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  • The Matrix;Matrix,The
  1. 也许我们该去看电影《黑客帝国》。

    Maybe we should see that movie , The Matrix .

  2. 科学家们认为,人类很快就能和经典科幻电影《黑客帝国》里演的一样,只需要睡上一觉即可将知识直接灌入大脑。

    Feeding knowledge directly into your brain , just like in sci-fi classic The Matrix , could soon take as much effort as falling asleep , scientists believe .

  3. 华纳兄弟在2017年曾考虑重启《黑客帝国》系列,据称当时的主演人选是迈克尔·B·乔丹

    Warner Brothers considered rebooting the series in 2017 , with Michael B. Jordan reportedly considered for a starring role

  4. 我感觉自己像是加入了黑客帝国(theMatrix),某位广告创意人员诙谐地说。他这里指的是那部深受许多程序员喜爱的电影。

    I feel like I am joining the Matrix , one of the creatives quips , referring to the films beloved of many programmers .

  5. 这个词是指无处不在并影响了很多电影人的的男性至上论,是以《黑客帝国》(Matrix)中的女主角命名的,她故事的发展不像人们期待的那样令人兴奋。

    This pervasive sexist disorder affects a lot of filmmakers and is named for the " Matrix " character whose trajectory doesn 't deliver on her exciting promise .

  6. 勒基说,他欣赏克莱因的描写,因为书中的人物是通过覆盖全身的衣服,而不是在头上插入《黑客帝国》(Matrix)里那种线缆,来控制代表自己的角色的。

    Mr. Luckey said he appreciated Mr. Cline 's portrayals of characters controlling their avatars through full-body suits rather than plugging " Matrix " - style cables into their brains .

  7. 他的外貌、一身黑衣的打扮和叛逆的本性像极了电影《黑客帝国》(Matrix)中神秘的动作英雄尼奥(Neo)。

    His appearance , all-black clothing and rebellious instincts have led to innumerable comparisons with the mysterious action hero Neo in the Matrix films .

  8. 因此,我的三张CD就是为了,与不会看我书的年轻人交流,《黑客帝国》等则是通过大屏幕交流。

    So my3 CDs try to communicate to the young people who may not read my book The Matrix and so forth try to communicate on the screen .

  9. 她的工作是作为虚拟化团队的成员设计基于数学化的电脑程序,其中一些程序曾在制作《黑客帝国》(TheMatrix)和《极速赛车手》(SpeedRacer)等电影中使用。

    Her job entails working as part of a virtual team that designs mathematically based computer programs , some of which have been used to make films such as'The Matrix'and'Speed Racer .

  10. 孩子们应该不太明白菲奥娜做了类似Neo在《黑客帝国》中的动作。

    The kids aren ` t really supposed to know that Princess Fiona is doing a move like Neo in The Matrix .

  11. 你脚踩油门,而时间却像电影《黑客帝国》(TheMatrix)里那样凝固了。那台六速手动变速箱是自打我身穿三件套西装赢得舞蹈比赛以来见过的最不清晰、最摇摆不定的系统。

    You hit the gas and time stands still , a la ' The Matrix . ' And the six-speed manual gearbox is the vaguest , wobbliest such mechanism I 've encountered since I was winning dance contests in my three-piece suit .

  12. 然而,还有一个因素让里约奥运会开幕式变得如此令人难忘:它呈现出了引人入胜的数字视觉效果,给人以类似置身于电影《黑客帝国》(Matrix)或《绝地反击》(Insurgent)中的浸入式体验。

    There was another factor , however , that made the ceremony so memorable : it delivered spectacular digital visual effects , producing an immersive experience akin to sitting inside the Matrix or Insurgent movies .

  13. 但布莱克维尔表示,《黑客帝国》等影片所散播的那种关于编程的流行观点,正是Decoded力图纠正的观点之一。

    According to Mr Blackwell , however , the popular view of code promulgated by movies such as The Matrix is part of the problem his company is trying to combat .

  14. 他说:“虽然还是工装裤,但也很明显带有设计师的风格。”他的店里卖的是瑞克·欧文斯(RickOwens)旗下Drkshdw品牌的工装裤,《黑客帝国》(Matrix)里孟菲斯(Memphis)的那种款式。

    It 's still a cargo , but it 's also clearly that designer 's pant . ' At his store , he is selling the Matrix-like ' Memphis ' pants from Rick Owens 's Drkshdw label .

  15. 但当我为了希伯来语课的abc以及神经应答的不同机制而挣扎时,我看到朋友们写关于帆船的论文,写流行文化杂志,看到教授讲童话故事和黑客帝国。

    But as I was fighting my way through Aleph Bet Yod Y'shua in Hebrew and the different mechanisms of neuro-response , I saw friends around me writing papers on sailing and pop culture magazine , and professors teaching classes on fairy tale and matrix .

  16. 此外,Oculus还用知名科幻作品中的虚拟现实系统命名其总部的会议室,包括全息甲板、绿洲和来自电影《黑客帝国》的母体,以及更早的一部科幻小说——威廉·吉布森(WilliamGibson)的《神经漫游者》。

    For good measure , Oculus named the meeting rooms at its headquarters after famous fictional versions of virtual reality , including the holodeck , the Oasis and the Matrix , from the movie of the same name and , before that , William Gibson 's " Neuromancer . "

  17. 我觉得《黑客帝国》这部片很酷。

    A : I thought the matrix was a cool movie .

  18. 看到教授讲童话故事和黑客帝国。

    and professors teaching classes on fairy tales and The Matrix .

  19. 《黑客帝国》里的机器一开始也是那样啊

    That 's how it started with machines in The Matrix .

  20. 我认为《黑客帝国》是一部非常、非常成功的电影。

    I think Matrix is a very successful , very successful movie .

  21. 以电影《黑客帝国》为出发点,分析这部电影所散发出来的鲍德里亚哲学观点。

    This paper analyzes the Baudrillard philosophy in the film " Matrix " .

  22. 多年前,我曾是黑客帝国重装上阵的动画指导。

    Several years ago , I was the Lead Animator of Matrix Reloaded .

  23. 今年早些时候还举行了首部《黑客帝国》上映20周年庆典。

    The first " Matrix " film celebrated its 20th anniversary earlier this year .

  24. 《黑客帝国》与中枢神经系统的延伸

    The " Extension of Nerve Centre System " in the Film " The Matrix "

  25. 在《黑客帝国》中,人类最后的庇护所远远没有布瑞格纳那么舒适。

    In The Matrix , the last refuge of humanity was far less pleasant than Bregna .

  26. 《黑客帝国》里的「子弹时间」很棒,但用在纪录片就不合适了。

    " Bullet Time " is great for " The Matrix ," but not for documentaries .

  27. 黑客帝国三部曲---凯瑞·安·莫斯

    Carrie-Ann Moss - The Matrix trilogy

  28. 他们举例像其他公司出品的“黑客帝国”、“侏罗纪公园”等系列电影。

    They cited other movie franchies such as The Matrix and Jurassic Parkas examples from other companies .

  29. 《黑客帝国》系列恐怕是电影史上第一部在电影之外的思考领域产生如此大影响的作品。

    The Matrix series are probably the first ones that can have so much influence in the movie history .

  30. 除了那次看黑客帝国三我从没见他这么出窍过。

    Leonard : I haven 't seen him this stuck since he tried to figure out the third Matrix movie .