
  • 网络black sea fleet;Russian Black Sea fleet
  1. 而且与黑海舰队随时驻扎在克里米亚不同,乌克兰东部并未驻扎俄罗斯军队。

    And whereas the Black Sea Fleet was on hand in Crimea , there are no Russian forces stationed in eastern Ukraine .

  2. 俄罗斯无数次向北约解释称,其在克里米亚地区的行动旨在为俄罗斯黑海舰队提供安保措施。

    Russia has repeatedly explained to NATO its actions in Crimea are aimed at providing security to Russia 's Black Sea fleet .

  3. 尽管苏军拼死守卫塞瓦斯托波尔,这个黑海舰队的重要基地还是在1942年6月底陷落。

    The Red Army defended Sevastopol and this important Black Sea naval base was not taken until late June 1942 .

  4. 他还把这个友好条约与另一项有关驻扎在乌克兰塞瓦斯托波尔半岛的俄罗斯黑海舰队的相关协议联系起来。

    He linked the treaty to another agreement governing the presence of Russia 's Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol on Ukraine 's Crimean Peninsula .

  5. 而乌克兰居于有利的地理位置、俄罗斯的黑海舰队驻扎在乌克兰的领土上、欧美在背后为乌克兰撑腰等导致俄罗斯与乌克兰发生天然气之争。

    However , the important location of Ukraine , Russian fleet in Ukraine and the American and European support for Ukraine all result in the gas dispute .

  6. 俄罗斯人在当地不占多数,那里完全没有对俄罗斯政府的拥护感和归属感而这种感觉在塞瓦斯托波尔之类的城市(塞瓦斯托波尔位于克里米亚,是俄罗斯黑海舰队总部所在地译者注)是如此强烈。

    Ethnic Russians are not in a majority there , and the sense of allegiance and attachment to the Russian state – which was so strong in , say , Sevastopol – is totally missing .

  7. 俄罗斯和乌克兰除了在北约和黑海舰队问题上关系紧张外,俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫还宣布,从1月1号起,向乌克兰提供的天然气的价格将上涨将近100%。

    Russian-Ukrainian tensions over NATO and the fleet were accompanied by news announced by Sergei Lavrov that Ukraine will be hit with a nearly 100 percent hike in the price of gas on January first .

  8. 在格鲁吉亚最近发生的冲突当中,乌克兰总统尤先科决定禁止在格鲁吉亚海岸附近执行任务的俄罗斯黑海舰队在未经乌克兰官方允许的情况下返回位于乌克兰克里米亚半岛的港口。

    During the conflict in Georgia , Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko prohibited ships from the Russian Black Sea Fleet that are engaged off the Georgian coast from returning to port on Ukraine 's Crimean peninsula without Kyiv 's official permission .

  9. 他说,租用克里米亚半岛塞瓦斯托波尔海军基地的俄罗斯黑海舰队却可能不顾乌克兰总统的命令返回基地。乌克兰总统要求俄罗斯必须首先征得乌克兰同意才能返回塞瓦斯托波尔海军基地。

    He notes , however , that Russia 's Black Sea Fleet , which leases naval facilities in Sevastopol in Crimea , will likely steam back to port in defiance of a Ukrainian presidential order that it must first ask for Ukrainian permission .