
bù lóng dí
  • Burundi
布隆迪[bù lóng dí]
  1. SEC详述的一起实例显示,必和必拓在2007年末至2008年初开始与布隆迪矿业部长就一项镍矿勘探许可证进行谈判之前,就已经向其发出了参加奥运会的邀请。

    In one instance detailed by the SEC , BHP began to negotiate with the mining minister in Burundi over a nickel exploration permit in late 2007 and early 2008 , having already issued an invitation to attend the Olympics .

  2. 随着政府宣称在战斗中取得了重大的胜利,乌干达和布隆迪国防部长上周赶赴摩加迪沙,对过渡联邦政府以及非洲联盟驻索马里任务AMISOM的进展情况进行评估。

    With the government claiming significant gains as a result of the fighting , the defense chiefs of both Uganda and Burundi were in Mogadishu last week to the progress of the transitional federal government , as well as the African Union mission in Somalia , known as AMISOM .

  3. AMISOM拥有由乌干达和布隆迪组成的8000人的部队,主要驻扎在摩加迪沙。

    AMISOM maintains a force of about 8000 Ugandan and Burundian troops that are based in Mogadishu .

  4. 索马里过渡联盟政府由前伊斯兰叛军谢赫·谢里夫·谢赫·艾哈迈德(SheikhSharifSheikhAhmed)领导,受到乌干达和布隆迪士兵组成的非洲联盟维和部队的支持。

    The Transitional Federal Government , which is headed by former Islamist rebel Sheikh Sharif Ahmed , is by an African Union peacekeeping force Ugandan and Burundian soldiers .

  5. 布隆迪部队是炭炉的主要用户。

    Burundi 's army is the main user of peat stoves .

  6. 布隆迪年独立后乌松布拉改名为布琼布拉。

    Usumbura was renamed Bujumbura when Burundi became independent in 1962 .

  7. 卢旺达、布隆迪和乌干达有最好的土壤。

    The best soils are in Rwanda , Burundi and Uganda .

  8. 布隆迪和平进程调解人的联合国高级顾问

    Senior United Nations Advisor to the Facilitator of the Burundi peace process

  9. 难民事务高级专员卢旺达/布隆迪行动特使

    Special Envoy of the High Commissioner for the Rwanda / Burundi Operation

  10. 但是布隆迪政府也计划把炭炉卖给平民百姓。

    But the country plans to sell peat stoves to civilians , too .

  11. 塞拉里昂与布隆迪被选定为最先两个受益国。

    Sierra Leone and Burundi have been designated as the first two beneficiaries .

  12. 民族解放阵线还在和布隆迪政府打内战。

    The FNL is still fighting a civil war with the Burundian government .

  13. 布隆迪高岭土及其应用的研究

    An Investigation of Burundi Kaolin and its Uses

  14. 青年党还威胁将袭击布隆迪首都布琼布拉。

    Al-Shabab has also made new threats to target Burundi 's capital , Bujumbura .

  15. 他还讲到了他和布隆迪人民结下的亲密友谊。

    He also told of the intimate friendship he had formed with the burudi people .

  16. 布隆迪和平进程调解人

    Facilitator of the Burundi Peace Process

  17. 援助布隆迪、卢旺达、坦桑尼亚和扎伊尔境内难民和流利失所者区域紧急行动;

    Regional emergency operation for refugees and displaced persons in burundi , rwanda , Tanzania and zaire ;

  18. 1995年中心情报局举办了一个竞赛,看谁能够收集到关于“布隆迪”的最多信息。

    In1995 the CIA held a contest to see who could compile the most data about Burundi .

  19. 英国政府已将阿拉伯联合酋长国、布隆迪和卢旺达列入旅行禁令名单。

    The British government has the United Arab Emirates , Burundi and Rwanda its travel ban list .

  20. 2009年,在布隆迪发现一起病例,与同一传播链有联系。

    In2009 , a case was detected in Burundi , which was linked to the same transmission chain .

  21. 如今,他的祭日,12月29日,成了布隆迪的一个固定节日。

    The day of his death , December 29th , is now a fixture in Burundi 's calendar .

  22. 布隆迪政府在2004年成立了一个委员会,负责监督少年兵遣散和帮助他们重新融入社会的问题。

    The government established a Commission in2004 to oversee the demobilization and reintegration of child soldiers into civil society .

  23. 比利时属东非:比利时托管的前卢旺达-乌隆迪地区,现分为两个独立国家,卢旺达和布隆迪。

    The former Belgian trust territory of Ruanda-Urundi , now divided into the independent countries of Rwanda and Burundi .

  24. 在过去,婚姻在卢旺达和布隆迪是基于两个家庭之间的关系。

    In the past , marriage in Rwanda and Burundi was based on the relations between the two families .

  25. 布隆迪警方在首都布琼布拉的一场激烈交火中击毙三名枪手。

    The police in Burundi have killed three gunmen after a heavy exchange of fire in the capital Bujumbura .

  26. 在1990年前,布隆迪与布基纳法索的增长率及收入水平相似(见图)。

    Until 1990 Burundi and Burkina Faso had similar rates of growth and levels of income ( see chart ) .

  27. 。”布隆迪政府在2004年成立了一个委员会,负责监督少年兵遣散和帮助他们重新融入社会的问题。

    The government established a Commission in 2004 to oversee the demobilization and reintegration of child soldiers into civil society .

  28. 位于布隆迪首都布琼布拉的联合国布隆迪综合办事处需要提供旅行服务。

    The United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi at Bujumbura , Burundi has a requirement for the Provision of Travel Services .

  29. 来自索马里的班图人在爱达荷州建起了农场,来自布隆迪的难民们在华盛顿州的西雅图种起了庄稼。

    There are Somali Bantus farming in Boise , Idaho , and refugees from Burundi growing crops in Seattle , Washington .

  30. 由于惧怕遭到由图西族人控制的军队的屠杀,他们不敢返回布隆迪国内。

    Because of fears of killing by troops under control of the Tutsi people , they dared not return to Burundi .