
míng wáng xīng
  • Pluto
冥王星 [míng wáng xīng]
  • [Pluto] 太阳系中最远的行星。与太阳的平均距离约5.610 9 公里。它环绕太阳公转的恒星周期是248.4年。1978年美国发现冥王星有一颗卫星,直径约为800公里,距离冥王星约19000多公里,从而得出冥王星的直径约为2400公里

冥王星[míng wáng xīng]
  1. 太空望远镜拍摄到了迄今为止最清晰的冥王星的照片。

    The space telescope has taken the clearest pictures ever of Pluto

  2. 天文学家知道冥王星与海卫一拥有几乎相同的体积、质量与密度。

    Astronomers know that Pluto and Triton have nearly the same size , mass , and density .

  3. 冥王星似乎受到过严重撞击,倾斜了122度。

    Pluto seems to have suffered a major collision that tipped it 122 degrees from the vertical .

  4. 冥王星是离太阳最远的行星。

    Pluto is the furthest planet from the sun .

  5. 冥王星的轨道是椭圆形的。

    Pluto has an elliptic orbit .

  6. 他去世很多年之后,X行星才被发现是冥王星。

    He died long before the search for Planet X resulted in the discovery of Pluto .

  7. 经过九年半、30亿英里(约合48亿公里)的飞行,NASA的“新视野号”(NewHorizons)探测器将在周二掠过冥王星。

    Nine and a half years and three billion miles later , NASA 's New Horizons spacecraft will zoom past Pluto on Tuesday .

  8. 这样来说K带,通常也被称作KBO,和冥王星很多形似的地方。

    It turns out the Kaper belt , which is also called KBO , have a lot in common with pluto .

  9. 周二,约翰霍普金斯应用物理实验室举行的发布会上,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的科学家透露,他们已收集到来自冥王星的最新图像。

    During a news briefing at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory on Tuesday , NASA scientists revealed what they 've gleaned from the latest photos of Pluto .

  10. 从冥王星的轨道特性来看,冥王星应是一颗较大的Kuiper带天体,它还拥有另外两种共振&Kozai共振和1:1超级共振。

    There are other two resonances in its motion , the Kozai resonance and 1:1 super resonance .

  11. 第二年,国际天文学联合会(InternationalAstronomicalUnion)就把冥王星归入名为“矮行星”的一个新类别,因为在该学会看来,一颗名副其实的行星必须能够清空轨道上的其他天体,而冥王星做不到这一点。

    The next year , the International Astronomical Union placed Pluto in a new category , " dwarf planet , " because in its view , a full-fledged planet must be the gravitational bully of its orbit , and Pluto was not .

  12. 你所看到的冥王星图像,附带有极度夸张的色彩数据,就像你在Instagram(一款图片分享应用)上放大图片的色彩饱和度那样。

    What you 're looking at is an image of Pluto with heavily exaggerated color data -- like when you amp up the saturation on an Instagram .

  13. 2005年1月,他发现了一颗大小相当于冥王星的天体,位于海王星以外的充满冰结碎块的柯伊伯带(KuiperBelt)。它如今命名为阋神星(Eris)。

    In January 2005 , he discovered a Pluto-size object , now known as Eris , in the Kuiper belt , the ring of icy debris beyond Neptune .

  14. 谈到冥王星的特征,NASA科学家们正准备给一些他们发现到的东西进行非正式命名。他们可以将这些名字递交给国际天文学联合会以获得官方认证。

    And speaking of Pluto 's features , NASA scientists are now giving unofficial names to some of the things they 've spotted -- names they can submit to the International Astronomical Union for official approval .

  15. 仅仅在去年一年当中,NASA就实现了几大壮举:在火星上发现了液态水、在木星其中一颗卫星上发现了冰的迹象、还给距地球30亿英里(约合48亿公里)之遥的冥王星拍摄了高分辨率照片。

    Last year alone , NASA discovered flowing water on Mars and evidence of ice on one of Jupiter 's moons , and we mapped Pluto -- more than 3 billion miles away -- in high-resolution .

  16. 不远的2015年7月,NASA将启动新地平线计划越过冥王星进行考察,届时冥王星将成为迄今为止访问过世界最远距离的星球—因为对那些无畏的人而言,冥王星是一颗星球。

    In July 2015 , NASA 's New Horizons mission zips close to Pluto , which will make that distant world the farthest planet yet visited - for those intrepid individuals who still consider Pluto a planet .

  17. 谈太阳系外新发现的行星Malhotra通过行星迁移成功地解释了冥王星被共振俘获的机制。

    On the Discovery of Extrasolar Planets Malhotra proposed that Pluto was swept into the 3:2 resonance by planets migration , which happened very easily in the early stage of the solar system .

  18. 在冥王星的运动中存在着三个共振(3∶2平运动共振、Kozai共振以及1∶1超级共振)。

    In the orbit motion of Pluto , there exist three resonances to keep its stability . They are the 3 ∶ 2 mean motion resonance , Kozai resonance and the 1 ∶ 1 super resonance respectively .

  19. 冥王星和新天体还是有区别的。

    Yet there are differences between Pluto and the new object .

  20. 也是冥王星唯一的卫星的名字。

    It 's also the name of pluto 's only moon .

  21. 这不是真的,在这时候,我去冥王星打球。

    At this point , I 'll go play on Pluto .

  22. 火星与冥王星之间的对分相显示出反抗的态度。

    The opposition between Mars and Pluto shows a defiant attitude .

  23. 你可以说太阳系的边界是冥王星。

    You can say that the solar system ends with Pluto .

  24. 问:“理查德•布兰森是否真的买下了冥王星?”

    Q : " Did Richard Branson really buy Pluto ? "

  25. 一个是冥王星被命名为矮行星。

    One was a decision to name Pluto are a dwarf Planet .

  26. 你吸入的下一口空气有可能来自比冥王星更遥远的地方!

    The next breath you take could have come from beyond Pluto .

  27. 木星与冥王星之间的对分相显示对社会理想主义的质疑。

    The opposition of Jupiter and Pluto shows questioning of social ideology .

  28. 火星跟冥王星之间形成的四分相产生了强势的天性。

    The square formed between Mars and Pluto produces a forceful nature .

  29. 国际天文学会对行星重新定义,剥夺了冥王星的地位。

    Astronomers'reclassification strips ninth planet of status in solar system .

  30. 四个类木行星和柯伊伯带(包括冥王星)

    Four Jovian planets and the Kuiper belt ( including Pluto ) .