗马众神之王木星英文名为Jupiter(朱庇特,就是罗马神话中的宙斯神)是太阳系中的巨人。

    Named after the king of the Roman gods , Jupiter is the giant of our solar system .

  4. 前面已经有一个月是以希腊女神命名的了,现在我们再次回到罗马的神灵:六月是以古罗马女神朱诺(Juno)命名的。她是主神朱庇特(Jupiter)的妻子,是婚姻与分娩之神。

    Having conceded one month to a Greek deity , we 're now back with the Romans : June is named after the ancient Roman goddess Juno , wife of Jupiter and goddess of marriage and childbirth .

  5. 愿朱庇特神赐给你恩泽绵绵!

    May Jupiter continue to give you his gifts without end !

  6. 朱庇特威风凛凛地坐在当中。

    Jupiter , with August gravity , sitting in the midst .

  7. 恺撒也是由朱庇特神指派的,不是吗?

    Caesar also is sanctioned by jupiter , is he not ?

  8. 马尔斯(阿瑞斯)是朱庇特和朱诺的儿子。

    Mars ( Ares ) was the son of Jupiter and Juno .

  9. 您是指扮演朱庇特的那位吧?无名氏接着说。

    " You mean the part of Jupiter ," returned the unknown .

  10. 她根本不是为了朱庇特之眼。

    It 's not about in the eye of jupiter .

  11. 朱庇特之眼是被第十三部落留下的航标。

    It 's a marker that was left behind by the13th tribe .

  12. 朱庇特见到这种情况怒不可遏。

    Jupiter , observing the condition of things , burned with anger .

  13. 朱庇特右手发射的霹雳总是寻找高处。

    Thunderbolt speed by jove 's right hand seek out the height .

  14. 朱庇特之眼肯定在这神庙里。

    The eye of Jupiter has to be somewhere in this temple .

  15. 朱庇特缩短了春天,把一年分为四季。

    Jupiter shortened the spring , and divided the year into four seasons .

  16. 就在那草地上,朱庇特见到了她。为她神魂颠倒。

    There in the meadow , Jupiter beheld her , and was troubled .

  17. 朱庇特代表自尊与乐观;

    of Jupiter , ambition , pride , honor and a happy disposition ;

  18. 手稿中没怎么提到过朱庇特之眼。

    There 's really not much more on the eye in these scriptures .

  19. 选举是由神圣的朱庇特神监督的。

    The elections are sanctioned by Jupiter capitolinus * .

  20. 然后他杀死了老鹰解放了朱庇特的囚徒。

    Thereupon he kills the eagle ; and sets Jove 's victim free .

  21. 再一幅是描写欧罗巴尼如何被化身成公牛的朱庇特所欺骗。

    Still another depicted Europa deceived by Jupiter under the disguise of a bull .

  22. 朱庇特之眼有什么头绪没?

    Any luck finding the eye of jupiter ?

  23. 这并非是一座巴特农神宙,也不是奥林匹斯山朱庇特殿堂。

    This was neither a Parthenon , nor a temple of the Olympian Jupiter .

  24. 里面提到朱庇特之眼被留在某个神庙里。

    And they make reference to the eye being left in some sort of temple .

  25. 现在话已出口,朱庇特既不能算她没提出要求,又不能收回自己的诺言。

    The words escaped , and Jupiter could neither unsay his promise nor her request .

  26. 但朱庇特之眼到底在哪里?

    But where is that frakking eye ?

  27. 所以让他们摧毁朱庇特之眼吧。

    So let them destroy the eye .

  28. 他们用公牛祭朱庇特。

    They sacrificed an ox to jupiter .

  29. 于是他就赶车直向俯视整个城镇的朱庇特小庙走去。

    Then he drove straight on to the little temple of Jupiter that overlooked the town .

  30. 朱庇特见到情人受苦,很是伤心,打发墨丘利去除掉阿尔戈斯。

    Jupiter , grieved by the sufferings of his mistress , sent Mercury to dispatch Argus .