- saturation;saturation level;degree of saturation

Influence of saturation level on dynamic stress concentration factor of a deeply-buried circular lining caused by an incident plane p_1 wave
The appropriate loading saturation level ( LSL ) of alkali-catalyzer was 10 % .
The Measuring Methods for the Saturation Exponent ( n ) in Archie Equation
Carbon / oxygen ( C / O ) log is mainly used in calculating oil saturation of reservoirs so as to determine oil and water layers .
Study on Shaly Sand Irreducible Water Saturation Calculation Method " U " Style Curve of Complex Resistivity of Shaly Sand
The soil pH is also significant positive correlation with Base Saturation , which is mainly restricted by Exchangeable Base Ca ~ ( 2 + ) .
β and fractal nature index H can be figured out according to spectrum analysis of reservoir parameters ( porosity , permeability , oil saturation , etc. )
At the same time , the changes of main frequency , frequency band and quality factor with the variations of gas saturation are analyzed .
Results of electrical experiment in petrophysics indicate that the increase of pyrite content results in the decrease of saturation index n , but the pore cementation factor m remains steady basically ;
The results show that percent air voids and percent of voids filled with asphalt in asphalt mixtures have great influence affect K value which indicates the extension of fatigue life .
Two simple crystal forms of TGS spontaneous nucleation crystals were also observed .
Some basic concepts such as porosity , saturation , effective stress , stress intensity factor , energy release rate and J integral are introduced .
Practice showed that the irreducible water saturations calculated by the method were in good agreement with mercury penetration experiment data .
Based on the mercury intrusion data , reservoirs are divided in four types according to the flow unit theory , permeability model and bound water saturation model in different type of reservoir are formed .
After treatment , lung function ( TLC , VC , DLco ), high resolution chest CT , mean oxygen saturation had different degrees of improvement .
Effects of Simulated High Altitude on Arterial Oxygen Saturation and Cardiac Index
With porosity increasing , gradient and intercept of AVO attributes are more sensitive to the changes of gas saturation than oil saturation .
The calculation of pressure field is based on Galerkin formula in this method as to reflecting discontinuity characteristic of water saturation in oil reservoir water flood .
The CCD camera was used to shot the freeway scene images , and the HSV color space values were converted from RGB values through image color space transformation .
Based on regressing the curves of average relative permeability in single well , that the oil saturation distribution , permeability ( K ) and average formation pressure have been gotten through seeking numerical solution to this two equations .
Forced expiratory volume in one second ( FEV_1 ) and SaO_2 were monitored before and after the procedure .
In the initial crystallization stage which the growing speed of supersaturation was more than the relaxing speed , the crystallization was situated in kinetic region of phase transformation reaction control .
A method for determining oil and water saturations in cores by volume ? _CT scanner was developed on the basis of X_ray hardening treatment , X_ray drifting correction , martix transformation of imagines and position correction of CT images with volume ?
Objective To study the rule of regional tissue oxygen saturation ( rSO_2 ) after the free fibular transplantation with non-invasive near-infrared spectroscopy ( NIRS ) quantitatively .
The treatment 4 ( 125.7g / pot ) can decrease the soil EA , while increase the soil pH 、 CEC 、 TEB 、 S % and promote crop growth in the trial .
Results There were no differences between intravenous and oral groups in sex , age , body weight , duration of hemodialysis , Hb values , ferritin and transferrin saturation before treatment .
An object extraction method was proposed based on the HIS ( hue , intensity and saturation ) color model , which could be used for weed robots .
The paper also studied the effects of porosity , fluid saturation in diphasic medium ( water gas and oil gas ) and change of overburden pressure on reflection wave AVO .
The correlated risk factors with memory changes in SAS patients were educational levels , sleep latency , percentage of slow wave sleep or rapid eye movement sleep , arousals and minimum arterial oxygen saturation .
The time when consciousness loss and recovery occurred , dosage of propofol for anesthesia maintenance , mean arterial blood pressure ( MAP ), heart rate ( HR ) and oxygen saturation ( SpO2 ) were recorded .