
  • Obsidian;black obsidian
  1. 一旦你有足够的黑曜石,激活神像。

    Once you have enough obsidian , activate the idols .

  2. 黑曜石是毛利人的神圣之物。

    Obsidian is sacred to the Maoris .

  3. 黑曜石:玩家实际上会发现瑞什曼的人很排外。

    Obsidian : You will indeed find the Rashemi to be xenophobic .

  4. 这下恶魔石级的镐成采黑曜石和地狱石必须品了。

    Hellstone and Obsidian now require at least a Demonite pick to gather .

  5. 黑曜石:总体来说,精灵在《背叛者的面具》里是个比较显著的角色。

    Obsidian : Spirits in general will play a prominent role in Mask of the Betrayer .

  6. 他是罪恶和悲惨厄运之神并且为黑曜石刀增添了一个崇拜物。

    He was the god of sin and misery and had a fetish for the obsidian knife .

  7. 在战斗中,他们狂暴而奋不顾身地冲进敌群,用他们黑曜石的爪子撕裂一切。

    In combat , they rush violently and blindly into the enemy , raking with their obsidian claws .

  8. 升级枯萎光环-增加黑曜石雕像的生命恢复的效果。

    Upgrade Aura of Blight - Increases the regenerative effect of the Obsidian Statue 's hit point regeneration .

  9. 斯芬克司形态-把黑曜石雕像变为一个强大的飞行单位.攻击地面和空中单位。

    Sphinx Form - Transforms the Obsidian Statue into a powerful flying unit . Attacks land and air units .

  10. 另一方面,黑曜石,是你完美的结晶,如果您的个人自尊和信心需要提升。

    On the other hand , Obsidian is a perfect crystal for you if your personal self-esteem and confidence needs a boost .

  11. 黑曜石:我们给瑞什曼人加入了新的发型,玩家可以自己选择。

    Obsidian : We are adding some new Rashemi heads and hair styles , which will also be available for players to choose .

  12. 黑曜石:我们考虑过增加枭头熊,但D&D里面的枭头熊应该是四条腿的生物。

    Obsidian : We thought about adding owlbears , but now owlbears in D & D are supposed to run around on four legs .

  13. 该岛被视为特殊的毛利土著人民的奥特雷(新西兰),部分原因是因为存在的黑色黑曜石。

    The island is considered special by Maori the indigenous people of Aotearoa ( New Zealand ) partly because of the presence of black obsidian .

  14. 黑曜石,是火山石的一种形态,因其坚固耐久而别具价值,在古代中美洲文明,包括萨巴特克和玛雅文明中,都是一种重要的资源。

    Obsidian , a form of volcanic rock valued for its strength and durability , was an important resource for ancient Mesoamerican cultures including the Zapotec and Maya .

  15. 在战争学院所处的黑曜石山脉深处,坐落着联盟中迄今为止最激烈的公正之地-岩浆议院。

    Deep within the obsidian mountain from which the Institute of War is sculpted lies the League 's most intense Field of Justice to date – the Magma Chamber .

  16. 死亡之翼成功的实现了他把黑龙和虚空龙的精华混合的企图,这创造出了危险的暮光龙,你可以在龙眠神殿的黑曜石圣殿中见到他们。

    Night of the Dragon sees Deathwing successful in his attempt to fuse Black Dragons with Nether Dragon essences , resulting in the dangerous Twilight Drakes seen in Wyrmrest Temple 's Obsidian Sanctum .

  17. 他的坐骑和铠甲都是灰色,但披风却是奔流城抖擞的蓝红相间图案,一尾用黄金和黑曜石精工打造、闪闪发光的黑鱼镶在他肩头。

    His horse and his armor were grey , but his cloak was the rippling blue-and-red of Riverrun , and a shiny black fish , wrought in gold and obsidian , pinned its folds against his shoulder .

  18. 尽管他们头发的色阶范围不一,可他们都有如同黑曜石般的眼眸,并且在他们的眼睛下都有深暗的阴影——瘀伤那样的紫色,好像都失眠了一宿似的,或者好像鼻子尚未痊愈似的。

    They all had very dark eyes despite the range in hair tones . They also had dark shadows under those eyes - purplish , bruiselike shadows . As if they were all suffering from a sleepless night , or almost done recovering from a broken nose .