
  • 网络SPARTAN;sparta;Spartiates
  1. 但你却有其他斯巴达人所没有的天赋。

    But you have another talent unlike any other spartan .

  2. 每个斯巴达人用他的盾牌。

    Each Spartan protects the man to his left .

  3. PRAP的陶器碎片还表明,随着斯巴达人的失败,人口开始向农村扩散。

    With the defeat of Sparta , PRAP 's sherd patterns also show , the population spread out through the countryside .

  4. 即使剩下的希腊也屈服,斯巴达人也将会出战。

    The Spartans will fight , even ifthe rest ofGreece submits .

  5. 跟着她来的不仅仅是斯巴达人。

    It 's not just the Spartans coming after her .

  6. 只有坚强的人,才能自称斯巴达人。

    Only the hard and strong may call themselves Spartans .

  7. 斯巴达人也一样残酷地拒绝了�

    The Spartans , too were cruel to reject you .

  8. 冲啊!让斯巴达人看看,我们能干什么。

    Go ! Show the Spartans what we can do .

  9. 告诉斯巴达人我们会留在此地完成使命。

    Tell the Spartans that we are staying here obedient to theirword .

  10. 论斯巴达人的优生思想及其实践

    On the Eugenic Thought of the Spartans and Their Practice

  11. 而其他人可以用看的学学斯巴达人。

    And the rest can learn from watching the spartans .

  12. 我们得让斯巴达人知道这些。

    We must let the Spartans in the pass know about this .

  13. 骑兵将会惊吓斯巴达人并活抓他们。

    The cavalrywill surprise the Spartans and take them alive .

  14. 波斯使者:斯巴达人!放下你们的武器!

    Persian Officer : Spartans , lay down your weapons .

  15. 老者们说我们斯巴达人是,希腊大力神的后裔

    The old ones say we Spartans are descended from Hercules himself .

  16. 古斯巴达人常遗弃他们不要的婴儿。

    The ancient Spartans used to expose babies that they did not want .

  17. 在很长的一个时期里,斯巴达人证明了他们自己在陆上是无敌的。

    For a long time , the Spartans proved themselves invincible on land .

  18. 我们是加州罗斯维尔初中的斯巴达人!

    We are Spartans from Junior High.Roseville , California .

  19. 引导我的士兵过密道,直至可恶的斯巴达人后面

    Lead my soldiers to the hidden path that enters behind the cursed Spartans

  20. 份地是供普通斯巴达人享用的;

    Lots were for the common run of Spartans ;

  21. 这一战结束了斯巴达人军事上的伟大地位。

    This was the end of their military greatness .

  22. 可是大家都等斯巴达人先死。

    But everybody expects the Spartans to die first .

  23. 当这名男婴出生后,必须像每个斯巴达人一样接受检验。

    When the boy was born like all Spartans , he was inspected .

  24. 人群中只有一人还保持着斯巴达人贯有的审慎。

    Only one among us keeps his Spartan reserve .

  25. 但是只有一个人能保护着斯巴达人。

    Only one amongst us keeps his Spartan reserve .

  26. 因为他以斯巴达人的身份回到他的族人中去或者根本就回不去。

    For he would return to his people as Spartan or not at all .

  27. 斯巴达人、民兵们、自由的奴隶们。

    Spartans , citizen soldiers , freed slaves .

  28. 可是斯巴达人一个一个地倒下了。

    But one by one the Spartans fell .

  29. 让斯巴达人也瞧瞧我们的厉害

    Show the Spartans what we can do .

  30. 斯巴达人决不撤退、决不投降

    Spartans never retreat . Spartans never surrender .