
  • 网络the Lakes;the Great Lake
  1. 我们下周计划去五大湖。

    We are going to the Great Lakes next week .

  2. 五大湖很著名的,所以人们喜欢去那里观光。

    The Great Lakes are famous , so people like going sightseeing there .

  3. 密西西比河上游及美洲五大湖中的食用和猎用鱼。

    Game and food fish of upper Mississippi and Great Lakes .

  4. 今天他们还在研究五大湖的生态系统。

    They still study the ecosystem of the Great Lakes today .

  5. 北美五大湖;西边日出,东边雨。

    Rain in East , Great Lakes ; sunny in West .

  6. 让我们沿着最佳路线去观赏五大湖。

    Let us approach the lakes by the best way .

  7. 五大湖是北美洲最伟大的自然奇观。

    The Five Great Lakes are the greatest wonders of North America .

  8. 自然奇观&北美洲五大湖

    American H. R. The wonder of nature-The Great Lakes

  9. 长江流域五大湖也遭受旱灾的影响。

    The great lakes along The Yangtze are also victims of the drought .

  10. 在北美五大湖上使用的扁平底的小船。

    A flat-bottomed boat used on upper Great Lakes .

  11. 这些人组织了一个实验室叫做五大湖环境研究工作实验室。

    These people set up a lab called the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory .

  12. 中国五大湖三角帆蚌形态差异分析

    Morphological variations analysis among populations of Hyriopsis cumingii in five large lakes of China

  13. 北美五大湖和密西西比流域中鼻子迟钝、通体闪着绿光的小鱼。

    Small blunt-nosed fish of Great Lakes and Mississippi valley with a greenish luster .

  14. 大西洋型不活动陆缘北太平洋沿海和北美五大湖水域的小型鲑鱼。

    Passive Atlantic-type margin small salmon of north Pacific coasts and the Great Lakes .

  15. 这种破坏性的鲤鱼会在五大湖内迅速蔓延,威胁到渔业和贸易活动。

    The carp could spread within the Great Lakes and threaten fishing and trade .

  16. 如果五大湖干涸了,整个世界都会受到影响。

    If the Great Lakes dried up , the whole world would feel it .

  17. 太平洋和北美五大湖出产的小的鲑鱼的富含脂肪的带粉红色的肉。

    Fatty pinkish flesh of small salmon caught in the Pacific and Great Lakes .

  18. 芝加哥坐落在北美五大湖之一密歇根湖畔。

    Chicago sits next to Lake Michigan , one of North America 's Great Lakes .

  19. 世界上最大的淡水湖;北美五大湖中最深的一个。

    The largest freshwater lake in the world ; the deepest of the Great Lakes .

  20. 五大湖上的水系和密西西比河上的水路连接起来了。

    Transportation routes on the Great Lakes were joined to routes on the Mississippi River .

  21. 现在这股暴雪正在向北部和东部移动,将影响密歇根上半岛和五大湖地区。

    That was pushing north then east toward Michigan 's upper-peninsula and the Great Lakes .

  22. 它是:747客机,足球场,发现号航空飞机还是伊利湖(北美五大湖之一)?

    Is it 747 airliner , football field , space shuttle Discovery or Lake Erie ?

  23. 五大湖中最小的一个湖。

    The smallest of the Great Lakes .

  24. 远洋货轮现在可以直达五大湖沿岸各城市。

    Large ocean vessels can now sail directly to cities , on the Great Lakes .

  25. 栖息于美洲五大湖的多种鱼。

    Variety inhabiting the Great Lakes .

  26. 美国五大湖工业区产业结构演变的城市化响应机理辨析

    Geographical Discrimination for the Urbanization Response to Upgrade of Industry Structure in Great Lakes Industrial District

  27. 天气预报员预测五大湖和中西部地区将在圣诞节早晨迎来更多降雪。

    Forecasters are predicting more snow moving into the Great Lake and Midwest by Christmas morning .

  28. 在研究了五大湖的生态系统后,他们发现污染正在使五大湖走向死亡。

    After they had studied the Lakes'ecosystem , they found that the pollution was killing the Lakes .

  29. 海轮可以开到五大湖来,这确实使姑娘们感到吃惊。

    The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes .

  30. 后来随着地球变暖,冰川熔化,形成了这五大湖。

    Then when the earth started to warm up , the glacier melted and formed the Great Lakes .