
  • 网络Buenos Aires;Ciudad de Buenos Aires
  1. 布宜诺斯艾利斯市会堂设计阿根廷

    Auditorium of the City of Buenos Aires , Argentina

  2. 一个潜在的威胁是布宜诺斯艾利斯市的市长和两个不满分子之间的新诞生的联盟:一个令人折服的前州长和农业大臣;

    One potential threat is a nascent alliance between Mauricio Macri , the mayor of Buenos Aires city , and two dissident Peronists : Felipe Sol á, a well-regarded former governor and agriculture minister ;

  3. 布宜诺斯艾利斯附近的拉普拉塔市(laplata)计划兴建一座新港口,中方参加了港口建设及疏浚作业的投标。

    China is involved in bidding for port and dredging operations in the construction of a new port in the city of La Plata near Buenos Aires .