
wǔ sì yùn dòng
  • May Fourth Movement;the May 4th Movement;the May 4th Movement of 1919
五四运动 [wǔ sì yùn dòng]
  • [the May 4th Movement of 1919] 1919年5月4日北京学生游行示威,抗议巴黎和会承认日本接管德国侵占我国山东的各种特权的无理决定,运动很快扩大到全国

五四运动[wǔ sì yùn dòng]
  1. 其目的是激励中国的青年树立并传承五四运动的精神。五四运动是1919年由年轻中国学生和知识分子发起的反对帝国主义和封建主义的运动。

    The aim is to inspire the country 's youth to embrace and preserve the spirit of the May 4th Movement , which was launched in 1919 by young Chinese students and intellectuals to fight imperialism and feudalism .

  2. 五四运动标志着各种新思想开始进入中国,其中最值得一提的就是马克思列宁主义。

    It also marked the introduction into China of various new ideologies , among which the spread of Marxism-Leninism was worthy of special mention .

  3. 在五四运动的影响下,叶圣陶开始写白话小说。1921年叶圣陶参与创建了“文学研究会”,提倡“文学为人生”。

    Influenced by the May Fourth Movement , he turned to writing in the vernacular and in 1921 was one of the founders of the Literary Research Association , which called for a reality-oriented literature .

  4. 巴金热衷于接受西方理念。五四运动所出现的许多激进思想也深探地吸引着他,对年青时代巴金的人生观和政治观的形成起了很大作用。

    He was eager to learn foreign ideas . Of the multitude of radical ideas that sprang up around the May Fourth Movement appealed most to Ba Jin , which played a large part in the formation of the young Ba Jin 's philosophy and political outlook .

  5. 五四爱国运动中心新探

    Probing into the Centre of the May Fourth Patriotic Movement Newly

  6. 今年是“五四”运动90周年。

    This year marks the90th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement .

  7. “五四”运动的精神最根本的就是中华民族爱国主义精神。

    The essential spirit of the Movement is patriotism .

  8. 论早期新文化运动对五四爱国运动的影响

    The Influence of Early New Culture Movement on the May 4th Patriotic Movement

  9. 五四启蒙运动与文学变革关系新论

    Some New Insights in the Relation between the May-Fourth Enlightenment Movement and Literature Evolution

  10. 他是五四爱国运动的直接发难人之一。

    He is one of people of direct launch an attack of54 patriotic motion .

  11. 本文阐述了天津商界在五四爱国运动中的历史作用。

    This paper elaborated the Tianjin business circle in May 4th patriotic movement historical fuction .

  12. 以学生为先导的五四爱国运动就如火山爆发一般地开始了。

    To54 students led the patriotic movement in general , such as volcanic eruptions began .

  13. 诗界革命与五四新诗运动

    Revolution in Poetic World and May-4th-New-Poem-Movement

  14. 论《伤逝》文本对五四文化运动进行全面反省的隐喻性

    On the Metaphor Characteristic of Overall Self-questioning of the May 4th Culture Movement in Be Sad For The Past Time

  15. 如今,“五四”运动已作为光辉的一页载入了中华民族的史册。

    Today ," 54 " Sports as a glorious page has been included in the annals of the Chinese nation .

  16. 中国化马克思主义文艺理论的建构开始于1919年的“五四”运动。

    The May4th Movement in1919 is an epochal starting point of the localization of Marxist literary and artistic theory in China .

  17. 以现代性为切入点,研究处于古典向现代转型期的诗歌&诗界革命与五四新诗运动的关系是十分必要的。

    Take " moderinity " as a point of view , it is necessary to study the revolution of the poetry movement .

  18. 五四启蒙运动中高扬理性、提倡个性解放等理念,也应从王学中吸取养料。

    The idea of highlighting rationality and advocating emancipation of individual personality in May Fourth enlightenment absorbs a lot from Wang School .

  19. 在伟大的五四爱国运动中,北京大学首先点燃了反帝反封建的革命火炬。

    In the Great May 4 Patriotic Movement , it was Peking University which first lighted the revolutionary torch of anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism .

  20. 作为两种在时间上紧密联系着的历史行为,诗界革命对于五四新诗运动的影响是显而易见的。

    The revolution in poetic world that was closely related to May-4th new poem movement in dates whose historic influence on the Movement is apparently seen .

  21. 五四启蒙运动中,女性解放作为人的觉醒的启蒙命题的子命题被提上议程。

    Since the May 4 ~ ( th ) enlightenment movement , " Feminine liberation " was put agenda as a theme of " Human 's awakening " .

  22. 但由于这一叙事传统与五四启蒙运动以来基于知识分子立场对自身观照、反思的文学性的自我批判型话语系统相纠缠,因而常常被误认。

    However , this narrative tradition is often mistaken for self-criticism discourse , which stands on intellectuals ' own contemplation and literary reflection since May Fourth Enlightenment movement .

  23. 在“五四”运动中首先进行中国化马克思主义文艺理论建构的,是中国最早的马克思主义者李大钊。

    Li Dazhao ( 1889-1927 ), one of Chinese earliest Marxists is a pioneer in early localization of Marxist literary and artistic theory in China during the Movement .

  24. 在五四启蒙运动中,出现新文化运动主流派和文化守成主义者的两种不同的启蒙进路,构成了对启蒙现代性与审美现代性双重追问。

    On Comparing the Enlightenment Between China and the West The double aims of modernity of the New Culture Movement are the Enlightenment Modernity and the Aesthetic Modernity .

  25. 五四散文运动作者多、报刊上散文栏目多、散文作品集多,各种散文流派已然形成。

    In the movement , the prose author , the prose special column and the prose collected works had emerged in large numbers , the different schools of prose had been formed too .

  26. 那时,老师讲到“五四”运动,向我们讲述帝国主义列强对中国的种种欺凌,讲述青年们为祖国不惜献身的种种壮举。

    At that time , the teacher talked about " 54 " exercise , to us , on the imperialist powers of the various Chinese bullying on young people gave their lives for the motherland at various feat .

  27. 五四文化运动的先驱们敏锐地发现,是吃人的忠、孝、节儒教三纲支配了以家族为本位的传统道德伦理体系。

    The forerunners of the May Fourth culture movement found that the loyal , filial piety and chastity of the Confucianism 's three-outline , which dominate the traditional moral and ethical system which uses the familism for the standard .

  28. 但五四启蒙运动对于西方理性的推崇和借用,消弭了中国这种听觉范式的文学艺术品格,将其引向了视觉中心主义的道路。

    Nevertheless , the respect for and borrowing from the western rationality during the May 4th Movement has hindered the literary and artistic character of the Chinese audio mode of aesthetics and directed it onto the road of visual centrality .

  29. 新中国成立后,为了继承“五四”运动的革命传统,学校决定每年的5月4日为北京大学的成立纪念日。

    In order to carry on the revolutionary tradition of the May 4th Movement , the university decided after the new China was founded , that the 4th of May be set as the date on which to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the university .

  30. 如果以现代化进程为大背景,以抽取精神内核法为主要方法,去考察真理标准讨论的意义与价值,会发现:真理标准讨论运动传承于“五四”运动,而又有所不同。

    Taking modernization progress as the general background and employing the method of extracting spiritual cores to explore the meaning and value of this movement , we can find out that , while this movement may trace its origin to the May 4th Movement , there are differences between them .