
  • 网络Speed ratio;velocity ratio
  1. 在HBC地区的纵、横波振幅比异常和速度比异常多分布于构造的轴部和小鼻褶上。

    The amplitude ratio anomaly and the velocity ratio anomaly in HBC area can be usually seen at anticlinal axis areas and small noses .

  2. 径流式透平速度比的理论分析

    A Theoretical Analysis of the Velocity Ratio of the Radial Turbine

  3. 它的利润增长速度比一般公司快4倍。

    Its profits are rising four times faster than the average company

  4. 从数量上看,产量增长的速度比以往任何时期都要快。

    In terms of quantity , production grew faster than ever before .

  5. 加布丽埃勒上榜的速度比之前所有初次上榜歌手都要快。

    Gabrielle entered this year 's charts faster than any first-timer before her .

  6. 火车的平均速度比我们骑自行车的速度快不了多少。

    The train 's average speed was no better than that of our bicycles .

  7. 水的导热速度比空气快。

    Water conducts heat faster than air .

  8. 世界上热带森林消失的速度比专家们预想的还要快。

    The world 's tropical forests are disappearing at an even faster rate than experts had thought .

  9. 没有一匹马的速度比得上他的马。

    No horse has a speed comparable to that of his .

  10. 研究人员称那些自言自语的人找到香蕉图像的速度比闭口不言的人略快一点。

    Those who talked to themselves found the banana slightly faster than those who didn 't , the researchers say .

  11. 实验结果表明,对于任意圆盘数目n,论文所实现的非递归算法的执行速度比现有的递归算法和非递归算法都有成倍的提高。

    Experiment results show that the new algorithm is more efficient than the existing non-recursive algorithms and the recursive algorithm .

  12. 结果表明,Ti膜的氧化速度比金属Ti更快;

    The results show that the initial oxidation speed of Ti coating is faster than that of metal Ti .

  13. 该学习算法的收敛速度比BP学习算法快,且比并行递推预测误差学习算法有更好的数值稳定性。

    It has better convergence than the back propagation learning algorithm and better stability than the parallel recursive prediction error learning algorithm .

  14. 波其后到达地表,传播速度比P波慢,在垂直于其传播方向上,上下前后震动地表。

    The S wave is slower than the P wave and arrives next , shaking the ground up and down and back and forth perpendicular to the direction it is traveling .

  15. 可以知道CCA算法的收敛速度比传统算法的收敛速度快。

    CCA algorithm convergence rate is faster than traditional algorithms convergence .

  16. 仿真结果表明:改进后的粒子群算法迭代次数少,收敛速度比改进的BP算法快,可以对变压器的故障类型进行区分。

    Simulation results show that the iterations are fewer , convergence rate is faster than the improved BP algorithm , and the transformer fault types can be distinguished .

  17. 突变体中破坏的D1蛋白的降解速度比野生型要慢。

    The degradation of the D1 protein was slower in the mutants than in the WT plants .

  18. 结果表明,Fe-30Ce合金的腐蚀速度比纯Fe慢得多,但比纯Ce快得多,随温度升高其腐蚀速度加快。

    The alloy corrodes more slowly than pure Fe , but more rapidly than pure cerium , the corrosion rate of the alloy generally increases with temperature .

  19. 模拟实验表明,改进后的REM算法队列十分平稳,收敛速度比原来的算法快,适用于高带宽网络。

    The simulation experiments showed that the improved REM algorithm had stable queue and was faster convergent than REM.

  20. 这种格式不需叠代,故计算速度比C-N格式快,数值计算结果表明,该格式是有效的和可靠的。

    Numerical experiment results demonstrate that the method is efficient and reliable .

  21. XML类型列中XML数据的XQuery速度比CLOB的对应查询(需要在查询时进行XML解析)速度快了40倍。

    XQuery over XML data in XML type columns can be40 times faster than corresponding queries over CLOB columns which require XML parsing at query time .

  22. 经过与SPICE的比较实验,在使用固定延时模型条件下,波形模拟器的模拟速度比SPICE快几万倍。

    Experimental results show that the waveform simulator can speed up a simulation several ten thousands times by using fixed delay model comparing to SPICE .

  23. 实验结果表明,该方法的测试速度比一般BIST的速度快K倍(K为并行度),而硬件花费与一般BIST结构相当。

    Experimental results show that test velocity is K times faster than that of general BIST structure , while hardware cost is equivalent to that of general BIST .

  24. 利用快速哈特莱变换(FHT)进行声波方程的数值模拟,其计算速度比FFT要快,且效果相当。

    Fast Hartley Transform brings faster numerical modeling of acoustic wave equation than fast Fourier Transform does , with their effects equivalent .

  25. 如果它们升值的速度比GDP快很多,或者意味着投资人预期GDP增长率将显著提高(发生在成熟的经济体的可能性极低),或者意味着这些资产被定价过高。

    If their value rises a lot faster than GDP , that either suggests investors expect the GDP growth rate to rise substantially ( unlikely in a mature economy ), or that the assets are overvalued .

  26. 但是RAFT法对模板分子的吸附速度比溶胶凝胶法快,且重复利用率高。在实际应用中有很好的前景。

    But the adsorption rate of RAFT method to template molecules faster than the sol-gel method , and have higher recycling rate , there are good prospects in practical applications .

  27. 结果表明:(1)鲢、狭鳕鱼糜微波加热凝胶形成速度比传统水浴加热高两个数量级,不同鱼种的鱼糜微波加热凝胶形成速度有一定的差异性(P0.05)。

    The results indicated that , ( 1 ) their gel-forming rate during microwave heating was quicker than that heated by water-bath , and under microwave heating the gel-forming rate of different fish surimi was different .

  28. PET/PEN/MMT的成核速率比PET/PEN快,晶粒生长速度比PET/PEN慢,结晶度比PET/PEN低。

    The nucleating rate of PET / PEN / MMT was faster than PET / PEN while its growing speed of crystal was slower than PET / PEN and its crystallization degree was lower also .

  29. 通过理论分析和计算,我们发现利用Fourier投影定理在频率域计算τ-p变换不仅精度高,假频干扰轻,而且计算速度比在时-空域实现要快许多。

    We have found from theoretical analysis and computation that τ - p transform using Fourier projection theorem in frequency domain brings higher accuracy , less aliasing and much faster computational speed than that in time-space domain .

  30. 结果表明,BI生长速度比BA快,产酸能力却弱,前者无明显的生长迟滞期,后者却相反。

    The results showed that BI grown faster than BA . Acidic ability of BI was lower than that of BA . There was not obvious delaying stage in growth curve of BI .