
  1. 摘要关于人才问题,张之洞有相当系统的论说。

    Zhang Zhidong had discussed systematically on the question of talent .

  2. 张之洞中西文化观研究

    The Study on Zhang Zhi-dong 's Chinese and Western Cultural Concept

  3. 张之洞治理海南黎族述评

    Commentary on Zhang Zhi-dong 's Governance of Li People in Hainan

  4. 张之洞与文学研究法

    Zhang Zhi-dong and the " Methods of Literary Study "

  5. 张之洞与中国法律的近代转型

    Zhang Zhi-Dong and the Transformation of Chinese Modern Legal System

  6. 张之洞发展农业的思想及实践

    Zhang Zhi - dong 's thought of developing agriculture and its application

  7. 论张之洞的农业近代化思想与实践

    A Research on the Thought and Practice of ZHANG Zhi-dong about Agricultural Modernization

  8. 试论张之洞实业教育思想的现实意义

    On Practical Significance of Zhang Zhi - dong 's Ideas on Industrial Education

  9. 张之洞与中日甲午战争

    Zhang Zhi-dong and the War Between China and Japan

  10. 张之洞人才思想研究

    A Study On Zhang Zhi-dong 's Thought Of Talent

  11. 张之洞对商人群体的扶持维护

    Zhang Zhi-dong 's Support and Maintenance for Merchant Group

  12. 张之洞与芦汉铁路的建设

    Zhang Zhi-dong and the construction of Luhan railroad

  13. 张之洞与王闿运始终往来不断。

    Zhang Zhi-dong and always Wang Kai-yun exchanges .

  14. 本文选择张之洞的行政管理思想作为研究对象。

    The study object of this paper is the administration thought of Zhang Zhi-dong .

  15. 《癸卯学制》百年简论癸卯学制与张之洞的教育思想简议

    A Brief Study on Kui-mao School System and Zhang Zhi-dong 's Thought About Education

  16. 刍议张之洞的体育思想

    On the Spurts Thought of Zhang Zhi-dong

  17. 张之洞与清末法制改革

    ZHANG Zhi-dong and the Reform of Legal System in the Last Period of Qing Dynasty

  18. 第三章,张之洞散文特征。

    Chapter ⅲ, Zhang prose features .

  19. 汉阳陵陵园形制研究张之洞与汉阳铁厂

    ZHANG Zhi-dong and Hanyang Iron Works

  20. 戊戌变法运动是中国近代史上有着深刻影响的一场社会变革运动。其间,有洋务新秀之称,并握有地方实权的湖广总督张之洞,对变法的成败曾起过举足轻重的作用。

    The Reform Movement of 1898 was a social reform with significant influence in modern Chinese history .

  21. 张之洞实业和实业教育思想评述

    A Commentary on ZHANG Zhi dong 's Industry and Commerce as well as His Industrial Educational Thought

  22. 张之洞对芦汉铁路的筹建政策、筹款方式、线路走向等都提出了自己的方案。

    Zhang put forward his own schemes of preparation , fund raising and location of the railroad .

  23. 张之洞与维新运动

    ZHANG Zhi-dong and Reform Movement

  24. 满汉畛域对于晚清政局的演变和张之洞的政治生涯都产生了重要的影响。

    Man-Han distinction has an important effect on Zhang 's political life and the change of late-Qing 's political situation .

  25. 张之洞与湖北工业化的起始:汉阳铁厂由粤移鄂透视

    ZHANG Zhi-dong and Threshold of Industrialization in Hubei : Analyses on Transfer of Hanyang Steel Factory from Guangdong to Hubei

  26. 张之洞督粤期间治理琼州黎族取得了一定的成效。

    During his reign over Guangdong and Guangxi , Zhang Zhidong made some achievements on governing the Li nationality in Qiongzhou .

  27. 如张之洞与李慈铭经历了从至交好友到反目成仇,再到复合的过程。

    Such as Zhang Zhi-dong and Lee Ci-ming experienced intimate friend from friends to enemies , and then to compound the process .

  28. 在近代中国人民轰轰烈烈的反洋教运动中,晚清大吏张之洞有自己独特的思想与实践。

    During modern times , the high official Zhang Zhidong has his distinctive idea and practice in the Chinese great Anti-christian Campaign .

  29. 从通经致用到中体西用&论张之洞的人才教育思想

    From " Tong-jing Zhi-yong " to " Zhong-ti Xi-yong " & An Analysis on Thought of Talent 's Education of Zhang Zhi-dong

  30. 总之,张之洞的农业思想和实践,有利于中国农业由传统向近代的转变。

    In a word , the agricultural thought and practice of Zhang Zhi-dong are favorable to transform Chinese traditional agriculture into modern agriculture .