
Zhū yuán zhānɡ
  • Zhu Yuanzhang;founder of the Ming dynasty
  1. 朱元璋,132s年1o月21日生于濠州,卒于1398年6月24日,年号洪武,谥号高帝,庙号太祖,中国明朝的开国皇帝。

    Zhu Yuanzhang ( born Oct. 21 , 1328 , Hao-chou , died June 24 , 1389 ) , reign name Hongwu , posthumous name Gaodi , temple name Taizu , was the founder of China 's Ming Dynasty .

  2. 母鸡抑制素的产生朱元璋驭阉政策评析

    Secretion of Inhibin in the Hen Zhu Yuanzhang Policy Towards Eunuch APPrAise

  3. 朱元璋颁布的这项政策内容是什么?

    What was the content of the ban promulgated by Zhu Yuanzhang ?

  4. 啊,原来朱元璋就是这个样子。

    So , this is what Zhu really looked like .

  5. 朱元璋统治了大约三十一年。

    The reign of Zhu Yuanzhang lasted about 31 years .

  6. 朱元璋是一位有抱负的明君。

    Zhu Yuanzhang is a responsible and ambitious emperor .

  7. 朱元璋与明朝文书档案事业的发展

    The Emperor ZHU Yuan-zhang and the Development of Archives Cause in Ming Dynasty

  8. 朱元璋发怒了,他以为全城的人都在和他作对。

    Emperor Zhu was very angry thinking the whole city was against him .

  9. 明初,朱元璋废除了行逾千年的宰相制度。

    In the beginning of Ming Dynasty , Zhu Yuanzhang abolished premier system .

  10. 抑商与通商:明太祖朱元璋的商业政策

    The Commodity Policies of ZHU Yuan-zhang in Ming Dynasty

  11. 朱元璋驭阉政策评析公牛隐睾的观察及其阉割术的探讨


  12. 朱元璋草创时期对文官在军事上的任用

    The Appointment of Official in Military Affairs by Zhu Yuan-zhang Before the Ming Dynasty

  13. 是朱元璋的儿子朱棣。

    It was erected by Zhu 's son .

  14. 尽管有宗教天职在身,朱元璋在军事上还是一位出类拔萃的人才。

    Despite his religious vocation , Chu was a man of rare military ability .

  15. 试析朱元璋文化专制政策

    On Zhu Yuanzhang 's Culture Autocracy Policy

  16. 朱元璋出身农民家庭,16岁成了孤儿。为了不至于饿死,朱元璋出家当了和尚。

    A poor peasant orphaned at 16 , he entered a monastery to avoid starvation .

  17. 朱元璋严法惩贪的历史考察

    Learning from the history of punishing corruption by strict laws in Zhu Yuanzhang reining period

  18. 明太祖朱元璋还曾封庐山为“庐岳”。

    Zhu Yuanzhang , founder of Ming Dynasty , granted it the High Mountain Lu .

  19. 朱元璋让士兵们一起吃月饼来庆祝胜利。

    So Zhu Yuanzhang let all his soldiers eat moon cakes to celebrate their success .

  20. 朱元璋法律思想探析

    Research on Zhu Yuanzhang 's Legal Thought

  21. 王冕待访的是推翻蒙元政权的汉人朱元璋。

    Wang mian was waiting for Zhu Yuanzhang who overthrown the Mongolian Yuan political power .

  22. 朱元璋民族成份考辨

    On the Nationality of ZHU Yuanzhang

  23. 为了给自己所建立的新王朝创造一个和平安定的国际环境,明太祖朱元璋开始制定了睦邻友好的和平外交政策。

    For creating peaceful international environment for new dynasty , Chu Yuanzhang started establishing peaceful diplomatic policy .

  24. 同年,朱元璋将元朝最后一个皇帝赶出中国。到1382年朱元璋重新统一中国。

    He drove the last Yuan emperor from China that year and reunified the country by 1382 .

  25. 为稳定国内局势,明太祖朱元璋采取了许多措施。

    In order to stabilize the national situation , the Grand Emperor of Ming took many measures .

  26. 试论朱元璋的佛教政策

    Buddhism Policy of Zhu Yuanzhang

  27. 朱元璋联合各路反抗力量准备起义。

    Zhu Yuan Zhang ( King of Dynasty Ming ) joint rostrum resistance forces to the intifada .

  28. 经过多年努力,朱元璋的军队无论军事实力还是经济实力都迅速增强。

    Through several years'efforts , both the military and economical strength of Zhu 's army quickly became stronger .

  29. 自从朱元璋统治以来,这就是国家财政收入的主要来源。

    Since the reign of Zhu Yuanzhang , it had been a major source of the state finance .

  30. 1381年,明太祖朱元璋下令在此筑城建关,始称山海关。

    In1381 , the emperor ordered the first Ming Guan city construction in this building before Shanhaiguan said .