
  • 网络trans-Siberian;Siberian Railway;Trans-Siberian railway
  1. 这是目前世界上最长的铁路线,远远超过了大名鼎鼎的西伯利亚大铁路(Trans-SiberianRailway)的里程。

    It is now the world 's longest rail journey , far surpassing the route of the famed Trans-Siberian Railway .

  2. 这条21世纪的丝绸之路是全球最长的铁路,比西伯利亚大铁路(Trans-Siberianrailway)和东方快车(OrientExpress)的线路加起来还要长。

    This 21st-century Silk Road was the longest rail link in the world , longer than the Trans-Siberian railway and the Orient Express combined .

  3. 在那里,从12月起就没再领到工资的工人,在西伯利亚大铁路(Trans-Siberianrailway)一个分支旁的针叶林深处铺设了混凝土,还为火箭建造了巨型机库。

    There , deep in a coniferous forest off a spur of the Trans-Siberian Railway , laborers laid concrete and built gigantic hangars for rockets long after salaries stopped being paid in December .

  4. 这条铁路将把我们带到太平洋地区的煤炭市场;如果一切按计划进行,我们可能会装载发自韩国和日本的集装箱货物,那将让西伯利亚大铁路(Trans-Siberianrailway)重焕生机。

    The railroad takes us to the Pacific coal market ; if things go to plan , we might get shipments of South Korean and Japanese containers , which could revive the trans-Siberian railway .

  5. 去西安东路那边。?他沿西伯利亚大铁路旅行,穿越了整个俄罗斯。

    He traveled across Russia on the Trans-Siberian railway .

  6. 西伯利亚大铁路修建及其对俄国东部地区农业发展的影响

    Construction of Siberian Trans-railway and Its Influence upon Agricultural Development of Russian East Area

  7. 事实上,去往俄罗斯有许多可供选择的廉价航班。其国内的西伯利亚大铁路也使得交通十分便利。

    There are a wide range of low-cost flights to Russia and transportation in the country is also easy with the Trans-Siberian Railway .

  8. 西伯利亚大铁路是贯穿整个俄罗斯的重要交通线,对整个俄罗斯的发展有着极为重要的作用。

    The Trans-Siberian Railway , an important transport route throughout Russia , has played a very important role in the development of Russia .

  9. 建设西伯利亚大铁路是近代俄国发展经济的一个重大举措,是调整远东政策的一个重大标志。

    The Trans-Siberian Railroad is a significant measure to develop economy by Russia and also a significant mark that Russia adjusted policy of Far East .

  10. 本文对横贯欧亚大陆的西伯利亚大铁路的政治、经济和战略意义作了较详细的论述。

    The thesis discusses the political , economic , and strategic significance of the Great Siberia Railway , which traverses the European ? Asian Continent .

  11. 这个工程项目“中俄加美高铁”全程1.3万公里,比西伯利亚大铁路长约3000公里。

    The project - nicknamed the " China-Russia plus America line " - would run for 13000km , about 3000km further than the Trans-Siberian Railway .

  12. 以财政大臣维特为首的沙俄政府克服重重困难,终于用15年的时间完成了西伯利亚大铁路的建设。

    The Czarist government headed by Chancellor of the Exchequer Victor overcame many difficulties and took fifteen years to complete the construction of the railway at last .

  13. 在2014年上半年,西伯利亚大铁路的集装箱运输量提高了8%,增长至86.56万标准箱(即20英尺长的集装箱)。

    In the first half of 2014 , international container traffic on the Trans-Siberian rail line rose 8 % , to 865,600 teu ( 20-foot equivalent units ) .

  14. 首先,介绍了西伯利亚大铁路修建前俄国东部地区的经济状况,着重强调了由于缺乏一条畅通的陆路道路给经济发展造成的障碍。

    First of all , it introduces the economic situation before building the railway and explains the obstacle to economic development because of a shortage of a good land road .