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zhèng fǎn kuì
  • positive feedback;regenerative feedback;regenerating;positive regeneration
正反馈[zhèng fǎn kuì]
  1. 正反馈交易模型可以说明这一点。

    The model of positive feedback can explain this .

  2. 工件与磨粒的正反馈效应使局部绝热剪切作用愈加增强。

    The effect of positive feedback between workpiece and abrasive makes the local adiabatic shear even more enhanced .

  3. 正反馈数字PID在气体压力控制中的应用

    The Application of Positive Feedback Digital PID Controller in Pressure Control

  4. survivin与vEGF蛋白表达一致,显著相关(P>0.05),提示二者之间可能存在正反馈调节;

    There may be a positive feedback between survivin and VEGF .

  5. 研究蚁群算法的原理,重点分析算法的多智能Agent协作的特点以及算法的正反馈机制。

    Stuied the principle of ant colony algorithm , selectively analyzed the multi-Agent coordination and the mechanism of positive feedback of the algorithm .

  6. 通过实时定量PCR方法、共聚焦显微镜、细胞流式技术和双荧光素酶活力检测,我们将验证T7RNA聚合酶正反馈回路在真核细胞的表达。

    The expression of EGFP and luciferase were quantitatively determined by real time RT-PCR , confocal microscopy , flow cytometry and dual luciferase activity assay .

  7. 利用ASP的客户学习曲线和网络正反馈效应,较为系统的探讨了ASP的运营特点以及ASP发展的基本条件;

    The operation characteristics and fundamental conditions of ASP are discussed , facilitating ASP customer learning curve and network positive feedback effects .

  8. 基于dq变换和正反馈的孤岛效应检测策略

    Islanding Detection Scheme Based on dq Transformation and Positive Feedback

  9. 无论是正反馈交易者,还是狂热投资者,又或者是意见分歧都对IPO溢价产生显著影响。

    Both positive feedback traders and enthusiastic investors , or different opinions on stock prices have significant effect on the IPO premium .

  10. 由于蚁群算法的分布式的计算、自组织、信息素的正反馈等特性,蚁群算法被尝试用于adhoc网络的路由计算。

    Ant colony algorithms support distributed computing , self-organizing and the positive feedback pheromones , so ant colony algorithms were tried for ad hoc network routing .

  11. 一种正反馈跨导增强型的OTA电路

    An Enhanced Positive Feedback Transconductance OTA Circuit

  12. 采用线性和非线性反馈控制方法镇定Logistic混沌系统失稳的不动点,所需的控制为正反馈!

    Linear and nonlinear feedback control techniques are adopted to stabilize the unstable fixed point of Logistic chaotic system . The required control is a positive feedback .

  13. 去卵巢、雌激素处理鼠在间歇饥饿时仍呈现性激素对LH分泌的正反馈作用。

    Positivefeedback of sex steroids on LH secretion could also be demonstrated in oestrogen primed ovariectomized rats during intermittent starvation .

  14. 结论突变型p53i、NOS可能在卵巢肿瘤的发生发展中相互作用,并形成正反馈环路,加速肿瘤的恶性进展。

    Conclusion In the progression of malignant ovarian tumor , p53 and iNOS are reactive and there is possibly a positive feedback loop .

  15. 蚂蚁算法是一种新的随机优化算法,它利用人工蚂蚁在其途经路上释放信息素寻优,体现了正反馈、分布式、多agent协同性和并行性等特点。

    Ant system ( AS ) is a new Stochastic optimization algorithm achieved by artificial ants ' releasing pheromone on the path , characterized with a positive feedback , distributed computing , multi-agent synergy and parallel algorithm .

  16. 在这里,JNK对Mule的调节起到了一个正反馈的作用,通过c-Jun蛋白在转录水平上调节Mule的表达。

    The JNK activation gives Mule a positive feedback , and regulates Mule expression at transcriptional level by c-Jun.

