
  • 网络formal assessment;Formal Evaluation;formal appraisals;Official Assessment
  1. 在评价经营业绩时,一些公司决定在确定公司战略时,把客户满意度、质量、市场份额和人力资源纳入公司的正式评估系统中。

    In evaluating business accomplishment , some companies brought customers ' approval , quality , market quota and the human resource into formal evaluation system .

  2. 汤姆·鲍曼报道:罗伯特,五角大楼官员表示,空袭非常成功,但是他们仍在对损失进行正式评估。

    TOM BOWMAN , BYLINE : Well , Robert , Pentagon officials said the airstrikes were very successful but they 're still a formal assessment of the damage .

  3. 这些小的变化不会体现在医生用于平衡失常者的正式评估表上,例如伯格氏平衡量表(Bergscale)和蒂内提测试(Tinettitest)。

    These changes won 't show up on the formal assessments that doctors use for people with balance disorders , such as the Berg and Tinetti scales .

  4. 第四章则着重搭建以BSC为基础的评估体系,阐述哪些指标应该具有何种比重,从而建立起集团业务销售代理企业正式评估的一套指标体系。

    The fourth chapter focuses on the structures of BSC based evaluation system , on which indicators should be with the gravity , thereby establishing the SA formally evaluated by a set of index system .

  5. 这一配置方案基于富时罗素指数(FTSERussell)编制的一个新指数,旨在让投资者在9月正式评估之前选择按自己的速度将投资敞口转向中国。

    The formula is based on a new index compiled by FTSE Russell , which is designed to give investors the option of switching their exposure to China at their own pace , ahead of a formal review in September .

  6. 正式评估一事物的财产、价值或质量的人。

    One who estimates officially the worth or value or quality of things .

  7. 四月,汇丰宣布其正在正式评估是否把总部搬出英国的议题。

    In April , HSBC announced that it was formally reviewing whether to move its headquarters from Britain .

  8. 诸如测验和考试这样的正式评估是很重要的,而非正式评估有利于教师了解学生学习进步的情况。

    Whereas an exam situation may seem false , especially an oral exam for example , informal classroom assessment gives a more realistic idea of the student as they work naturally with classmates .

  9. 然而,几乎没有研究正式地评估了过去二十年来TRD率的可能变化情况。

    However , few studies have formally assessed possible changes in the TRD rate over the past two decades .

  10. 遗憾的是,体重不足被正式用作评估指标,监测实现MDG1的进程。

    Unfortunately , underweight is the indicator officially used to monitor progress towards MDG1 .

  11. 五月份会对你的工作做个正式的评估.

    You 'll have your formal review in May .

  12. 培养对正式的评估实践的正确的态度,并集中在在您的团队中建立对评估的信任。

    Cultivate a positive attitude towards formal estimation practices and focus on building trust within your team .

  13. 查清楚你多久会要面临一次正式的评估,在大的项目结束之后要求对自己的非正式的评审。

    Find out how often you 'll get an official evaluation but also solicit informal reviews after big projects .

  14. 这种策略可以预测受损的左室收缩功能,并与心动超声一起作为呼吸困难患者更加正式的评估手段。

    This strategy can be used to predict depressed function and target more formal evaluation with echocardiography in patients with dyspnea .

  15. 甚至,你也许愿意请一位职业顾问来对你的兴趣、本领和激情进行正式的评估。

    You may even want to work with a career counselor to complete a formal assessment of you interests , skills and passions .

  16. 这使20%的估计成为相对而言的好消息,即便这只是各银行自己提供的初步数据,中国银行业监管机构今年还将进行更为正式的评估。

    That made the 20 per cent estimate relatively good news , even if it was only a preliminary figure provided by the banks themselves before a more formal assessment by the banking regulator this year .

  17. 我们制定了一份正式计画供评估。

    We drew up a formal proposal for the evaluation .

  18. 只有在正式的业绩评估场合才能说某人不负责任这样的话。

    The time for determining that a person is irresponsible is in a formal performance evaluation .

  19. 世卫组织将在2012年底之前就所研究的因接触射频场而造成的一切健康后果进行正式的风险评估。

    WHO will conduct a formal risk assessment of all studied health outcomes from radiofrequency fields exposure by2012 .

  20. 该委员会将于30日向默克尔正式提交一份评估报告。

    The committee will formally submit an assessment report to Markel on May30th .

  21. 虽然尚未开展正式的环境影响评估,但不应假设无硫柳汞的疫苗对环境产生的净效果是正面的。

    Although a formal environmental impact assessment has not yet been done , it should not be assumed that thiomersal-free presentations of vaccines will yield a positive net effect on the environment .