
fù ɡài miàn
  • coverage
  1. 在一些国家致命疾病免疫注射的覆盖面已达到99%。

    Immunization coverage against fatal diseases has increased to 99 % in some countries .

  2. 为了进行快速的分类,点击Home项并再次检查您的测试覆盖面。

    For a quick diversion , click the Home tab and check your test coverage report again .

  3. 同时,IP城域网网络覆盖面较小,需要进行补点。

    At the same time , IP MAN network coverage is too small and need to make up more points .

  4. 我还将探讨IBMRational如何扩展其覆盖面,从而帮助客户更好地管理软件和系统交付的其他关键方面。

    I will also discuss how IBM Rational is expanding its coverage to help clients better govern other key aspects of software and systems delivery .

  5. 谷歌(Google)的云平台区域只有我们的五分之一。所以,从地域而言,现在我们的覆盖面最广。

    Google for their cloud platform only has about a fifth of those regions today . So we actually now have the broadest coverage from a geographic perspective .

  6. 利用目前CATV网络的闲置频带和覆盖面广的优势,通过CATV网络接入Internet是一种有效的方法。

    It is effective method that Internet is accessed with CATV networks since today 's CATV network has large unused spectrum and advantage of wide cover .

  7. NGI(nextgenerationInternet)网络运营的成功既依赖于其覆盖面、成熟的管理和广泛的应用,也取决于用户对网络的信任度。

    Marketing of NGI ( Next Generation Internet ) relies on his coverage area , maturity of management and comprehensive application supports , as well as users ' confidences to network security .

  8. 传输光缆资源不足,需要采用先进的PON技术扩大光缆覆盖面。

    It is needed to adopt advanced PON technology to expanding fiber optic coverage for insufficient cable resources .

  9. 一项覆盖面广的学术研究报告表明,电脑程序可以通过跟踪人们如何使用Facebook网站,来获取越来越多的个人信息。

    The increasing amount of personal information that can be gleaned by computer programs that track how people use Facebook has been revealed by an extensive academic study .

  10. 本文将KDD的思想和方法引入Web搜索引擎,提出一种面向用户的检索覆盖面广、质量高的Web搜索引擎框架,并对其中的关键技术进行了探讨。

    In the paper , we adopt KDD technology to Web search engine , give a user-oriented framework for Web search engine with wide coverage and high quality , and discuss the key technology on KDD .

  11. 纽约市市长MichaelBloomberg表示,在接到官员们关于要注意莫斯科爆炸的提醒后,纽约今早确实扩大了安检的覆盖面。

    New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the city " did ramp up our coverage a little bit this morning " after officials warned of the Moscow bombings .

  12. 覆盖面更广的东证指数(Topix)下跌3.5%,收于1302.37点。

    The broader Topix index shed 3.5 per cent to 1, 302.37 .

  13. 与其他交付方法相比,CDI战略使除了短期直接观察治疗以外的所有干预措施的覆盖面得到了显著的扩大。

    With the CDI strategy , significantly higher coverage was achieved than with other delivery approaches for all interventions except for short-course , directly-observed treatment .

  14. 中国移动的GPRS网络目前覆盖全国31个省、市、自治区的240多个城市,是目前国内覆盖面最广、容量最大和质量最优的网络。

    GPRS network of China Mobile covers 31 provinces and more than 240 cities in the whole country at present ; it covers the widest coverage area with optimum quality and high capacity at present in China .

  15. 同时,MQS的存在会扩大厂商市场覆盖面,但会降低其利润。

    At the same time , MQS can enlarge the market coverage of manufacturers while lowering their profits .

  16. XX研究所是我国电子系统工程领域中历史最久、规模最大、专业覆盖面最广、研发力量最强、技术成果最为丰富的大型综合性高科技研发基地,是行业领军企业。

    It has the longest history , largest scale , widest discipline coverage , strongest research & development ability , and the most plenty of technological achievements among electronic system engineering field in China .

  17. 桥梁施工管理信息系统应用GIS技术,将施工过程中的测量、进度、质量和成本作为系统管理的重点,设计了9个子系统,涵盖了大量的空间信息,内容丰富、覆盖面广、适应性强。

    Using the technology of GIS , information system of bridge construction management takes it into account which is the measure , schedule , quality , and cost during the construction , including nine sub-system with abundance dimensional information , wide content , large scale and strong adaptability .

  18. 对现有的SDH网络中郊县业务回传带宽不足、OTN市区一平面波道不足、网络覆盖面窄、PTN汇聚节点少等问题在扩容系统设计中均予以解决。

    Scheme is proposed for the solution of the existing SDH network of suburban county business return insufficient bandwidth , OTN a plane channel problems , network coverage , PTN nodes and fewer problems .

  19. 进入21世纪以来,我国SARS、H1N1等突发性公共卫生事件爆发频繁,不同地区以及城乡之间公共卫生服务提供水平和覆盖面存在巨大差异,这些问题都与公共卫生支出的绩效密切相关。

    In the 21st century , SARS , H1N1 and other sudden epidemics broke out in our country frequently . There is a huge difference in public health service delivery level and coverage in different regions and between urban and rural .

  20. 采用GPRS进行远程数据采集,可以借助其覆盖面大、通讯质量高等特点为那些涉及地域广、设备布局分散的监控点提供一种快速可靠的无线数据传输通道。

    Remote data acquisition using GPRS provides a sort of fast , reliable wireless data transmission channel for those watch stations which cover widely and distribute dispersedly with the help of the characteristics such as wide spread , high communication quality and so on .

  21. 对一种后掠压缩斜板进气道(Caret进气道)的进口激波结构、进口流动对管道后部流场的影响进行了数值分析,对进口倒圆修形的影响、激波覆盖面也进行了讨论。

    A numerical investigation was conducted about the shock structure at the entrance of the inlets and the effects of entrance flows on aft duct flowfields for a Caret inlet , and also the effect of the fillet circle and shielding region of oblique shocks .

  22. 戈壁风蚀面与植被覆盖面地表性质粗糙度长度的确定

    Determination of Roughness Length on Gobi Deflation Plane and Vegetated Surface

  23. 昆嵛山的森林覆盖面达到了80%。

    The forest coverage of Mountain Kunyu is up to80 % .

  24. 90年代大众文化具有很大覆盖面。

    The popular culture is the main culture in the nineties .

  25. 调查表上的问题覆盖面极广。

    The questionnaire covered an extremely broad spectrum of topics .

  26. 灭鼠毒饵覆盖面及防治间隔期探讨

    Discussion on cover of poison bait for rat destruction and control interval

  27. 它们必须覆盖面很广的教学大纲。

    They 've got to cover a very wide syllabus .

  28. 山西省扩大工伤保险覆盖面问题研究

    The Research of Shanxi Province Expanding the Coverage of Industrial Injury Insurance

  29. 这是最低的国家之一,保险覆盖面,可以考虑。

    It is one of the lowest insurance coverage one can take .

  30. 汉英文化差异与词义的覆盖面

    Cultural Differences between Chinese & English and Lexical Sense Coverage