
  • 网络ziqing
  1. 朱自清宁愿饿死也不要美国人的面粉。

    Zhu Ziqing would rather starve to death than accept the Americans'flour .

  2. 朱自清是我国二十世纪前期著名的语文教育家。

    Zhu Ziqing is a famous Chinese educationist in the early20th century .

  3. 论冰心、朱自清笔下的孤独感

    Loneliness in the Works of Bin Xin and Zhu Zi Qing

  4. 朱自清散文语言的诗意美

    Beauty of Poetic Flavor Of Language In ZHU Zi-qing 's Prose

  5. 朱自清对人格教育的探索与贡献

    ZHU Zi - qing 's Exploration and Contribution to the Personality Education

  6. 朱自清是中国现代著名的散文家、诗人、学者。

    Qing is a famous modern Chinese essayist , poet , scholar .

  7. 朱自清抒情散文的结构艺术

    The Art Composition of Lyric Prose Written by Zhu zi-qing

  8. 传统辉照下的朱自清散文

    Influence of Traditional Culture on ZHU Zi-qing 's Prose

  9. 朱自清、朱光潜的写作理论

    ZHU Zi-qing and ZHU Guang-qian 's Writing Theory

  10. 朱自清还根据学校教育的具体情况,从教育者、群育、经典教育等多个方面提出了具体要求,使这一培养目标更加具体化和明确化,并在具体的教育实践中身体力行。

    He visualizes his proposition , according to the concrete conditions of the school education .

  11. 浅析朱自清散文中的水情结

    An Analysis on the Feeling Melted in the Water in the Essay of Zhu Zi-qing

  12. 透过这一研究轨迹,我们可以找到对朱自清客观公正的评价。

    An objective and impartial evaluation can be achieved after the study of his essays .

  13. 朱自清的写作态度严肃不苟,始终执著地表现人生。

    His writing attitude was serious and conscientious . He was persevering in reflecting life .

  14. 但这种教育理想在当时客观条件下不可能实现,他早年在江浙一带处处碰壁,白马湖春晖中学是朱自清早期教育理想最终破灭之地。

    But it was impossible to realize his education ideal under the conditions at that time .

  15. 由此观之,朱自清的早期散文,已然为仁者之文。

    So it proves that his prose of the earlier stage had become writings of benevolence .

  16. 朱自清的生活艺术化和艺术女性化是他的唯美倾向的表现。

    The art inclination of his life and feminine inclination of his art symbol his aesthetic conception .

  17. 这是朱自清对古典文学欣赏理论的系统总结。

    This is a systematic conclusion of ZHU Zi-qing 's theory of appreciation of Chinese classic literature works .

  18. 遗著由朱自清编成《闻一多全集》四卷。

    His posthumous work was compiled by Zhu Ziqing as The Collection of Wen Yiduo ( four volumes ) .

  19. 朱自清的杂文被收入《标准与尺度》和《论雅俗共赏》等集中。

    All his essays were included in collections such as Standards and Yardsticks and On Refined and Popular Taste .

  20. 我们应当写闻一多颂,写朱自清颂,他们表现了我们民族的英雄气概。

    We should write eulogies of Wen Yi-to and Chu Tse-ching who demonstrated the heroic spirit of our nation .

  21. 采莲诗的运用和荷花的描写构成一种对应的结构,是朱自清潜意识的表现形式:荷花意象是美人的象征,而采莲诗则隐喻了对美人的爱欲。

    Thus , lotus image is the beauty 's symble and picking lotus poems reveal the love of beauty metaphorically .

  22. 朱自清先生谦逊谨严的文学批评态度,形成了一种纯正朴实的新鲜作风。

    Mr Zhu Zi-qing 's modest and strict manner of literature criticism forms a fresh , pure and common style .

  23. 朱自清出于发展新文学、阐释传统文学的目的,在当时潮流的推动下主动接受西方文论的影响。

    In an attempt to develop new literature and elaborate traditional literature , he actively accepted the influence from western criticism .

  24. 朱自清与金圣叹二人都提倡对文本做细致的解析,都注重文本细读的重要意义。

    Qing and tan two have advocated doing detailed analysis of the text , focus on the importance of close reading .

  25. 朱自清的新诗理论产生在有现代性因素的中国土壤之中,其新诗主张包含着对相关传统的断裂。

    The theory of Zhu Zi-qing 's new-style poetry appears in China with modern elements , and involves separations from some traditions .

  26. 朱自清早期的教育理想是培养全面的人,强调以教育为信仰,注重团体生活的锻炼。

    Zhu Ziqing s early education ideal was to train overall persons , take education as his faith and exercise group life .

  27. 中国现代文学中的小说,诗歌,戏剧,和散文都曾从西方相应文学形式中汲取过营养,如朱自清的散文,曹禺的戏剧,以及徐志摩的诗歌等。

    Modern Chinese literary forms , such as novel , poetry , drama , and essay , all assimilated nutrition from Western literature .

  28. 叶圣陶在做教师的同时也做编辑,1922年他和朱自清一起创办了《诗》月刊。

    He worked as a teacher and editor and , with Zhu Ziqing , founded the monthly Shi ( " poetry " ) in 1922 .

  29. 而语言的立体感又首先得力于朱自清独特的艺术构思;其次它得力于朱自清对艺术辨证法奥妙的领悟和把握,对各种艺术手法的独到的妙用以及他遣使语言的精湛技巧。

    It benefits from the unique artistic design , the comprehension to the secret of art and the skill of using various artistic means and language .

  30. 该作品代表了朱自清的风格:语言平实清晰,感情真挚感人,这一风格的重视应该是决定译文质量的关键因素。

    This prose features his individual style : plain language coupled with sincere emotion , which should be a decisive factor in the acceptance of its translation .