
  • Brisbane;Australia;Brisbane Airport;BNE
  1. 这一价格包括两张从布里斯班到洛杉矶的经济舱机票。

    The price includes two economy class airfares from Brisbane to Los Angeles .

  2. 国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund,简称IMF)前第一副总裁约翰·P·利普斯基(JohnP.Lipsky)称,此次布里斯班峰会对于G20是一次成败攸关的机会。

    John P. Lipsky , former first deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund , has said that the Brisbane summit meeting is a make-or-break moment for the G-20 .

  3. 作为本届奥运会的唯一候选城市,澳大利亚昆士兰州首府布里斯班毫无悬念地获得举办权。这将是继2000年悉尼奥运会后,澳大利亚时隔32年再度举行夏季奥运会。经国际奥委会批准,澳大利亚布里斯班将举办2032年夏季奥运会和残奥会。

    Brisbane will host the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games after being approved by the International Olympic Committee .

  4. 由15名成员组成的国际奥委会执行委员会一致投票通过布里斯班作为唯一的候选城市,从而让布里斯班获得主办权变得毫无悬念。

    Brisbane 's victory looked a certainty after it was unanimously selected as the single candidate for 2032 by the IOC 's 15-strong executive board .

  5. 布里斯班计划用84%的现有或临时场馆来举办奥运会,并计划将加巴曲棍球场改造成主场馆。

    The plans made use of 84 % existing or temporary venues , with the Gabba cricket ground set to be rebuilt to become the lead venue .

  6. 这名21岁的女子来自澳大利亚东部城市布里斯班,她在一个在线购物网站发广告表示自己想求购几部iPhone手机。

    The 21-year-old Brisbane woman had placed an advertisement in an online buy-and-sell site saying she was looking to purchase a number of iPhones .

  7. 因此,如果本周末在布里斯班召开的20国集团(Groupof20,简称G20)峰会不能取得多大成就,那可有点让人扫兴。

    So it would be a bit of a letdown if the Group of 20 summit meeting in Brisbane on Saturday and Sunday failed to accomplish very much .

  8. 看电脑屏幕真的会伤害我们的视力吗?布里斯班眼科教授NathanEfron并不这样认为。

    Brisbane optometry professor Nathan Efron does not consider computer screens harmful to our eyes .

  9. XstrataCopper公司总部设在布里斯班,是全球大型的多元化矿业集团Xstrata公司的子公司。

    Headquartered in Brisbane , Xstrata Copper is one of the commodity business units within the major global diversified mining group Xstrata plc .

  10. 我约好与53岁的陆克文在他布里斯班郊区的格里菲斯(griffith,brisbane)选区会面。

    I have come to meet Rudd , 53 , in his constituency of Griffith , a Brisbane suburb .

  11. 布里斯班市的CeliacSupplies食品店老板抱怨说,太多人进商店是为了看哪些产品是不含谷蛋白和小麦的,然后去其他地方购买这些产品。

    Celiac Supplies in Brisbane complained that it had too many people going into the store to find out which products were gluten and wheat-free and then going to buy them elsewhere .

  12. Pb的年均浓度(031μg·m-3)虽然未超过WHO的年均标准,但与洛杉矶和布里斯班相比处于较高的水平;

    The annual mean concentration of Pb of 0.31 μ g · m - 3 did not exceeded the WHO annual standard , but was at very high level compared to those measured in Los Angles and Brisbane .

  13. TAE的总部设在澳大利亚昆士兰州的安伯丽,靠近一个大型的澳大利亚空军基地,TAE在布里斯班、纽卡斯尔、里奇蒙德和库塔曼德拉都设有分理处。

    It is based at Amberley in Queensland , near a big Royal Australian Air Force base , with business units located at Brisbane Airport , Newcastle , Richmond and now Cootamundra .

  14. 星期六,在阿伯特的夫人玛吉的带领下,各国领导人夫人参观了布里斯班龙柏考拉动物园(Brisbane’sLonePineKoalaSanctuary),体验了一次独有的澳大利亚风情。

    Meanwhile the ladies of the G20 were also treated to the ultimate Aussie experience and were led by Mr Abbott 's wife , Margie , through Brisbane 's Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary on Saturday .

  15. 澳大利亚布里斯班的昆士兰大学(UniversityofQueensland)研究人员因此做了一项试验,征集了26名健康成人,并请他们在一条长为28英尺的走廊上反复行走,用摄像机记录下他们的脚步。

    So researchers at the University of Queensland in Brisbane , Australia , rounded up 26 healthy adults for a study , published last month in PLOS One , and sent them strolling repeatedly along a 28-foot stretch of hallway while cameras captured their steps .

  16. 就在麦肯齐发表上述言论之际,作为全球第二大煤炭出口国,澳大利亚正因抵制美国等国的呼吁、不肯将气候变化问题纳入本周末布里斯班G20峰会正式议程而面临舆论压力。

    He made his comments as Australia , the world 's second biggest coal exporter , came under pressure for resisting calls by the US and other countries to place climate change on the formal agenda of the G20 summit this weekend in Brisbane .

  17. 请将本表寄给回BCIS,邮政信箱:1627,布里斯班邮编:40013甲:平邮寄一包书去日本,怎样收费?

    " RETURN FORM TO BCIS , PO BOX 1627 , BRISBANE 4001 " A : What 's the rate for sending a package of books surface mail to Japan ?

  18. 将于明年初辞去必和必拓董事长职位的安德(donargus)在布里斯班召开的股东年会上表示,两家矿业集团的高层主管都在致力于这项交易。

    Don Argus , who will step down as BHP chairman early next year , told shareholders at the annual meeting in Brisbane that executives at the top of both mining groups were committed to the deal .

  19. 对那些居住在“澳大利亚或新西兰”的Java同胞,今年(2008)在布里斯班和悉尼首次召开了JAOO;所有迹象表明,在未来几年来内,将会在这里再次举行JAOO。

    And for those of the Java brethren living " Down Under ," JAOO came to Brisbane and Sydney for the first time this year ( 2008 ); all indications are that they will be back again in future years .

  20. 请问去澳大利亚布里斯班在哪里登机?

    Asks where goes to the Australian Brisbane in ascend machine ?

  21. 周五,布里斯班将进行公休。

    A public holiday has been declared in Brisbane for Friday .

  22. 他将于周六在布里斯班地方法院出庭受审。

    He is expected to appear in Brisbane Magistrates Court later Saturday .

  23. 日本财政部长麻生太郎在布里斯班,2014年11月15日

    Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso in Brisbane on November 15 , 2014

  24. 选择)(在布里斯班进行一周的课程。

    Option A The one week course can be conducted in Brisbane .

  25. 陆克文1957年12月21日生于昆士兰州布里斯班附近。

    Rudd was born on September 21 , 1957 near Brisbane , Queensland .

  26. 我在布里斯班也在场外度过了很美好的时光。

    I had a really nice time off the court in Brisbane , too .

  27. 两位领导人上次会晤是近3个月前在布里斯班。

    The two leaders last met face-to-face nearly three months ago , in Brisbane .

  28. 可是我姑姑要搬去布里斯班

    and my aunt is moving to Brisbane .

  29. 它的变热在布里斯班。

    It 's get hot in Brisbane .

  30. 在澳大利亚,布里斯班大学利用手机短信息帮助留学生学习英语。

    In Australia , Brisbane University is using SMS to help foreign students learn English .