  17. TDA局部去神经后反应消失,表明上述心血管效应系TDA受牵张刺激引起的正反馈性神经反射现象。

    These responses were abolished by local denervation of TDA .

  18. IL-18的促炎症效应和Fas系统的促凋亡效应之间存在正反馈途径。

    A positive feedback loop existed between the effects of Fas system and IL_18 , which aggravated and accelerated this type of liver injury .

  19. 本文最后认为DeLong(1990)关于正反馈交易者、Hong,Stein(1999)信息逐渐扩散的行为金融模型及市场操纵行为对于短期收益反转都具有一定解释力。

    The models of both De Long ( 1990 ) and Hong , Stein ( 1999 ), as well as market manipulation behaviors have some power in explaining the short-term contrarian profits .

  20. 为了详细阐述VCO的工作原理,文中也包含了正反馈和负阻机制的分析。

    To interpret the operation of VCO in detail , basic positive feedback and negative resistance mechanism is also involved .

  21. 而如果共同感染的病毒数目超过一个特定的阈值,则cl基因主导的正反馈环路将使细胞转向溶原通路。

    If the number of co-infecting viruses exceeded a certain threshold , the positive feedback loop associated with cI dominated , turning the switch to the lysogenic pathway .

  22. 血管紧张素受体和内皮素受体双重拮抗剂以AngⅡ和ET1之间的双向正反馈机制作为其治疗高血压的主要靶点。

    The main target of this class of antagonist is the bidirectional feedback mechanism between angiotensin ⅱ and endothelin .

  23. 目的以小鼠肺泡血管炎动物模型为研究对象,证明亚硒酸钠及其它抗氧化剂,可通过抑制补体中性粒细胞(PMN)活性氧(ROS)正反馈活化环的机制抑制炎症反应。

    Objective To test the regulatory effect of selenite and other antioxidants on complement PMN activation feedback mechanism mediated inflammatory response in experimantal pulmonary vasculitis .

  24. 认为,在一定条件下,农业龙头企业RD与企业成长之间存在正反馈关系,契合的企业成长环境会加强二者的互动关系。

    It holds that , under certain condition , there is a positive feedback between enterprise growth and RD , and the compatible environment will strengthen the relationship .

  25. 并对时滞项具有局部正反馈或者负反馈条件下,全局吸引子如果存在,证明了其在一定条件下其具有Morse分解结构。

    We also derived the Morse Decompositions of the global attractor for the DDE with local positive or negative feedback in the delay term .

  26. 为提高系统的稳定性,本文先后引入了单环电压PI的正反馈和电压电流双环PI控制,仿真结果验证了此方法的可行性。

    To enhance system stability , this paper has introduced a single-loop voltage PI positive feedback and double loop PI control of voltage and current , Simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of this method .

  27. 在传统的双二次SC滤波器结构中,引入部分正反馈并改变前馈网络可使总电容和电容分布得到大幅度的减少。

    The significant reduction of capacitor spread and toul capacitance is achieved through introducing the partial positive feedback and changing the feed in capacitors in the conventional biquadratic SC filter structures .

  28. 本文提出当正反馈放大电路的反馈强度大于其临界值时,其输入输出特性为Z形多值特性;

    It is presented in this paper that the output-input characteristic in a posi - tive feedback amplification circuit is a Z-type multiple valued characteristic , and yet a hysteresis is only its operative characteristic .

  29. ACA是近几年优化领域中新出现的一种仿生进化算法,该算法采用分布式正反馈并行计算机制。

    ACA is a parallelized bionic optimization algorithm inspired from the behavior of real ants , and a kind of positive feedback mechanism is adopted in ACA .

  30. 也就是说,HO-1在接受HIF-1调节的同时,对HIF-1的表达产生了正反馈的作用。

    In other words , HO-1 is in regulation of HIF-1 , at the same time , HO-1 plays a positive feedback role on the expression of HIF-1 .