
  • 网络BRIGGS;Stephen Briggs
  1. 皮特—布里格斯公司

    Pitt , Briggs & Co.

  2. 乔恩•布里格斯(JonBriggs)手机里的语音信息听起来就是这种感觉。

    That is what the voice message on Jon Briggs 's phone sounds like .

  3. 布里格斯很喜欢Siri,一直在使用它,尤其用来安排日程。

    Mr Briggs loves Siri and uses it all the time , particularly to schedule appointments .

  4. 苹果从未证实过各版本Siri语音的来源,并拒绝对布里格斯的文章发表评论。

    Apple has not confirmed any of the various voices used for Siri and declined to comment for this article .

  5. 迈尔斯-布里格斯测试(Myers-Briggs)不会说谎。

    The Myers-Briggs test doesn 't lie .

  6. 布里格斯说,他还曾失去一份为雷丁(Reading)公交车配音的工作邀约,因为当地雇主微软(Microsoft)发现,伴随其雇员上下班的或许将是其竞争对手苹果(Apple)的声音。

    An offer of work to provide the voice for Reading 's bus service was rescinded , he claims , after local employer , Microsoft , discovered that the voice of a competitor , Apple , might be escorting its employees to work .

  7. 实际上,自从3年前,现年50岁的布里格斯发文章披露自己是英国版Siri的配音者以后,苹果就不再使用他的声音。

    In fact , the 50-year-old 's voice was dropped by Apple three years ago after he disclosed that he was the person behind the UK version of Siri .

  8. “在新的赛季即将到来之时,我面临着很多不同的选择、很多不同的决定,”布里格斯在接受ESPN采访时表示。

    " There are a lot of different options , a lot of different decisions , that could happen as the season comes closer ," Briggs told ESPN .

  9. 大气稳定度是影响扩散的重要因素,通过比较,本文选用P-G扩散曲线法对大气稳定度进行分级,选择布里格斯法确定扩散参数。

    Atmospheric stability is an important influence factor for diffusion . Through compare P-G Diffusion Curve is selected for classification of atmosphere stability and Briggs is selected to confirm diffusion parameters .

  10. 安吉洛表示他并没有用布里格斯交换其他球员的计划。

    Angelo has said he has no plans to trade Briggs .

  11. 布里格斯的朋友们常常抱怨他们无法摆脱他。

    Friends often complain they cannot get rid of him .

  12. 我发现你的相片一张旧的在布里格斯家里。

    ' We found your picture-an old one-in Mr Briggs ' house .

  13. 布里格斯非常肯定遵守时间的必要性。

    Briggs was very definite about the need for punctuality .

  14. 你觉得有多远,布里格斯?

    About how far in would you say , briggs ?

  15. 他们的卫星导航系统和自动电话系统都用了布里格斯的声音。

    His voice is on their satnav and on automated telephone systems .

  16. 布里格斯在街角拐弯,往利昂娜·基什家驶去。

    Briggs turns a corner to head to Leona Kish 's house .

  17. 老人微笑着慢慢起身,招呼布里格斯。

    He smiles and gets up slowly to greet her .

  18. 托泽指着那位石头般的学生说,那才是布里格斯。

    and Tozer pointing out the stony pupil , said that was Briggs .

  19. 至于布里格斯,他的父亲决不要弄手腕。

    As to Briggs , his father made no show of artifice about it .

  20. 布里格斯从未和苹果签订过任何合同。

    In any case , Mr Briggs had not signed a contract with Apple .

  21. 对于这项别扭的技术,她比布里格斯悲观的多。

    She is far more gloomy about the creep of technology than Mr Briggs .

  22. 熊队有可能满足布里格斯的条件,或者接受两个首轮选秀名额。

    The Bears could match any offer for Briggs or receive two No.1 draft picks .

  23. 但是我信得过布里格斯。

    But I can count on briggs .

  24. 甚至连布里格斯(虽然他还没有开始学习)也参加了这个消遣;

    Even Briggs ( though he hadn 't begun yet ) partook of this dissipation ;

  25. 但在这个摩洛哥网站的条件下,布里格斯教授解释说,是特别的。

    But the conditions at this Moroccan site , Professor Briggs explained , were special .

  26. 因此,布里格斯对于假期完全不是满怀希望的;

    Briggs , therefore , was not at all sanguine on the subject of holidays ;

  27. 有时他为布里格斯在书中找到他常常找不到的地方;

    Sometimes he found places in books for Briggs , who was always losing them ;

  28. 如果布里格斯下赛季离开熊队,该队可能选择再次使用特权球员标签。

    If he sits out next season , the Bears could use the franchise tag again .

  29. 布里格斯微笑中走回她的汽车,一面掸掉身上的饼屑。

    Briggs walks back to her car smiling and brushing off a few stray cookie crumbs .

  30. 布里格斯则更谨慎一些。

    Mr Briggs is more circumspect .