
mínɡ fǔ
  • Hades;the underworld;nether world
冥府 [míng fǔ]
  • [hades;the underworld] 亦称阴间,迷信的人指人死后鬼魂所在的地方

  1. 冥府有五条河:科库托斯河&哀伤之河;

    There were five rivers in Hades : Cocytus , the river of wailing ;

  2. 阿刻戎河&亡灵进入冥府必经的一条又黑又深的河;

    Acheron , the black and deep river that had to be passed to enter Hades ;

  3. 去冥府哈得斯的人一般都向西走,去往一个遥远的地方。

    Visitors to Hades often travelled far to the west .

  4. 他用竖琴让冥府守门狗沉睡。

    He put Cerberus to sleep using a lyre .

  5. 冥府守门狗是一只有3个头的狗,看守冥俯。

    Cerberus is a three-headed dog that guarded hades .

  6. 我也从书上才知道再冥府守门狗。

    All I know of Cerberus is what I 've read in books .

  7. 在冥府之门旁等待

    Wait near the gate of underworld

  8. 她逃走了,每年春天又回冥府找哈德斯报仇,用她春天的神力

    She escaped , and returns every spring to take revenge on Hades , with her Spring powers .

  9. 冥府哈得斯是一个死人出不去、活人进不来的地方。

    Hades was a place where the dead could not get out and the living could not go in .

  10. 当普西芬尼从冥府回来的时候,得墨忒耳很开心,所以就有了春天,万物开始复苏。

    When Persephone returns , Demeter is happy , it is spring , and plants begin to grow again .

  11. 冥河冥府五条河之一条,死者的灵魂渡过此河进入冥府;

    Styx the river across which the souls of the dead are ferried , one of the five rivers in hades ;

  12. 在阿刻戎河上,一位凶神恶煞的老汉卡戎永远在此摆渡新亡灵去冥府,船费为一个硬币。

    On the river Acheron the surly old man , Charon by name , forever ferried new arrivals across for one coin .

  13. 成群结队的亡魂拥入冥府,吵吵闹闹,把哈得斯弄得心烦意乱,狼狈不堪。

    Crowds pour into the nether world of the spirits of the dead , noisy , put up hades upset , mood .

  14. 当克瑞托斯从哈迪斯的冥府中返回到阳间的时候,他发现他和那个神殿外面的老头再一次相遇了。

    When Kratos finally returns from hades , he discovers the old man he had met outside the temple of the oracle .

  15. 买地券内容包含强烈的冥府观念和道教信仰,并折射出南朝时期岭南地区土地私有化的发展。

    Its content contains intense Hades idea and Taoism belief , and reflects the development of land privatization in Lingnan area in Southern Dynasties .

  16. 冥府的官员也可以由人类来担任,而非特定的神祗,这点上与其他文化系统下的冥界有极大的不同。

    Men can hold a post for officers in Hades not the specific god , which greatly differs from the nether world under other culture system .

  17. 在希腊神话中,人们会在死人的嘴里放上一块硬币当作酬劳,好让摆渡者带着他们的灵魂渡过冥河顺利到达冥府。

    In Greek mythology , a coin was placed in the deceased 's mouth to pay the ferryman to take their soul across the River Styx into Hades .

  18. 他既是民间传说中冥府的四大判官之一,又是道教中的一位神灵,也是经常出现在中国古代小说、戏曲中的一位神化人物。

    He was one of " four judge " in folklore Hades , a Taoist deity , and a deified figure who was often in ancient Chinese novels and operas .

  19. 品达笔下的英雄,如背叛了诸神信任的坦塔罗斯和伊克西翁,从奥林匹斯山盛会的光芒中被驱逐到哈德斯之冥府的黑暗之中。

    Heroes like Tantalus and Ixion in Pindar , who betray the gods'trust in them , are sent from the radiance of Olympian feasts to the utter darkness of Hades .

  20. (希腊神话)把死者的灵魂通过冥河或黄泉河带到冥府的摆渡者。

    Row the travelers over the ferry ( Greek mythology ) the ferryman who brought the souls of the dead across the the river Styx or the river Acheron to Hades .

  21. 阴间,冥府死者居住的地方,与犹太人的阴司和希腊人的阴世相同;冥府皮影戏《地府》的说明:皮影戏传说中阴间地府中十八层地狱。

    The abode of the dead , identified with the Hebrew Sheol and the Greek Hades ; the underworld . Leather-silhouette , Hell ( Introduction ): Eighteen layers of hell of nether world in leather-silhouette legends .