
  1. 我们在期待欧洲央行明天的声明,国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)副总裁朱民称。

    We are looking forward to the E.C.B. announcement tomorrow , said Min Zhu , deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund .

  2. 拉加德可能对此进行干预,提拔来自新兴市场国家的人士进入高级管理层,其中可能包括来自中国的IMF总裁特别顾问朱民。

    Ms Lagarde may intervene to promote senior management from emerging market countries , perhaps including Zhu Min , the Chinese adviser to the managing director .

  3. 朱民将从5月开始在国际货币基金组织工作,担任总裁多米尼克·斯特劳斯-卡恩(DominiqueStrauss-Kahn)的特别顾问。

    Mr Zhu , who will start at the IMF in May , will work as a special adviser to Dominique Strauss-Kahn .

  4. 今年6月,IMF副总裁朱民警告称,监管机构需要防范另一场不可持续的繁荣,但管理繁荣的政策工具仍在开发当中。

    In June , Min Zhu , deputy managing director at the IMF , warned that regulators needed to guard against another unsustainable boom , but that the tool kit to manage booms is still under construction .

  5. 中国经济学家、IMF副总裁朱民最近表示,中国消费者的需求仅为2万亿美元,而美国消费者即使在当前拮据的情况下,每年依然要消费10万亿美元。

    Zhu Min , the Chinese economist who is deputy managing director at the IMF , said recently that Chinese consumers accounted for just $ 2tn of demand compared with US consumers who , even in their current straitened circumstances , spent about $ 10tn a year .

  6. 潜在的候选人的名单非常长:包括中国人民银行副行长朱民,墨西哥中央银行行长AgustinCarstens,南非前财长TrevorManuel。

    And the list of potential candidates is long : They include Zhu Min , deputy governor of the People 's Bank of China ; Agustin Carstens , Mexico 's central bank governor ; and South Africa 's former finance chief , Trevor Manuel .

  7. 央行副行长朱民说得对,加息是重型武器。

    Deputy governor Zhu Min is right that qualitative measures are a heavy-duty weapon .

  8. 朱民承诺推动经济再平衡。

    Mr Zhu promised rebalancing .

  9. 朱民自去年10月以来担任中国央行副行长。

    Mr Zhu has been one of the Deputy Governors of the Chinese central bank since October .

  10. 朱民具有丰富的政府和金融部门工作经验,斯特劳斯-卡恩表示。

    Zhu Min brings a wealth of experience in government and the financial sector , said Mr Strauss-Kahn .

  11. 在某些地方,房价正从‘大衰退’期间的大幅回调恢复过来,朱民表示。

    In some cases house prices are recovering from a sharp correction during the Great Recession , said Mr Zhu .

  12. 朱民表示:举例而言,澳大利亚、比利时、加拿大、挪威和瑞典都是这种情况。

    This is true , for instance , for Australia , Belgium , Canada , Norway and Sweden , he said .

  13. 朱民表示,尽管目前用来抑制房价的工具是新的,但各国必须马上运用这些工具。

    Mr Zhu said that even though the tools for controlling house prices were new , countries must start using them immediately .

  14. 朱民说此计划也得到政府的支持,但是具体的操作方法还待定。

    Zhu said the plan was also supported by the government regulator , but the specific operation method has yet to be decided .

  15. 朱民获得任命之际,中国正争取在国际货币基金组织和全球经济政策制定中扮演更大角色。

    The appointment comes at a time when China is pushing for a larger role at the IMF and in global economic policymaking .

  16. 朱民表示,吸引中行的是具有250年银行业历史的洛希尔家族的声名,及其审慎的银行业策略。

    Mr Min said the Rothschild name , with a 250-year banking history , and its cautious banking approach had appealed to Bank of China .

  17. 正如中国央行副行长朱民在讨论中指出的,中国也出台了大规模刺激计划。

    China also mounted a massive stimulus programme , as Zhu Min , deputy governor of the People 's Bank of China , noted in the discussion .

  18. 声望极高的国际货币基金组织副总裁朱民,也被视为符合亚行行长任职条件的人选,但他可能倾向于继续担任原职。

    Zhu Min , now a deputy to Christine Lagarde at the IMF and extremely well regarded , is also seen as qualified though he is likely to prefer to remain in Washington .

  19. 中行主管国际金融的副行长朱民表示,中行已是中国几大银行中最为国际化的银行,在28个国家设有近1000个分支机构。

    Min Zhu , Bank of China vice-president for international finance , said Bank of China was already the most international of the top Chinese banks , with almost 1,000 branches in 28 countries .

  20. “银行董事会已经同意了员工持股计划”,《21世纪经济报道》援引中行副行长朱民在周二的说法。

    " The bank 's board of directors has approved the employee stock ownership plan ," the21st Century Business Herald quoted Zhu Min , assistant president of Bank of China , as saying Tuesday .

  21. 中国央行副行长朱民本周表示,在金融危机期间,中国有很好的理由让人民币贬值,因为出口在大幅下滑。

    Zhu Min , a deputy governor of the Chinese central bank , said this week that during the financial crisis China had good reason to weaken the renminbi because exports were falling sharply .

  22. 朱民表示,这种格局的危险在于,速度快得惊人的美国消费增长,可能让新兴经济体得以重返“旧的正常模式”,依赖出口拉动型增长。

    The danger in this , Mr Zhu said , was that surprisingly rapid US consumer growth might allow emerging economies to go back to the " old normal " and rely on export-led growth .

  23. 淡马锡参与的这一合资企业,预计不会在监管审批方面遇到问题,其有利因素包括,中行前高管、现任中国央行副行长朱民支持这一协议。

    Regulatory approval for the Temasek venture is not expected to be an issue , helped by the fact that the deal has the support of Zhu Min , a former BOC executive now at the central bank .

  24. 中国银行负责国际金融业务的副行长朱民表示,这笔交易与其说是标志着这家中国银行的海外扩张,不如说是表明了该行渴望增强为国内客户提供的服务。

    Min Zhu , Bank of China vice-president for international finance , said the deal marked not so much an international expansion by the Chinese bank as a desire to enhance the services the bank provided to its Chinese customers at home .

  25. 中国银行副行长朱民坦言,中行及国内同行尚不具备管理国际业务网络的能力,任何海外收购的主要目的将是购买更多尖端金融产品以供应国内市场。

    Zhu Min , executive vice-president of Bank of China , acknowledges his bank and its competitors are not yet in a position to run an international network and the main purpose of any overseas acquisition would be to buy more sophisticated products for the domestic market .