
fù miè
  • destruction;doom;complete collapse
覆灭 [fù miè]
  • [destruction;complete collapse] 全部被消灭;毁灭

  • 全军覆灭

覆灭[fù miè]
  1. 斯大林格勒战役决定了希特勒的覆灭。

    The Battle of Stalingrad sealed Hitler 's doom .

  2. 奢安事件成为促使明王朝覆灭的重要因素之一。

    She-An Event is one of important factors that urged the destruction of the Ming Dynasty .

  3. 我们看到他们所有人都为那场运动的覆灭而洋洋自得。

    We 've seen them all crowing that the movement is dead .

  4. 1719年6月,部队在格兰舍一役击败了入侵者,直至此时他们才最终覆灭。

    The invaders were only finally crushed when troops overcame them at Glenshiel in June 1719 .

  5. 猖獗一时的匪帮,曾几何时,遭到了彻底覆灭。

    The gang was on the rampage for a time , but before long it was completely overthrown .

  6. 该盗窃团伙彻底覆灭了。

    The gang of burglars was completely destroyed .

  7. 我们祈求的是人类的幸福和进步,而不是人类的覆灭。

    We favour the well-being and progress , not the annihilation , of mankind .

  8. 这次旅程也很轻松:出席一个大学研讨会,其中一项主题是:就我的《帝国的覆灭:当代俄罗斯的教训》(DeathoftheEmpire:LessonsforModernRussia)一书发表演讲。

    And the trip was easy : a university research conference and presentation of my book Death of the Empire : Lessons for Modern Russia was one of its subjects .

  9. 《创新困境》讲的是PC机和客户端-服务器运算如何取代王安实验室的文字处理系统,造成微型计算机(如DEC之类的行业领导者)覆灭,并让主机和超级计算机臣服。

    ' The Innovator 's Dilemma ' explains how PCs and client-server computing displaced the word processing systems from Wang , caused the demise of minicomputers , including industry leaders like DEC , and brought mainframes and supercomputers to their knees .

  10. 没有关系。我也同意,我的诸多担忧是一种过激反应,但这恰是因为我真实的经历过1990年代那场伤筋通骨的Copland危机,并且,眼睁睁的看着苹果因此近乎覆灭。

    I 'm sure a lot of my concern is an overreaction caused by having lived through the actual Copland crisis in the1990s , and watching Apple almost die because of it .

  11. ATIR经由过程选择性连结能阻止传染的免疫细胞,并覆灭抨击袭击病人机体的免疫细胞而阐严重染。

    ATIR works by selectively eliminating the immune cells that otherwise attack the patient 's body , while sparing the immune cells that can fight infections .

  12. 但事实证明,摇滚乐是不会覆灭的。

    The truth is that rock and roll can 't die .

  13. 自明中叶起遭到剧烈破坏,明中叶后,外围森林已基本覆灭。

    Since the Mid-Ming , periphery forest was subjected to severe destruction .

  14. 但这不应导致国际合作就此覆灭。

    But that need not be fatal for international co-operation .

  15. 但影片的名字并不是人球覆灭:黄昏之战。

    But this is not Dusk of the Planet of the Humans .

  16. 他策划使他的强敌覆灭。

    He had powerful enemies who engineered his ruin .

  17. 阿萨德政权的覆灭将对伊朗造成打击。

    The fall of the Assad regime would be a blow to Iran .

  18. 不断出现的奴隶起义导致了古罗马帝国的覆灭。

    Recurrent slave uprisings brought about the downfall of the ancient Roman Empire .

  19. 以你们地球的思考方法,这些事件将是覆灭性的。

    These events will be catastrophic to your way of thinking on Earth .

  20. 上帝要谁覆灭,必先让他猖狂。(欧里比德斯)

    Whom the gods destroy , they first make mad . ( Euripides )

  21. 这位同学曾报道过共产主义的覆灭与索马里饥荒。

    He had covered the fall of Communism and the famine in Somalia ;

  22. 通货膨胀与清王朝的覆灭

    Inflation and the Downfall of the Qing Dynasty

  23. 还能让我们的营救队伍覆灭。

    And could get our rescue team killed .

  24. 面风祈祷,斯巴达将会覆灭,整个希腊都将覆灭。

    Pray to the winds . Sparta will fall . All Greece will fall .

  25. 同时他认为,一旦抛弃这一二元论,经验主义本身就覆灭了。

    And he thinks that empiricism itself is abandoned once we rejected the dualism .

  26. 这样也许更能博得英美的支持,挽救即将覆灭的命运!

    This may be more to win American support , to save about doom !

  27. 希特勒抱怨说,这一发明是潜艇战遭到覆灭的原因。

    Hitler complained that this single invention was the ruin of the U-boat campaign .

  28. (有)失败、灾祸或覆灭的清楚的徵兆

    ( there are ) clear signs that warn of failure , disaster or defeat

  29. 你的王国已经覆灭了我是不会为你的美貌所蛊惑的

    Your emperor is defeated and I 'm immune to your bewitching good looks .

  30. 周幽王对于国事的疏忽最终导致了王朝的覆灭。

    King You 's neglect of duty finally led to the fall of the dynasty .