
  • 网络Zhu Di;Yongle
  1. 明成祖朱棣命令下属建造一支强大的舰队。

    Emperor Zhu Di ordered his workers to build a huge fleet of boats .

  2. 是朱元璋的儿子朱棣。

    It was erected by Zhu 's son .

  3. 之后,郑和侍奉朱棣,也就是后来的明成祖。

    Zheng He then served Zhu Di , who later became the Yongle Emperor .

  4. 郑和效忠明成祖朱棣,率领宝船船队在整个印度洋地区进行贸易与外交。

    In service to Ming emperor Zhu Di , Zheng 's Treasure Fleet conducted widespread trade and diplomacy throughout the Indian Ocean .

  5. 明朝永乐皇帝朱棣,为了向世界展现杰出的中国文化,实行了积极开放的政策。

    Emperor Zhu Di , in order to show the finer aspects of Chinese culture to the world adopted an aggressive policy of exploration .

  6. 朱元璋和朱棣在荒政中用钞,一方面是为了推行钞法;另一方面是为了挽救钞法的危机。

    Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di using the notes in the Famine , on one hand is to implement the note law , on the other hand is to save the crisis of note law .