
Zhènɡ Hé
  • leader of Ming naval expeditions
  1. 也是在明代,由郑和率领的船队曾到印度洋进行了七次大规模探险航行。

    It was also in Ming dynastythat the fleet of ships led by ZhengHe expedited for seven times to the Indian Ocean on a large scale .

  2. 郑和在这里的时候,就住在这栋建筑里,文化馆导游戴维·霍尔(DavidKhor)说。

    He stayed in this building here , said David Khor , a museum guide .

  3. 英国航海史学家孟席斯(GavinMenzies)历时14年收集资料和研究后,于2002年3月提出郑和船队早在哥伦布前72年就航行到美洲;

    Gavin Menzies , British seafaring historian , spent 14 years collecting data and doing research , and put forward the theory in March 2002 that ZHENG Hess fleet had reached the Americas 72 years earlier than Columbus ;

  4. 郑和第六次下西洋发现美洲了吗?

    Did zheng he find the Americas in his sixth voyage ?

  5. 对郑和下西洋和平外交政策的探究

    To Zheng He under Western world peaceful foreign policy inquiring into

  6. 南京交通事业与郑和航海壮举有着很深的渊源关系。

    Zheng 's voyages were closely associated with Nanjing 's traffic .

  7. 500年前葡萄牙史书对郑和下西洋的记载

    The Studies about Zheng He in the West 500 Years Ago

  8. 从郑和群礁等谈南海诸岛的主权

    On the Sovereignty of Nanhai Islands from the History of Zhenghe Reefs

  9. 郑和和他的手下人七次横渡印度洋。

    Zhenghe and his men made seven crossings on the Indian Ocean .

  10. 《郑和航海图》之基本特点

    On the Features of the Zheng He 's Nautical Charts

  11. 科学评价郑和航海业绩最基本的原则是以史实为依据。

    The principle of scientific evaluation is to start with historical facts .

  12. 郑和有一个月没看到陆地。

    Zheng He was out of sight of land for one month .

  13. 郑和令人惊叹的航海纪录也遭焚毁湮灭。

    Records of Zheng He 's incredible voyages were burned .

  14. 对明清政府海外贸易政策的反思&纪念郑和下西洋600周年

    Reflections on the Overseas Trade Policy of the Government of Ming-Qing Dynasty

  15. 从穆斯林的角度看郑和及其航海事业

    Seeing Zheng He and His Navigation Enterprise from the angle of Muslim

  16. 郑和宝船厂遗址公园呢。

    The Zhen He treasure ship park is in progress .

  17. 大多数使团都是由著名的舰队司令,宦官郑和率领的。

    Most of them were led by the famous eunuch admiral Cheng-ho .

  18. 云南这块土地抚育了郑和,也成就了郑和。

    Yunnan nurtured Zheng he , and helped to achieve his success .

  19. 郑和的船队由三百艘大船及三万多名水兵组成。

    Zheng 's fleet had more than 300 ships and 30000 sailors .

  20. 郑和船队复原研究概述

    The replica research of Zheng he 's composite fleet

  21. 郑和&中国和平外交的先行者

    Zheng He : Pioneer of China 's Peaceful Diplomacy

  22. 下西洋的成功实践铸造成郑和精神。郑和精神的精髓是和谐与和平。

    The essence of Zheng He 's spirit lies in harmony and peace .

  23. 郑和成了马六甲旅游业的皇牌。

    Thus , Zheng He has become an ace of tourism in Malacca .

  24. 郑和是云南晋宁县昆阳人。

    Zheng He was a native of Kunyang , Jinning County in Yunnan .

  25. 提到郑和,可以引起人们的强烈反应。

    Mention of Zheng He can evoke strong reactions .

  26. 《1421年:中国发现了世界》写作缘起及郑和环球航海新证据

    A Summary of China Discovered the World in 1421

  27. 纪念郑和下西洋600周年系列(一)郑和&世界历史上最伟大的航海家

    ZhengHe , the greatest Navigator in the World History

  28. 郑和下西洋与中国东南亚的友好交往

    Zheng He 's Expeditions and the Friendly Intercourse Between China and Southeast Asia

  29. 郑和下西洋与琉球海上贸易

    Zheng He 's Sailing to West Ocean and the Ryukyu 's maritime trade

  30. 都是郑和宝船船厂的遗址。

    Are the site of zheng 's treasure ship .