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  1. 张居正官史修纂的革新措施

    The Reformation Measures for Revising Zhang Ju-zheng 's Official History

  2. 意义深远的开端&评《张居正大传》

    A Far-Reaching Beginning & A Comment on Zhang Ju-zheng Great Biography ;

  3. 近五年来张居正研究综述(2000-2004)

    Research on Zhang Ju-zheng in the Recent Five Years ( 2000-2004 )

  4. 张居正是明朝一位杰出的政治家。

    Zhang Ju - zhang was an outstanding politician in Ming Dynasty .

  5. 《张居正》是一部追求“文化真实”的历史小说。

    Zhang Juzheng is a historical novel which pursuits the " reality of culture " .

  6. 腐败与弊政:张居正施政的另一面

    Corruption and Maladministration : The Other Side of ZHANG Ju-zheng 's Management of Government Affairs

  7. 然而,张居正死后,明神宗开始荒废朝政。

    However , after the death of Zhang Juzheng , the emperor began to neglect state affairs .

  8. 时间之史与人之无史&读长篇历史小说《张居正》

    The History of Time , Not of Man & After Reading the Long Historical Novel Zhang Juzheng ;

  9. 所论者在于何心隐之讲学与张居正之饬讲学、毁书院之内在关联。

    This paper analyses the inner relation between He Xinyin 's lecturing and Zhang Juzheng 's forbiddance of it .

  10. 王世贞与张居正是十六世纪最为重要的两位士大夫代表。

    Wang Shizhen and Zhang Juzheng have been regarded as two most important representatives of scholar-officials in the sixteenth century .

  11. 改革的内容:1573年,张居正任内阁首辅。

    Reform : In the year of 1573 , Zhang Juzheng occupied the office of the Chief Minister of the cabinet .

  12. 1582年,张居正逝世,改革也随之终止,但用银两收税的办法却保留了下来。

    In 1582 , Zhang Juzheng died and the reform was stopped at the same time . But the way to collect tax in silver was maintained .

  13. 文章从礼与政治的角度分析夺情的缘由和朝中官员对夺情的不同态度,并分析了夺情对张居正改革事业的影响。

    This article analyzes the reasons and other officers ' different attitudes towards this matter from the view of courtesy and political perspective the impact of his political reforms .

  14. 该文拟结合文本从理论准备、学者型创作风格、时代意识、文学笔法四个方面探讨《张居正大传》创作的成功经验,总结传记文学创作的规律。

    This article is an attempt to discuss the successful writing experience of it from four perspectives : theoretical preparation , scholarly writing style , awareness of age , writing techniques .

  15. 改革的作用:张居正改革,改善了明政府的财政状况,明朝北方边防得到巩固,军事力量也有所增强。

    The importance of the Reform Zhang : Juzheng Reform had improved the financial state of the Ming government and strengthened the frontier defense . The military power had been strengthened as well .

  16. 文章希望可以关注张居正税法改革的思路,实行的方法,步骤,尤其是改革过程中能够使法律得到贯彻执行的原因。

    The article may pay attention to the tax law reform the mentality , the implementation method , the step , particularly , the reason which the law was carried out in the process .

  17. 直到我真正读懂了张居正,读懂了他的经历,他的情感,以及他的选择。我才找到了一个答案,一个让人宽慰的答案。

    I search for a moral and the moral is a comforting one and it does not hit me until after I have truly understood Zhang Juzheng through reading his experiences , his emotions and his decisions .

  18. 张居正为了顺利实施其改革计划而采取的与李太后、冯保结盟,用人及夺情等手段,客观上触犯和践踏了当时的政治和社会伦理,侵蚀了明王朝的合法性基础。

    In order to implement his reform projects successfully , Zhang Ju-zheng took the means like allying with queen mother Li and Feng Bao , making use of personnel and (" Duoqing ",) which offended political and social ethics and corroded the legalization basis of Ming dynasty objectively .