
  • 网络sine;arcsine;arc sine
  1. 函数的作用是:返回至各指定数值所对应的反双曲正弦值。

    The asinh () function returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number .

  2. 点P,速度向量,垂直于直线,所以该角的正弦值为。

    Well , at point P , the velocity vector QP is perpendicular to the line QP , 1 so the sine of that angle is one .

  3. 因为在r和v中,有交叉乘积,所以得到正弦值。

    Because we have a cross between r and v , and with a cross product , you have the sine of the angle .

  4. 具体实现包括去抖动模块、输入信号标准化模块、编码模块、输入信号保存电路模块、译码模块、ROM模块、正弦值保存电路模块等模块。

    The specific modules require to finish the circuit of wiping off twittering module , standardizing input signals module , coding module , storing input signals circuit module , decoding module , ROM module , storing sinusoidal values circuit module , etc.

  5. 通过对数字化采样进行傅立叶变换获得电压的实部和虚部,动态地求取相位角的正弦值或余弦值,然后采用其反函数的泰勒级数二项式得到相位角度。

    And by trigonometric function to gain the sine or cosine dynamically ; and then by Taylor series binomial of arc sine function to acquire the actual angle .

  6. 实验结果证明:磁声耦合产生的振动与输入电流大小和磁场与电流角度的正弦值成正比;

    As a result , the vibration in bio-tissue is verified that a linear proportion to the product of the magnitude of the current and the sinusoid of angle between the magnetic field and the current .

  7. 研究设计了任意角度的锁相方法,通过该方法可以计算任意角度的正弦值,实现任意角度的相位超前和完成锁相功能。

    The phase-locked loop method of random phase angles is put forward , by which the sinusoidal quantity of random phase angles can be calculated , and phase leading can be realized and locked at random phase angles .

  8. 然后本文对DDS模块的逻辑设计流程进行了深入的探讨,并着重分析了ROM数据压缩后的正弦查值表与相位累加器的设计。

    Secondly , this thesis thoroughly analyzes the logical design process of DDS module , and puts more emphasis on the analysis of the sine value table and the phase accumulator design which is processed by ROM data compression .

  9. 一种新的基于纠正正弦图探测值的PET图像Bayesian重建算法

    A new Bayesian reconstruction algorithm for PET images based on correction of the detected sinogram data

  10. 利用快速富里叶变换(FFT)技术实现对非正弦波形有效值的测试及泄漏效应的消除

    The Measurement of RMS Nonsinusoidal Periodic Electric Signal with Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ) and Eliminating of the Leakage Effect in FFT

  11. 通常数字下变频采用查找表方法实现,即输入信号的采样乘上一个预先存储在ROM中的正弦余弦函数值。

    The common approach for digital down conversion ( DDC ) is the so-called ROM table approach where the samples of the input signal are multiplied with amplitude values of the sine-and cosine-function stored in ROM.

  12. 一种高精度的正弦信号有效值数字化测量方法

    A Kind of Method High Precision Digital Measurement for the RMS of Sine Signal

  13. 正弦量的采样值联立求解算法

    Algorithm for solving the simultaneous equations of sampled data

  14. 用指针式晶体管毫伏表测非正弦周期电压有效值

    Measuring the effective value of the non sinusoidal periodic voltage by transistor MV - meter

  15. 通过对直流电压信号的直流准确度和对正弦交流信号有效值的测试,证明了该模型的正确性和可行性。

    Lastly , it is proved that the model is correct and feasible by the test of DC and AC voltage signal .

  16. 为什么正弦交流电的有效值是最大值的1/2~(1/2)倍

    Why Virtual Value of Sine Alternating Current Equating 1 / 2 ~ ( 1 / 2 ) Times of Its Maximum Value

  17. 电压瞬时值内环保证输出电压波形的正弦度,平均值外环实现对输出电压幅值的控制。

    The quality of sine wave can be guaranteed by the instantaneous voltage value inner loop and the output sine wave value can be controlled by the mean voltage value outer loop .