
  • 网络Bloom;broome;broom;blum;brom
  1. 该教学方法的部分依据来自于芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)教育心理学家本杰明•布鲁姆在大约30年前进行的研究。

    It is partly based on research conducted around 30 years ago by University of Chicago educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom .

  2. 本文提出了一种基于双计数布鲁姆过滤器的哈希表(Double-counterBloomfilteredHashTable,DBHT)。

    We propose a Double-counter Bloom filtered Hash Table ( DBHT ) .

  3. 彼得•弗兰科潘(PeterFrankopan)著有《丝绸之路:一部新的世界史》(TheSilkRoads:ANewHistoryoftheWorld),由英国布鲁姆斯伯里出版公司(Bloomsbury)和美国克诺普夫出版公司(Knopf)出版

    Peter Frankopan is author of The Silk Roads : A New History of the World , published by Bloomsbury ( UK ) and Knopf ( USA )

  4. 该方法通过一种对标准Bloomfilter改进的方法一独立哈希布鲁姆过滤(IndependentHashBloomFilter,IHBF)方法对异常报文的TCP五元组信息进行存储和聚类分析。

    This method saves and analyzes clustering information of the five-tuple by an improved Bloom Filter method & IHBF ( Independent Hash Bloom Filter ) method .

  5. 一种面向DPI的内存高效的布鲁姆过滤器研究

    Research on a Memory-Efficient Bloom Filter for DPI

  6. 詹森•布鲁姆(JasonBlum),迪迪•加纳(DedeGardner),丹特•迪•罗瑞托(DanteDiLoreto)也将担任该片制片人。

    Jason Blum , Dede Gardner and Dante Di Loreto will also serve as executive producers .

  7. 布鲁姆说道,人无完人,“每个人都曾经历过道歉,只是没有人愿意说出来而已,”CEO有时也难免。

    Nobody 's perfect , and " everybody has an apology story , if they 're willing to tell it , " Bloom notes - including the occasional CEO .

  8. 在《秘谍夫妻》中,特工萨曼莎•布鲁姆(SamanthaBloom)不在异国他乡追踪俄罗斯军火贩子的时候,便在洛杉矶经营一家餐馆。

    In'Undercovers , 'special agent Samantha Bloom runs a Los Angeles catering business , when she 's not chasing down Russian arms dealers in exotic locales .

  9. 但瑞士银行(ubs)负责英国及东北欧理财业务的马休布鲁姆森(matthewbrumsen)表示,这些专家也需要学习新的技能。

    But Matthew brumsen , head of wealth management for the UK , northern and Eastern Europe at UBS , says such people need to learn new skills .

  10. 大卫•贝克汉姆和奥兰多•布鲁姆分列第五、六位,紧随其后的分别为《绯闻女孩》男星爱德•维斯特维克、排在音乐排行榜上大热的JLS组合、裘德•洛和伊万•麦格雷格。

    David Beckham was fifth , followed by Orlando Bloom , Gossip Girl 's Ed Westwick , chart-toppers JLS , Jude Law and Ewan McGregor .

  11. 奥兰多•布鲁姆在庆祝完父亲节之后,这位迷人的英国演员和他可爱的小家伙18个月大的Flynn在6月17日的好莱坞享受着一个阳光明媚的下午。

    ORLANDO BLOOM After celebrating Father 's Day , the charming English actor and his fun-loving mini-me , 18-month-old Flynn , enjoy a sunny afternoon in Hollywood on June 17 .

  12. 实际上,《道歉的艺术》(ArtoftheApology:How,When,andWhytoGiveandAcceptApologies)一书的作者劳伦•M•布鲁姆认为:“很明显,你的老板仍在生你的气,所以,应该道歉,这没得选。”

    In fact , at this point , says Lauren M. Bloom , author of Art of the Apology : How , When , and Why to Give and Accept Apologies , " Since your boss is obviously still upset with you , not apologizing is not an option . "

  13. 针对传统的基于特征码的病毒过滤算法在实际运行中存在的效率问题,提出了一种基于矩阵型布鲁姆过滤器(MBF)的病毒过滤算法。

    Concerning the inefficient problem of traditional signature-based virus filtering algorithm in practice , a novel virus filtering algorithm based on Matrix Bloom Filter ( MBF ) was proposed .

  14. 但这种天然激素不适合商业开发,因此布鲁姆教授和伦敦帝国理工学院成立了一家独立公司thiakis,研制合成的“类似药物”。

    But the natural hormone was not suitable for commercial development so Prof bloom and Imperial College set up thiakis , a spin-off company , to develop a synthetic " analogue " .

  15. 布鲁姆医生,如果他曾经被不道德地操纵过

    Dr. Bloom , if he has been unethically manipulated somehow ,

  16. 不,你有哈佛的海姆利希和乔治敦的布鲁姆。

    No. You have Heimlich at Harvard and Bloom at Georgetown .

  17. 布鲁姆早期浪漫主义诗歌理论初探

    A Survey of Harold Bloom 's Early Critical Theory of Romantic Poetry

  18. 只不过度个周末,布鲁姆教授。

    It 's only for the weekend , professor broom .

  19. 布鲁姆操着纽约口音呼吁普世人性。

    Bloom spoke up for universal humanity in a New York accent .

  20. 兄弟们!出来见贝利德和布鲁姆!

    Guys ! Come say hello to bialystock and bloom !

  21. 布鲁姆医生和…莱克特医生救了我。

    Dr. Bloom and ... Dr. Lecter saved my life .

  22. 但如果你跟布鲁姆博士合作会更轻松…

    But if you are more comfortable with Dr. Bloom ...

  23. 对待不合规定的事时,我比布鲁姆医生宽容多了

    I am much more forgiving of the unorthodox than Dr. Bloom .

  24. 我邀你来完全是出于礼貌,布鲁姆医生。

    You 're here by invitation , by courtesy , Dr. Bloom .

  25. 试论布鲁姆掌握学习策略及其对教育工作者的借鉴意义

    On Blom 's Mastering Study Strategy and its referential significance to educational workers

  26. 矩阵型布鲁姆过滤器在病毒过滤防火墙中的研究

    Research of matrix bloom filter in virus filtering firewall

  27. 在布鲁姆餐厅共用晚餐,午夜护航回返

    dinner at Broome 's , I 'll have you home by midnight .

  28. 我当然信任你,布鲁姆医生

    Oh , I trust you , Dr. Bloom .

  29. 六种修正比&评布鲁姆的逆反诗论

    Six Revision Ratios & On Bloom 's Antithetical Criticism

  30. 接替他的是罗恩•布鲁姆。他曾经是工会官员。

    He will be replaced by Ron Bloom , a former union official .