  • dark;obscure;profound;abstruse
  • the underworld;the nether world
  • 昏暗:幽~。~蒙。晦~。

  • 深奥,深沉:~思。~想。~心。

  • 糊涂,愚昧:~顽不灵。

  • 迷信的人称人死后进入的世界:~界。~府。~婚。~衣。~寿。


(昏暗) dark; obscure:

  • 冥夜

    dark night


(深奥; 深沉) profound; abstruse; deep:

  • 苦思冥想

    think long and hard; cudgel one's brains; be deep in thought


(糊涂; 愚昧) stupid; dull-witted; benighted:

  • 冥顽不灵

    impenetrably thickheaded; extremely stupid


(迷信者称人死后进入的世界; 阴间) the underworld; the nether world:

  • 冥府

    the nether world;

  • 幽冥

    dark hell; the nether world


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 冥都

    Ming Du

  1. 何立入冥故事流变研究

    Studies about plots of " He Li Entering the Underworld "

  2. 由于家族势力的影响及血缘伦理的威严,祖先崇拜渗透到复仇主题之中,导致复仇方式向冥间拓展。

    Due to the great influence of clan force and consanguineous ethnics , ancestral worship has found its way into the literary theme of revenge , bringing into it elements of the nether world .

  3. 本部分基于有限时间稳定的Lyapunov理论,通过恰当的参数变换,借鉴增加冥次积分的方法设计了停息时间可调的有限时间稳定控制器,实现了闭环系统的全局有限时间稳定。

    Based on the Lyapunov theory of finite-time stability , by combining a suitable transformation and the adding a power integrator , the finite-time stabilizing controller with adjustable-settling-time is designed and the globally finite-time stability is achieved .

  4. 所以,我们也不再诧异斐勒蒙(Philemon)的愿望:他说只要他能够在冥土中拜访欧里庇德斯,他宁愿立刻自谥,但愿他能确实知道人在死后仍有理性。

    Now the wish of Philemon -- who was willing to be hanged for the pleasure of visiting Euripides in Hades , providing he could be sure that the dead man was still in possession of his senses -- no longer seems strange to us .

  5. 在中午时分休息并冥想爱的心醉神迷;

    To rest at the noon hour and meditate loves ecstasy ;

  6. 三点了,冥色开始降落。

    Three o'clock , and the dark is already setting in .

  7. 南冥学是韩国性理学之正宗

    Nan - ming Learning as the Orthodox of Confucianism in South Korea

  8. 这整堆的冥纸是为好兄弟而准备的。

    Paper is prepared for our " Good Brothers " .

  9. 它不让活物进入冥俯。

    Also prevents the living from entering the realm of the dead .

  10. 我们不走,也会死在冥境里。

    If we stay longer , the gloom will take us too .

  11. 因为烧冥纸产生的烟雾使许多人不堪其忧。

    But some people find smoke from burning incense paper a nuisance .

  12. 自我开始练习冥想起,已有两年的时光了。

    It has been exactly two years since I started practicing meditation .

  13. 我宁愿去替冥神吹箫!

    I 'd rather suck pluto * 's thorny cock !

  14. 是鸟也,海运则将徙于南冥。

    Is a bird , shipping will be resettlement in the southern Ming .

  15. 所以,月冥人可能太过于强势。

    Thus , at times , the Pluto-Moon combination can be completely overpowering .

  16. 最适合做冥想到时间是清晨和黄昏。早晨和黄昏一样,有它的各种幻影。

    The best time for meditation are towards the morning and the evening .

  17. 通常来说情绪对月冥人来说是一把双刃剑。

    Often emotions are a double-edged sword of survival for the Pluto-Moon person .

  18. 我想这直接通往冥俯。

    So I guess this leads to hell itself .

  19. 张载与韩国南冥之气论比较

    A Comparison Between Zhang Zai and Nan Min in the Theory of Qi

  20. 清明节又称鬼节、冥节。

    Pure Brightness Festival is also called Ghost Festival .

  21. 冥府守门狗是一只有3个头的狗,看守冥俯。

    Cerberus is a three-headed dog that guarded hades .

  22. 那些不会死的就要烧冥纸给死人。

    Those alive burn incense paper for the dead .

  23. 现在的冥纸就好像真的一样。

    They really look like real cash nowadays .

  24. 十秒内,冥境会吞噬他。

    Ten seconds before the gloom consumes him .

  25. 一天到晚笑不停笑到夏日夜半冥。

    Laugh and laugh the whole day through And half the summer 's night .

  26. 听到地狱的冥乐了吗

    There , you hear the devil music ?

  27. 魔法与洞察冥远的能力。

    The power of magic and clairvoyance .

  28. 这么好的机会,我冰冥不会轻易放弃的。

    The such good opportunity , I will ice deeply will not give up easily .

  29. 欧兰迪诺就是一只地狱冥犬。

    Orlandino was the dog from hell .

  30. 智慧的人冥想到出生,变老,和死亡。

    The wise person meditates on the sorrows of birth , age , and death .